The Urban Dao Child.

Chapter 470 - Sect System.

Chapter 470 - Sect System.

Yang Dao followed Shakti with half a step behind her, while Yue Jing and Athena Olympus also joined him. Athena wanted to ask something but Yue Jing's presence made her hesitant. The boy was aware of this, and said, "You will suffocate. Speak, what you want to say. I can tell my elder sister is not going to judge you." 

Yue Jing was surprised by how Yang Dao had opinions about her nature. She was said to be an innocent soul but she was not shy or introverted. She was just a calm-natured animal. She asked, "How do you know, I will not judge her?" 

Yang Dao smiled and said, "You do not give me the vibes like Cousin Yue Ming."

Yue Jing asked, "Why do you call him a cousin and me elder sister?" 

The boy smiled and said, "Mother taught me, every elder girl in the family should be called elder sister. Simple." 

Yue Jing smiled at his answer. She did not push forward on the topic, and asked Athena, "You can say whatever you want to say, I will not judge or tell anyone about it. We are going to study under the same master." 

Athena still spoke with some hesitation, "Can you teach me your sword skills?" 

Yang Dao was surprised and said, "I will think about it. We barely know each other. How about after some time, when I get a better understanding of you?" 

Athena was shocked to hear such an answer. She was trying to test his intellect, and not to much surprise, this boy was very smart. He might age like his age sometimes and sometimes very advanced, this made him unpredictable and a seed of curiosity was planted in her heart. 

The three bantered with each other and developed a better understanding within a short time. Shakti had brought them all to the place where Elder Jing was waiting for them as she watched the new disciples collecting their uniforms and starting accessories. 

Shakti said, "Elder, they are here." 

Jing Shuin turned around and cast her gaze at the four people. She said, "Thank you Shakti. I will take them from here." 

She smiled at Yue Jing and said, "Jing'er take Athena to the alchemy hall along with you and show her around, okay? She will stay along with us." 

Yue Jing bowed and said, "Yes, Master. I will take care of it." 

Jing Shui patted her head gently and said, "Okay, I will need to take Yang Dao to meet the sect master." 

The rest nodded and Jing Shui walked ahead. Yang Dao followed behind her with brisk steps. He asked, "Elder, may I ask you something?" 

Jing Shui nodded with a smile, and the boy asked, "Do I not have to take the new uniform from the allocation counter?" 

The lady smiled and said, "No child, when an elder takes in a disciple, they all are given a different uniform. So, you do not have to take the new uniform." 

Yang Dao asked, "Why not? The sect is a school, and is not every student supposed to be equal in front of the teachers?" his question was based on what he head read in the books. Every school had a uniform, and the purpose behind uniform was to make sure that the students were all seen as equals and not favored specially or treated unfairly. 

Jing Shui nodded and said, "You are indeed correct, however, personal disciples of the elders are selected to set an example among the general disciples. This was done so that the general disciples with the normal aptitude and potential can progress as they chased to become one of the geniuses." 

Yang Dao nodded and said, "Driven by emotions and yearnings, human beings put forward the best of their effort to break through the shackles. I see. This is a good method." 

Jing Shui was amused when she heard his words. Yang Dao asked her, "Elder can you tell me about the sect? Like the sovereign system." 

The lady nodded and said, "The sect has a small five-planet system. There are four branches of the sect. The four branch planets are specializing in them. The main planet is where the elders and the sect master reside with there. These branches are Alchemy, Battle Skills, Weaponry, Artifact refining, Formations, talisman inscription, Literal Dao. 

The elders responsible for these are Me, Elder Perseus, Elder Bai, Elder Tao, Elder Chime, Elder Atlas, and Elder Plato, respectively. There are three more branches that deal with Beast Taming, Insect raring and one branch that deals with trade. 

You will find more about them when you spend some time around. If I told you everything you need to know, will it not bore you up?" 

Yang Dao smiled as he said, "You are a good elder." 

Jing Shui chuckled as she brought him to the teleportation formation. Five nascent soul realm people stood there, guarding the formation. The lady held on to Yang Dao's shoulder and said, "This might make you a bit dizzy." 

The thing was that she could have flown through the space tunnels but Yang Dao was far too young in her vision and space tunnels could harm him. The teleportation formation was a little different from the one back at the Yang Family domain. This one was of a higher level. Yang Dao only felt himself being jerked by someone and the next moment the scenery changed. 

As for the dizziness, it came at like a tsunami and his small stature wobbled as Jing Shui caught him. She sighed and said, "Well, he can still support himself. This is a good seed." 


Yang Dao stood up and after a few minutes, his senses gained clarity. He found himself sitting inside a room, on a cozy couch. In front of him sat a man with a dim glow coming out of his body. The man said, "Well, you are awake." 

Yang Dao calmly replied as he tried to stand up, "Greetings, Sect Master." 

The man nodded and said, "You can sit down.. Wait till you properly shake off the dizziness." 


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