The Urban Dao Child.

Chapter 327 - Take Command.

Chapter 327 - Take Command.


Yang Dao talked to Atsuji Kurogame about what he thought should be done but the latter asked him to visit the Crown and meet the leaders. The Dao Child could understand that the reason why Atsuji Kurogame suggested this was because of the support needed by the country's government. However, Yang Dao did not think things will be this easy. 

"The nuclear fusion will be built and developed independently by our company. We will give it up to the country to manage in the future but not now. If the world pressurized them to give the technology, they will have to do so in the name of the greater good. We do not need to. So I will not go to the crown. Old Abe is afraid to try new things and blend them." said Yang Dao. 

Atsuji Kurogame took the hint and said, "Let Yun send them a contract of cooperation. They will accept it if it is in the favor of the people." 

Feng Yun nodded. They all knew at this moment that Yang Dao was not interested in the country of the world. He has started to become detached from it all. The conversation continued with Yang Dao coming up with some new ideas such as how to make nature regain its balance and stuff. The four of them heard it all and they agreed to him. 

They were all more experienced than he was so they also provided him with a few better alternatives. The discussion taking place at this moment was going to change the world significantly. This was the power these people held. 

The chopper landed in the Dao Courtyard and Yang dao came down. he found that the two leopards were sitting in front of him looking very disciplined. They seemed to have lost their previous pet vibe but now they looked like guardian beasts or more like watchdogs in the canine unit. 

Loahu Bai said, "I took them with me and trained them. They now have the nobility of the elemental beast in this world. They are still weak though, but time will change everything." 

Yang Dao nodded and said, "Shadow and Luster can follow me to the battlefield in the few days to come." 

Ryu Jinshi nodded and said, "It will be good for them to train and hone their skill. Besides the people you will be dealing with are not normal people but all sorts of scums of the world so there will be no emotional baggage."

Yang Dao walked inside the house and found RALF, the artificial robot he had uploaded with the AI program to be waiting for them. It crisply turned around and said, "Welcome home, Master." 

Feng Yun said, "I took the initiative to make some changes in the address and behavior of the bot. You can discover them later, but now you eat." then she turned to the kitchen and said, "Clemencia, serve the food." 

A voice responded, "Right away, Miss." 

Yang dao asked, "Where is Lisa?"

Feng Yun replied, "She had exams and passed them with flying colors. She is now a student at the National University. She choose to stay in the dorms until you came back." 

Yang Dao raised his eyebrows and asked, "Mid-term admissions?" 

Usually, the people would pass the exams and they would wait till the year ends to get enrolled. Feng Yun told him that the girl not only did clear the entrance exam but also nailed the top scholarship exam of the university to get enrolled. 

Yang Dao nodded and ate the food served with his usual demeanor. After dinner, he called back his friends and chatted. Lastly, he called Mary and asked her to gather all the big shots of the company to gather in the morning. 

He walked out of his room and found that Feng Yun had just sent the rest of the familiars back to their places and was coming back inside the house. He asked, "Yun, I have something to ask of you." 

His tone was not the cherry one. His aura was that of the Dao Child. The one who had accepted his identity completely and will now move according to his status. Feng Yun smiled and bowed, "What can the subordinate do for, Master?' 

Yang Dao said, with no hesitation, "Mobilization power of the Phoenix Group." 

Feng Yun nodded and said, "Finally, the handover documents can be used. I had them made the moment I went to meet you." 

Yang Dao nodded and said, "We move it in the morning. You are still the president of the group. I will go and sleep, you too get some." 

Feng Yun nodded and said, "Yes, Master." then she went to her room. 

This may seem a little too odd, but it was what they, the familiars, wished for. The Dao Child accepted his identity and this acceptance will lead to some changes such as this. It was not overwhelming but what the familiar spirits prepared for the first time they met Yang Dao. 

These changes also did not mean to transform the boy into a tyrant but he will not be a shy one from now on. To lead the world he was needed to walk at the forefront of this movement and this can only be done when he is confident and domineering. 

Deep down he did care for the people around him. However, now was not the time to show this care and love. He had too much to do and the time was too little. The night also seemed to have grown wings and flew away. 

Yang Dao woke up and cleaned himself. He discovered that in the days he spent in different realms he did not get dirty. But just as he came back to this world he had an urge to take a shower. That said, he dressed up in formal clothes and put on a black jacket to match his pants. He walked out of the room and had a light breakfast. 

He saw that Feng Yun was also ready in her red jacket and black jeans. The boy said, "Ride bikes?" 

Feng Yun seemed to have the ability to see the future as she was wearing sneakers instead of heels. She nodded with a smile as the two had breakfast. They walked out to the garage and other than cars, Feng Yun had also collected some bikes she liked. Yang Dao picked up a black bike while she picked up a red one. 

Yang Dao chuckled and said, "You are such a sucker for red." 

Feng Yun chuckled along and said, "Just like you are for black and white." 

Yang Dao nodded with a smile. Indeed, he was a sucker for the monotone. The two people rode out of the mansion and they were like streaks of two colors on the roads. The people did not know what it was that passed them on the side. The impeccable control the two had on the bikes was as if they were controlling their bodies. 

They rode for half an hour before they reached the office buildings. First, the two people walked inside the Phoenix Group office, The Ruby Tower. The two people signed the ownership deed under the witness of the lawyers and the executives. They did not hold a big party or anything. To the duo, it will just slow them down. 

That done, Yang Dao called over all the people from the Dao Technologies to the Ruby Tower. The conference room was big enough to hold the executives of both the companies. Yang Dao was going to talk to them together.

In just ten minutes the people arrived. Mary saw Yang Dao standing behind Feng Yun, who sat on the boss chair, with his hand holding the chair. She knew something big was coming. She took her seat on the right of Feng Yun and the rest of the officials were all arranged as well. 

Yang Dao said without turning back his face to the people, "Now, I will talk about the goals of the company in the coming six months. Firstly, to accomplish the tasks we will be needing a lot of manpower. Pheonix group works in two shifts, still, the people have to put up over time. They cannot do any more work for us and still be healthy. 

Start hiring. We need two more batches of employees to run parallel to the current staff and work for us. Overtime is banished. The treatment they get is sufficient, but they're working to keep the job. Until they work fine there is no problem with keeping them. Understood?" 

The staff did not dare to say no after they heard the calm voice. They felt as if Feng Yun had taken over a male tone, the rest of the things were the same. The pressure they felt was even greater than Feng Yun's. 

They all replied, "Yes."

Yang Dao continued, "Promote the best employees and have them lead the new staff. Recruit more freshers. Target the universities, collaborate with them, and get this done. The executives will also be allotted to deal with the people together. I do not want any conflict, healthy competition is fine but if the company suffered, you can pack your stuff and leave before I have you thrown out." 

The boy was now a cold emperor leading his courtiers and had no other emotion in his mind. The next wave was the projects he had come up and the more the people heard the surprised they were. They did not think they could even complete half of what Yang Dao said, but they did not know all this would be aided by a being that could calculate much faster than them. 

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