The Urban Dao Child.

Chapter 376 - Change The Game.

Chapter 376 - Change The Game.

Yang Dao peeked inside the kitchen and found that the lady in a white shirt and red pleated skirt was untying her apron. He sighed and said, "I am late." 

Feng Yun chuckled and said, "Dao, you are in time. Also, do not forget that late is better than never." 

The boy smiled and then helped her take the food out to the table. The dishes were something Yang Dao has never before seen or eaten. He asked, "What is this?" 

Feng Yun said, "It is your typical tofu soup but I replaced the spice proportion and also, the tofu is replaced by cottage cheese." 

Yang Dao said, "I do not know if this was a good idea but tell me a little something, how did you come to the point to make this?" 

"Trial and error." said the lady. Yang Dao shook his head and Feng Yun continued, "Your thinking that making changes to the natural things is a bad thing. I agree with that but do you know that if we were to eat all these things in their natural state, we will be cavemen." 

Yang Dao was surprised and then he broke out in a chuckle. He said, "Funny, how I agree with what you said." 

The essence of this small talk was that the same thing done by different people has a different meaning. This principle applied to all the things in the world. So things must be done but with a concern of nature, and Karma.

The two people ate the food and Yang Dao said, "Yun, the data has been segregated. See to it that this data is circulated among the educational department and imply that everyone who can exercise according to this plan, will have a better chance to become an elemental in the future. Even if they did not become elemental, their lifespan and physical performance will be upgraded for the better.  Make sure that society does not get divided." 

Feng Yun heard and nodded as she replied, "Yes, Master." 

She knew what he was worried about. Yang Dao did not wish for the elementals to form groups of their own. People with flawed personalities will make the whole world chaotic so he had to think about this as well. He had mentioned a team forming method among the students. This four people team will have all the elements in it making it balanced. 

This was all he could think of about doing at the moment. The rest will be left for the leaders of the country to decide upon. He had mentioned his concerns in the data file clearly and this new file will be forwarded to the premiere directly. Old Abe had his faith and ways corrected not long ago so he would not be making any mistakes in the process. 

Yang Dao nodded and asked, "When can we leave for the sacred realm?" 

Feng Yun said, "Atsuji Kurogame said that it is Shiro's exams in the school. So he asked if we could wait for a couple of days. He is the child's family now and it would be a good thing for him to be there." 

Yang Dao raised his eyebrow and nodded. He said, "Very well, they seem to be sincere about this." 

Feng Yun nodded and said, "They are. I will first go and visit Premiere Abraham and have an in-depth discussion with him about this." 

Yang Dao nodded and said, "I will set a special command in RALF's source code. After we ascend he will monitor how the world will work."

Feng Yun froze a bit and then nodded. She realized that the boy did not want a human to monitor the humans. She stood up and after bowing slightly to him, she left the house to meet with the premiere. Yang Dao nodded to her and he got up from the chair. He decided to take a ride around the city and see the changes. 

The last time when he was in the city, he did not have the time to pay attention to the changes. Also, he thought he should meet up with Icarus and the rest of his friends, after all, he had not been very social in the past few days. 

He stood up and after picking out his phone he made a call to Icarus. 

Tring, Tring...

The call connected and an indifferent voice sounded, "Moshi Moshi, who is it?" 

Yang Dao said, "I apologize but I have been busy with a lot of important stuff. Now can you please stop being grumpy?" 

Icarus said, "Don't you act as nothing has happened. You vanish after a blink. Your party for graduating is due. Also, I do not even know what happened to the class representative. She did not resume studies after the year-end." 

Yang Dao was surprised and said, "Does Sasha has no idea about it?" 

Icarus sighed and said, "If she had any idea, would I be here? Dealing with you? Mofo, get your ass over to the circuit. You have to race to get forgiveness." 

Yang Dao sighed and said, "What race are we talking about?" 

Icarus said, "Car race ofcourse." 

Yang Dao chatted with him for a bit and after they confirmed the timing of the meeting. The boy sat down in his car and then vroomed out to the meeting spot. He drove his old Quinn. This car has been restored by the company. This car was perfect for track racing.  action

The boy left the house earlier so that he could cruise in the city. He gazed at the glowing streets and flickering hoardings. The world also gazed back at him. The girls on the side of the people driving lev cars looked at him with a mix of emotions. The technology of lev vehicles was relatively new, but it had taken over the world by storm. 

Yang Dao was standing out this time, not because he drove the Quinn but because it was driving on the road. It was not the rules of the game that has changed but the game itself has changed. 

Robots looking over humanity but never acting blatantly against it, cars floating in the void, and not driving on the road. 

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