The Urban Dao Child.

Chapter 454 - Overlord Yue.

Chapter 454 - Overlord Yue.

Yang Dao stood in front of a huge ship that was made up of unknown material. He was looking at it with sparkling eyes. Yue Yun held his hand as they stood. They had already said farewell to the rest of the Yang Family, and not only Yue Ling and Yang Shan were standing behind him to see him off. 

Madam Yue asked him earlier, about how he managed to kill off the practitioner in the nascent soul realm. The boy replied that the other person underestimated him to the point where he did not even put up his guard. No matter how strong you are, if you do not respect your opponent, you will die within seconds. 

Madam Yue nodded to him but she said, "You might have beheaded him, but it is not simple to kill a nascent soul practitioner." She took out a jade from her space ring. 

Inside this jade was an apparition of the man that Yang Dao had beheaded. The lady told him that this apparition was the nascent soul of the person. He could have possessed someone else's body to come back to life. 

Yang Dao was surprised but he nodded to her while expressing his gratitude. Madam Yue also told him how to kill the nascent soul cultivators properly.


Madam Yue asked Yue Yun, "Why do you hold onto him?" 

The lady sighed and said, "If I let go of him, the ship will be taken apart cog by cog." 

Madam Yue chuckled as she understood that her grandson was a naughty one. Yue Ling said, "He is just curious about new things Aunt Yun. My son is not a bad boy." 

She came forward and squatted down in front of Yang Dao. She embraced him so gently yet the warmth was incomparable. The boy who had been looking at the ship blinked and stuck to his mother hard, using his hands to hold on to her. Buring his head in her shoulder, as if trying to merge back with her. 

The boy sensed his body covered with a warmth, unlike anything. His eyes were brimming with tears. Yang Dao was the Dao child yet his memories were sealed, he was experiencing everything from a new perspective. So, at this moment he was a normal child who was trying to cling to his mother. 

Yue Ling said to him, "Stay strong there, do not let others tell you anything negative. Come back home when you have finished things over there. Okay?" 

Yang Dao only hummed as he hugged his mother. Yang Shan said from behind, "Men do not cry, but more importantly they do not let others cry. Help those in need. Be nice to those who are lower than you too. Respect your elders, but do you put those who look down at you on a pedestal. Never flinch from a challenge. Be yourself." 

The boy nodded to the man as he hugged his mother. Yue Ling broke away from the hug and kissed his forehead as she looked him in the eyes and said, "Go get them, son." 

Yang Dao chuckled and said, "Yes, you take care of yourself, tell me if Baba bullies you. I will have Grandma deal with him." 

Yang Shan just chuckled as he watched his son make a pun on him. Madam Yue came over to take a hold of Yang Dao's hand. The two people walked up to the entrance of the ship, a lowered ramp it was. Yang Dao turned his head back and waved at the people. Yue Ling blew him a kiss as she tried to hold back her tears. 

The boy did the same and then he boarded the ship. He stood at a porthole window and gazed outside. Suddenly, the ship shook, and gradually it rose from the ground. The ship was the biggest vehicle he has ever seen. (For your reference, pick Helli-carrier).

Yang Dao watched the scenery change, his parents became smaller in his view and gradually they were not even visible to him. He took a deep breath to calm down and sensed a pat on his shoulder. Yue Yun said, "Want to see the control room?" 

Yang Dao nodded with a smile on his face. Madam Yue and Yue Yun could see that the shine in his eyes had dimmed a bit. Still, he put up a smile which showcased that his intellect was higher than the people his age. The two ladies led the boy through the corridors on the ship. After a few minutes, they came to the place where Yang Dao spotted Madam Yue's aid standing at a high raised platform with her hands behind the back. 

She said, "Use the articulation array to travel at light speed as soon as we leave the range of this domain." 

A young man from a seat below replied, "Yes, Steward Jill." 

Yang Dao looked below the high platform and found ten people sitting in front of various tables covered with engravings and spirit stones. He mumbled, "Spirit gem." 

Madam Yue nodded and said, "Correct, my boy. It is a spirit gem." 

A spirit stone is a condensed form of spirit energy, while a spirit gem is the highest grade of spirit stone found in the entire plane. Yang Dao asked, "They are the power source of this thing?" 

Steward Jill nodded and said, "Young Master, would you like to see them from up close?" 

The boy raised his head and said, "No, I will get more curious, that is bad. We will do it when we reach back at your place. The arrays they are manipulating are delicate." 

Yang Dao said, "Grandma, can I go to my accommodations? I would like to cultivate." his tone was serious. 

Madam Yue nodded and said, "Come, I will take you." 

Yue Yun followed them to a room inside the ship. It was a luxurious room but Yang Dao did not pay any attention to it and sat down on a mat in the center of the room. The two ladies exchanged a glance and they left the room. 

Yue Yun closed the door behind her. Madam Yue asked, "This is normal, right?" her tone was filled with concern.

Yue Yun said, "It is normal. He is a child after all. He has been treated like the treasure of the house, so he will need some time to adjust."

Madam Yue nodded and said, "He is a nice kid. Smart and talented." 

Yue Yun nodded and said, "You can go and rest, I will be on the guard." 


Yang Dao did not know what was happening outside the room and he sat with his eyes closed. The spirit energy inside his body began to circulate throughout. His mind was occupied with the sadness of leaving his house, so he decided to meditate. He had no other thoughts in his mind but to meditate.  action

To meditate he let his thoughts lose. They would wander everywhere and eventually the chaos will become his peace. The boy sat down in meditation and lost his sense of time. With the spirit energy inside his body, he did not feel hungry, or tired. 

Yue Yun stood outside his door guarding him. It was not like guarding him against danger but preventing him from encountering the troubles included in the cultivation. The spirit energy that was said to be the ally of the cultivators can also be the enemy and destroy the body of a cultivator. 

Yang Dao was too young to have come to the spirit gathering realm. Madam Yue had come outside his room door and asked, "Yun, is he still at it?" 

Yue Yun nodded and said, "It has been fifteen days. So it is fine. He has sometimes stayed inside for a month." 

Madam Yue nodded with a smile. She said, "We are going to be there in a bit. If he could see the sight, he might have liked it." 

Yue Yun nodded and replied, "Let me check upon him." 

She had just turned around when she sensed a wave of spirit energy coming from inside the room. She smiled and said, "He broke through again." 

Yang Dao had reached the top of the spirit formation realm and his strength had increased far beyond his peer. Madam Yue opened the door and found the boy's body to be dimly glowing. She was surprised and Yue Yun said, "Holy Spirit body, that is his boon." 

Yang Dao had a special physique, the spirit energy he condensed would be golden. Gold was the highest grade of spirit energy the cultivators could condense. This was a rare thing to happen. After the glow vanished Yang Dao opened his eyes with a faint smile on his lips. 

Madam Yue said to him, "Dao, welcome to the outer southern peripheral of the spirit Plane, the domain of Yue. Also known as, Overlord Yue." 

She pointed at the window and outside it lied a solar system. The sun was ten times that of his own home planet. (Take earth's sun as reference)....

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