The Urban Dao Child.

Chapter 433 - God King.

Chapter 433 - God King.

Yang Dao returned back to the moon base after a few hours and he found that everyone was working just fine. They did not have any recollection of what happened to them. This may look unscientific but what about elementalism and the great dao was scientific?

Tanya greeted him with a smile and asked, "Where did you go? The location was out of the surveillance." 

Yang Dao smiled and told them about the sceneries he saw. He also, transferred the footage back to Liro for the masses to see. The data transmitted also contained a few pictures of the crew working in the bunker. 

Lin asked him with a gaze whether he completed his trial or not. Yang Dao nodded and then began to help people complete their tasks. 


Back at the Dao Courtyard, Atsuji Kurogame appeared with a solemn face. Feng Yun asked, "How did he do?" 

This was not a trial of the Dao but sort of a pre-test for the Dao Child to be able to get into the sacred realm governed by the old man. He heard the question and said, "Outwitted me, as expected. His potential is terrible." 

Laohu Bai commented, "He is the Dao Child, after all. It has to be this way." 

Ryu Jinshi nodded and asked in a low voice, "Why did we never find the same thing in those previous generations? Why him?" 

Atsuji Kurogame sighed and said, "Because we controlled them." 

Feng Yun raised her eyebrow and asked, "What do you mean?" 

"What I mean is, that we met those children early on, did not give them any time, and taught them all that we could from the first moment. They did not understand the significance of it because of our indirect control. We decided nothing for them, let them be how they want to be but always under our noses. 

Yang Dao is a different boy, we controlled him but never kept him under our noses. He had been working from an age when other children just pick their noses. He has seen the difficulties of life and the importance of responsibility. This was his own choice, despite being under our control. 

Dao says extreme control gives birth to impulse while extreme impulse makes you restrained. Do you now understand, why him?" explained the old man. 

The three people nodded and they all began to discuss when to take him to the sacred realm. Feng Yun said, "Eldest, let us decide this when he has come back from the expedition."

The people nodded and the topic was put to rest for the time being. They had to deal with a few things before they could take Yang Dao out this time.  action


The boy helped the crew on the moon to take logs and collect samples of the soil to see what minerals are buried here and if they can harvest some without damaging the place's integrity. After spending a total time of seventy hours on the moon. The crew rode their hoverboards back to the spacecraft. 

Yang Dao helped them load up and secure the samples they have collected and got in the pilot seat. He pressed a button on the control panel and said, "Command, this is Fluid three, do you copy?"

The command center replied after a few minutes lag, "This is the command. Go ahead Fluid Three." 

Yang Dao said, "We are leaving Titania. Over." 

"Affirmative command, all the best." replied the command center. 

Yang Dao relayed a few more messages and then said to the crew, "Strap in guys. We are leaving." 

Tanya sighed and said, "Can we not have a home here, it looks so beautiful." 

Krum chuckled and said, "Home is Liro, this place will always be a camping trip." 

Yang Dao smiled and did not say anything. He asked, "Ready?" 

The people replied to him verbally, then he pressed a few switches and began to operate the joystick. The spacecraft slowly left the surface of the moon. The boy pushed the lever and the engines began to push them forward. After completing a circle the spacecraft headed back to the space station. 

Lin asked, "Similar ETA?" 

Yang Dao shook his head after looking at the monitor as he said, "Eight hours." 

The lady nodded and they traveled the space. After eight hours they docked with the space station, moved the samples back to the fluid one, while Yang Dao checked the system on the station. They boarded the spacecraft and the RALF bot controlled it to take them back to Liro. 

The re-entry was smooth and the hearts of everyone paying attention to the landing were relieved. Following the landing, the whole world began to celebrate. This was an achievement for all of them. The crew was immediately thrown in front of hungry wolves of the media. The wolves devoured everything they could from them. 

Yang Dao also released the videos they had recorded inside the space bunker and outside. There was one instance that was loved by everyone, Krum as the senior-most person of the crew aging forty-four, was mimicking Lin as she was telling everyone their tasks. 

At the end of the conference, Yang Dao was asked, "President Feng, what do you wish to accomplish now?" 

Yang Dao replied, "It would depend on you all." 

The people were confused as the boy went on to say, "I wish to set up a city on the moon. This city will have everything one might need to live. However, this does not mean, you can own a piece of it. You will be allowed to live on the moon city but only for a limited period. This period will be decided by how your character is. The moon will not be exploited like Liro." 

The world was shocked, they did not expect him to have such a ridiculous goal. However, after the shock came a wave of fervor. The conference ended and Yang Dao came to his bedroom in the hotel. This suite had a swimming pool. Yang Dao took a dip in it and comparing the sensation he had back on the moon, he said, "So, this is the feeling." 

At this moment, the three halo's over his head began to glow.

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