The Urban Dao Child.

Chapter 484 - Idea.

Chapter 484 - Idea.

Yang Dao received the message from his grandmother and his face became solemn. The content of the message stated that Yue Jiren is planning to approach the grande overlord family to seek a marital tie. It was not for himself but his daughter. 

Yue Jing was sixteen years old, and this was the age when the elders of the house would start seeking arrangements for the younger generation of the world. If the children do not have someone in their eyes already, that is.

Smart people knew better, this was not about Yue Jiren marrying his daughter to a family with an equal standard, but seeking a strong ally that could help him sit on the throne of the Yue Family. Yang Dao sat down on his bed and began to deduct the reason why Yue Jiren sought out the grande family. The answer was simple, Tristan Grande's hatred for Yang Shan will be now shifted at Yang Dao. 

The boy mumbled, "So, you take advantage of the hatred and manipulate them. Hmmm, cunning indeed. Well, time to meet Senior Brother Amil." and a sly smile surfaced on his face. 

After working up the plan inside his mind, the boy sat down in a cultivating stance and began to condense spirit essence drops. The boy sat in the same stance till the sunrise and after he finished his daily practice routines, he freshened up and left the palace with Alisha in tow. The boy did not tell her much he was going to the war peak. 

After reaching the peak, he was not stopped and he directly climbed the mountain to get inside the war master hall. After asking a disciple moving around, Yang Dao found that Amil was practicing in a special training hall. If he needed to go there, only Hall Master, Elder Perseus can make that happen. 

Yue Jing had told him, how the two elders were looking at him as if he was a treasure. He decided to exploit the fact. Chess had a lot of pieces, These pieces were not always visible but induced. Induced pieces would interfere with the mind of your opponent. Yang Dao walked around the place to find Elder Perseus and luckily he found the old man walking over lost in some thoughts. 

He spoke calmly and respectfully, "I have seen the elder." 

His voice brought the old man back to reality. Elder Perseus raised his head and saw a porcelain doll bowing his head to him. The old man smiled and said, "What brought martial nephew here?" 

They have never addressed him as Martial Nephew, but after yesterday, they became really warm to him. Yang Dao was confused but did not bother to point it out. The closer they were the better for him. He replied in kind, "Martial Uncle, I wanted to find senior brother Amil. Last time sparring with him helped me a lot, I was wondering if I can ask him for advice again."

Perseus was surprised and nodded to him after a second. He said, "Come, I will take you to see him." 

Yang Dao and Alisha silently followed the energetic elder. They came to a big red door. Perseus said, "This door leads to a special space realm. It was artificially created by the ancestor of the sect. Alisha, you will have to wait outside. I can only take in one person at a time." 

Alisha bowed to him slightly, she was not worried about the safety issues. Perseus will be more vigilant than she was. The man pulled open the door, inside was a wall of multicolored light. The elder placed his hand over Yang Dao's shoulder. Then the two people vanished. The door automatically closed behind them.


Elder Perseus and Yang Dao appeared in the sky, floating over a vast scenery, covered with green and mountains. The old man said, "This is war domain. The disciples enter here and hone their skills against spiritual beasts and fellow disciples. Amil is also here for the next week." 

Yang Dao nodded in understanding and said, "I just ask for a little of his time, I have to appear in the examination at alchemy hall." 

Perseus nodded and said, "Then, I will take you to him, practice for two days, then I will come here to bring you out as well." 

Yang Dao nodded. He was being supported by Persues' spiritual pull, so he was freely able to move in the void. Perseus turned his head in one direction and took Yang Dao over. He could see things happening hundreds of miles away and could sense the existence of his disciples as well. It took them only a blink to arrive near a cave. 

Perseus said, "Amil." his voice was calm and soft. 


Inside the cave, Amil had finished his battle routine and was about to sit down incomprehension when he heard the voice of his master. The boy walked out of the cave and found Perseus standing with Yang Dao beside him. He was confused and asked, "Master, is there something I can do?" 

Perseus said, "Yang Dao needs your help in sparring. It will help you too. Look after him for two days, I will come here the day after tomorrow to take him out. Is that okay?" 

Amil nodded and said, "Yes, master." 

Perseus said a few words to Yang Dao and then he vanished. The boy had asked him to send Alisha back to the cloud palace. He forgot about that and asked him to convey his apologies. After the old man left, Amil asked, "Junior brother, you came here to find me, it does not seem to be so simple." 

Yang Dao smiled and said, "Senior brother is smart. Talking to smart people is easy and helpful." 

Amil did not smile but invited the boy inside the cave. Yang Dao followed and sat down on the ground as the host. Amil asked, "So, what can I help you with?" 

Yang Dao said, "I came here, to run away from the politics played by our elders outside. Also, wanted to spar against you again. I scratched the surface of sword intent. So, more fights will help me comprehend it better." 

Amil was surprised by the sword intent news. He has seen a lot of people trying to comprehend the intent of a weapon and infuse it in their attacks but rarely did anyone achieve that goal. Yet, here he was sitting in front of a ten years old. This was something unprecedented. Then his mind rushed back to the first half of the sentence. He asked, "What do you mean to run away from politics?" 

Yang Dao said, "My uncle, is looking for a marriage alliance between you and my cousin, Yue Jing. My grandpa, Yue Lei Wang, says it is because of me being the son of Yang Shan. He was nagging me about it and thinking about what to do, so I ran away. I mean, just like we juniors are not supposed to meddle in the affairs of the adults the same should apply to them as well." 

Amil was surprised and asked, "When did you get the news?" 

Yang Dao replied casually, "Last night. Why? Did you not know?" 

Amil shook his head and said, "Communication in here is sealed. However, why are you telling me this?" 

Yang Dao acted surprised and said, "Did you not ask me about it?" 

Amil found no way to refute it. He did ask him, but what set his heart at even bigger unrest was that he was going to be married. Yang Dao could detect this from his eyes. He smirked in his heart, "I knew it will not be that easy." 

Yang Dao asked, "Is there some issue Senior brother? Yue Jing is a very beautiful and sensible girl. You will like her." he spoke in a tone as if trying to convince Amil. 

The guy shook his head and said, "It is not that Yue Jing is a bad girl, but I like someone else." 

Yang Dao opened his eyes wide and asked, "Who is it?" 

Amil hesitated and shook his head. Yang Dao said, "I will help you get her. I have a certain charm you know." 

Amil glared at him and the boy said, "Come on, I will help you. I have played matchmaker for a lot of people back at my home." 

After an hour of coaxing, Amil said, "Senior sister Shakti."  action

Yang Dao almost did not yell in shock. He asked, "Why can you not pursue her?" 

Amil said, "She had stated, that she will only promise me when I defeat her in a fair duel." 

Yang Dao nodded and said, "You will die single." 

Amil glared at him as the boy continued, "Until, you comprehend the intent of the weapon. Halberds intent is not easy to scratch upon." 

The two sat down in silence, when Yang Dao said in a loud voice, "I HAVE AN IDEA." 

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