The Urban Dao Child.

Chapter 4 - Trash.

Chapter 4 - Trash.

Yang Dao walked down the stage, his destination, The Library. Although he was a new student the principal had allowed him 24*7 access. This was what he wanted. Yang Dao always thought that books were better than some snobs. He was actually right about this in a way. Yang Dao left the assembly hall in large strides. He ignored all the rich boys and even girls. Which was like a slap to their faces. Though the rich girls here were also very happy that he did not choose someone else. They won't be bothering such a charming boy.

But the silk-pant boys thought that even if this guy scored the perfect score he should come and bow down to them. After all, they had money. Yang Dao's ignorance was not a slap to their face but it was like he spat on their faces under the eyes of the whole grade. A rich boy looked at his peer and said, "Humph, ignoring us as if he is the king. This dirt-blood has eyes in the sky. He looks down on us."

A blonde-haired boy said, "Jack, I feel like. He is arrogant because of his face. How about we break his face. Also hands too. Hehehe..."

The other rich boys exchanged a glance, they were somewhat hesitant. A muscular guy wearing a thick gold chain spoke, "Just bruise his face. Don't be too excessive. Rather than physical torment, break his spirit. He is a dirt-blood, I want to see how big is his spirit. Let's go, catch him before he enters the Library."

"Yes, brother Tyson." The group spoke. This man was Tyson Carlos, son of the owner of Paradise Hotel Group. This was one of the top hotel groups on Liro. You can guess the arrogance. The group followed the lead of this boy to capture Yang Dao.


Yang Dao was walking at a normal pace. His hands were inside his pants, although the sun was high in the sky there was always a cool breeze around Yang Dao. He always felt comfortable regardless of the weather. One time a little girl was lost and it was the winter season. She was crying as she could not find her mother. Fortunately, she met Yang Dao. Maybe because the girl was very young. She was shivering in the cold breeze despite having some woolens clothes on. So Yang Dao stepped forward and offered her his only jacket and carried her in his arms. Only after two hours did they found her mother who was also looking for the child all around with a nervous expression on her face. Turns out the girl mixed up their meeting place and walked to another block.

The temperature was freezing cold but Yang Dao was totally fine. As smart as he was, how can he not understand that there was something unusual with his body. But despite all the research through the books and legends. He could not find anything to define what it was inside him. And he was afraid to go to the doctors, in case they turned him into a lab rat which would be a terrifying experience.

So he convinced himself that it was a blessing of the gods. As a child who grew up in an orphanage. He always believed that there is some higher existence that he cannot describe or explain in the terms of science and reason. Though he believed in this existence it was not so much that it could defy his sense of reason.

Yang Dao was about fifty meters away from the Library when he heard some engines roaring behind him. He did not even look back and shook his head. He knew what these cars were coming for. All sorts of luxury cars encircled him. They were all sports cars. The doors opened and boys in branded clothes stepped down the cars. They had different hair colors, eyes, and body types but one thing was similar among them. That was the unbridled arrogance on their faces.

A blonde-haired boy leaned back on his car engine. He spoke to Yang Dao who stood in the center of this circular formation, "Hey, do you think you are a big shot? How dare you not greet us? Do you not know the difference in your status? Filthy Dirt-blood."

These words were very rude and offending but Yang Dao did not react and stood there with indifference on his face. He hated this kind of people the most. But his silence was mistaken as his weakness.

Another boy spoke, "Still not apologizing, Jack, looks like he does not put you in his eyes. Hahaha..." his words were adding the fuel to the fire.

Jack was the blonde-haired boy. He wore black attire, making his fair complexion very handsome, yet it was still lacking in comparison to Yang Dao. Jack spoke again with scorn on his face, "He is just an ant in my eyes, but you dare to tease me? Do you want to lose a layer of skin too, Matthew?"

The boy who teases him was called Mattew Tartarus. Their family was a big name in the country. Just like Jack's and they were always competing. So Matthew only chuckled at this threat. Jack focused on Yang Dao again, "Hey, dirt-blood. Still do not come over to greet us. I give you a count to three. If you still did not speak. I will have you crawling on the floor for the rest of your life."

His threat made even the rich people feel chills down their spines. Jack was known to have made the people who offended him crawl for the rest of their lives by breaking their spines. This was a brutal method. They would not want to experience it even in their dreams. Matthew had a playful smile on his face. He wanted to see this Yang Dao broken.

Jack counted in a deep voice, "One... two... three... Okay, Bosco, come and break him."

Matthew spoke in a low voice, "Shit, it's Bosco. Jack is serious. Damn this thing will be troublesome."

A boy with gray dyed hair spoke, "Brother Matthew, is this not getting overboard? This is still the university campus, I have heard that the principal here is very strict." action

Matthew did not reply but Tyson spoke, "It's okay, we will handle it. It's just a little dirt-blood." his words were enough to make every one silent

Bosco was his butler and bodyguard. This man was specially trained in advanced martial arts. He used to be a mercenary in the past but Jack's father spent a hundred million to get this man to guard his son. This man was capable of killing 20 people as strong as an average soldier with his bare hands. Bosco stepped up from behind Jack. He was a muscular man with a wide jaw face. A scar on his nose and eyebrow making him look very dominating and fierce. He walked slowly towards Yang Dao. He spoke as he stepped forward, "Why do you not bow down? Do you not know, those who do not bow to the strong winds will break?"

Yang Dao did not react but kept looking at his feet. As soon as Bosco was one meter away from him, the boy in the blue shirt moved. He took a left foot forward, firmly put it on the ground and his right leg whipped out. A simple and straight kick aiming for the abdomen of the opponent. The surrounding people did not even have a chance to react. When Bosco clutched his belly with his hands. His body trembled, he found it hard to breathe. Raised his head with difficulty and glanced at the boy in front of him with a shocked expression on his face.

He could not even speak. He locked eyes with Yang Dao and the indifference in those eyes made him feel scared. He, Bosco, the killing machine was scared of this kid? Everyone was ready t shout when they heard a calm and cold voice, "Trash."

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