The Urban Dao Child.

Chapter 368 - Cruelity.

Chapter 368 - Cruelity.

Hearing Yang Dao's words, the people gulped. Before anyone could say anything, Yang Dao had already walked toward the closed room. As he stood in front of the door, he rapped the door with his knuckle, and said, "Commander Victor, let me switch with you." 

The door opened after a few seconds, Victor looked out with a sunny smile on his face. The man said, "Dao, how are you?" 

Yang Dao said, "I have been well, Sir." as he saluted him. Victor returned the salute and said, "You taking the shift?" 

Yang Dao nodded and the two people exchanged places. Victor could tell by the look on Yang Dao's face that something serious was about to happen. The boy said, "Lisa." and turned to face the people inside the room

The pretty girl walked inside the room and closed the door behind her. Yang Dao scanned the few people with his cold gaze and said, "Lisa, hand me your gun." 

The girl nodded and unstrapped the black death star from her thigh and handed it to Yang Dao. Holding the gun, the latter looked at the people in the room. However, what he saw was not fear but contempt. A man sneered and said, "They sent a child to kill us, sinners. How ironic? Say boy do you dare to kill us, the girl behind you looks very s..." 


Yang Dao raised his hand and had taken the shot. The people in the room froze when they saw their inmate leaning against the wall with no movements at all. Slowly the bodyweight leaned to a side and the man fell leaving a bloody mark on the wall as he fell. 

Lisa also froze as she saw the scene in front of him. She had killed a lot of people in her mind but this was the first time she had ever witnessed the scene in reality. What surprised her was not the murder but how she felt that it all did not matter to her. Yang Dao seemed to have looked inside her mind and said, "You will have to blend the two Lisa, only then can you be reborn." 

The girl took his hint and nodded. Yang Dao said, "Luster, Shadow, come out."  action

He had taken the two beasts last night when he came here. The reason he took them out is to simply intimidate the people. The people were scared witless to see the two giant beasts. Sensing the intention Yang Dao had in his mind, the two beasts roared. The roar not only shook the people physically but also their souls. 

People outside the room were shaken as well. When they heard the gun shot, they were surprised but the roar shocked them pale. They had no idea about what had just happened inside the room. The room was not soundproof enough. 

Yang Dao said, "Luster, have you ever eaten a human being?" 

The people inside the room were so scared that they knelt down on the floor. They did not expect this young man to be so cruel. Before the guy could say anything Yang Dao said, "You people have been sinning and doing cruel things all your lives, now why do you seem so scared? My friends here have another skill, you know? They can cast spells." 

Yang Dao placed a hand on Shadow's head and the beast licked her lips. Yang Dao said, "I do not want them to be resting at all. They do not deserve any comfort." 

As soon as the words dropped, Luster's gaze flickered and next moment spikes grew beneath the four people. The all stood up from the floor in a hurry. Someone asked, "What do you want from us?" 

Yang Dao smiled and said, "You will know in the due time." He waved his hand a formed a whip of flame. The nature did not allow them to harm those who were innocent but these peopel were the scum among scum. 

He flicked his wrist and the whipe hit the people with snapping sounds. The flames were so hot that it left burnt marks all over their bodies. The room echoed with screams of mercy and curses. Yang Dao stopped whipping the people only after ten minutes. 

Ten minutes and forty lashes, ten for each person. He said, "Lisa, your turn. Extract the whole thing."

Lisa nodded and stepped forward. For the rest of the time, Yang Dao stood in the back as he recorded all this in a mobile camera. He was surprised by some of the details of the process. The planning of this racket was so through that he almost complimented them. 

Yang Dao knew the reason they could have such a planning. The person, or the mastermind of this plan was none other than the AI developed by Omega, the leader of New Dawn. After RALF had taken action against them. The people have also started to learn from them. Omega was not a fool who would not be able to figure out that the reason Yang Dao was able to take them out of the Jewel nation and a lot of other places was because of external aid. 

Yang Dao also did not mind his opponent being able to figure his moves out and develop a counter strategy. He would take this instance to learn about his opponent. The phone he used to record the confession and interrogation was uplinked to RALF. The AI was evolving and learning a millions of strategies and counter tactics at this movement. 

The AI was advanced enough to create an algorithm based on the video and then it applied combinations and perutations to the mix. After half an hour of interrogation Yang Dao came out of the room and said, "I left four alive." 

Suddenly he raised his wrist and the watch showed lunch time. He said, "May I leave for lunch Also, what are you all eating here?" 

Lin smiled and said, "We have good food delivered by the personnel below us daily, so do not worry." 

Yang Dao nodded and after a few minutes of discussion he decided to go back to the orphanage. 

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