The Urban Dao Child.

Chapter 534 - Test.

Chapter 534 - Test.

Yang Dao, Trent, Diana, and Athena arrived at the square of the beginning and met with Daniel. Almost all the disciples between the age of ten to twenty years old were present here. At first, the sect was about to conduct a test that was limited only to supremacy. However, in the elder council meeting. Sun Eckhart decided to reward the other hard-working general and low-ranked true disciples.

They will be conducting a test throughout the sect and all those who pass the test will be rewarded with pills, spirit stones, and martial techniques of their choices. The whole sect was energized by this and the disciples were doing their best to prove that they were better than what they were in the past. 

The disciples all greeted Yang Dao and the other prime disciples. The group replied with genial smiles. Yang Dao even chatted with some of the true disciples as if he was their old friend. In the past five months, the dao child has been communicating with the disciples more and more. 

Daniel had held on to four positions in the queue for those who were to be tested, and if it was for someone else, the crowd would have rebelled. However, since it was for Yang Dao, they volunteered to give up the place. 

Yang Dao was the star of the sect, the youngest and the most talented, recognized by the people. However, the boy was never arrogant and would seek to learn new things and help others when they asked for help. This was his credibility card. 

Athena asked, "Daniel, what are the tests?" 

Daniel took a deep breath and said, "First test is to check the strength. The sect is going all out. The realm of cultivation is out of the question, as long as you have the strength and skills to back your name. You will pass.  The first test is to leave an inch-deep impression on the wall of might."  action

Yang Dao tilted his head in askance, and Daniel said, "Be patient, I am explaining, you questionnaire. The wall of might is a divine artifact refined by Elder Tao. Only when you have the strength of a hundred Tigers can you leave an impression on it. This is the first test." 

Yang Dao glanced at Athena beside him and took a hold of her hand. Trent asked, "Dao why do you always hold Athena's hand when there is something like this going on? Tell me, can you not control your emotions?" 

Before Athena or Dao could say anything, Daina said, "You muscle head, he holds her hand so that he does not get excited and charge forward to unleash all his power at the wall and such. Athena is his control, understood?" 

Yang Dao did not say much but kept looking at Daniel. The guy continued, "The second test is called the valley of death. If you decide to go forward with this test, you must do so at your discretion."

Trent asked, "Why so?" his voice was brimming with curiosity. 

Daniel replied, "This one is similar to Staircase of Heaven. However, the pressure we will face from the first step inside the valley is ten times the staircase." 

Daina hiccuped and said, "If I am not wrong, then this must be a masterpiece of Elder Chime?" 

Trent nodded. He continued, "The third test is the final test and is said to be almost impossible to cross." 

Yang Dao jumped and grabbed Daniel's collar and asked, "Can you get over with the build-up already? What is the third test?" 

His eyes were brimming with excitement. He has not been able to go out properly ever since he focused on learning five months ago? Daniel was flabbergasted and replied in a hurry, "You will have to fight the younger spirit phantom of your master." 

Yang Dao was shocked and so were the other three. They did not expect it to be as such. This was an impossible task. However, what happened next was even more shocking, Yang Dao started giggling, he was young and it was passable, a few moments later, his giggles became a burst of laughter. The laughter was nothing cheerful, it was maniacal. 

Athena held her face in her palm and said, "Trent, help me ask the rest of the disciples if they can let him start first? He has lost it. The more he is allowed to wait, the more agitated he will become." 

Trent nodded stiffly and ran ahead to ask the disciples. Yang Dao stopped laughing a few minutes ago and turned to face Athena. He was now only one head shorter than her, his height has been growing a bit too fast lately. He walked closed to her and beckoned her to bend her neck.

The girl followed and Yang Dao took hold of her jade-like face in his hands and said in a soft voice, "I love you a lot." 

Athena was surprised and the next moment, Yang Dao pecked her on the cheek. Daina on the side spat on the ground and said, "Can you at least give the lady a proper kiss?" 

Yang Dao rolled his eyes and said, "Ask elder jing to stop making her put on the Medusa Vine enzyme mixed in her gloss and I will do it." 

Daina gawked and Athena blushed as she said, "Master does not want you to do something inappropriate for your age." 

Yang Dao scoffed and said, "Who asked her to rush things then? Now, I cannot even kiss my fiancee? Cruel Elder Jing."

The girls smiled at his behavior and Daniel watched it without any reaction. Soon, Trent returned and said, "Yeah, the disciples have agreed to let Yang Dao take the test first." 

The Dao Child did not even say anything and vanished from his spot. Trent said, "Well, talk about basking in the light of a star. We all get the same jump the queue treatment." 

They all made their way forward and came to stand in front of a wall on the side. They spotted Yang Dao to be interacting with an elder. The elder was telling him a few things about the test. The rules and regulations. 

"Since this test is about physical strength, you are barred from using spiritual energy in your attacks. Only use physical strength. You can use any weapon of your choice but no spirit energy. Okay?" said the elder. 

Yang Dao nodded and walked forward to stand two steps away from the wall. He took a standard boxing stance and mumbled, "Dragon Fist." 

This was a skill he unlocked a few months ago and had been practicing for some time. As his strength increased, he could find more skills and sensed his talent increasing as well. Yang Dao stopped caring about many questions and focused on moving forward as he would eventually reach the destination, he decided to enjoy the journey. 

His feet were two feet apart from each other, with the right foot in front and left in the back. His arms raised to level his eyes. He took a deep breath, and using his left foot he stepped in, his hips moved as he threw his right punch forward and was locked in a place parallel to the wall. His punch was compact and closer to his body, with the fist coiled inward.


The square echoed with a loud bang as soon as the fist landed on the wall. The elder inspecting the test was shocked. He looked at the young boy with eyes brimming with shock. He thought in his mind, 'The millennial genius? This is a monster. Even some of the peak golden core disciples might not be able to make a sound like that and look at him, ten years old. I think I have wasted my entire life.'

After the reverberation ended the disciples broke into cheers. They did not expect Yang Dao to deal such a blow to the wall. They chanted, "Yang Dao, Yang Dao, Yang Dao." 

The boy kept standing for a second and then took a step back. The elder walked forward and inspected the wall. He gulped and turned to face the crowd. He spoke in a sonorous voice, "Yang Dao, indented one and a half inches." 

The crowd cheered even louder. Trent and Daniel said, "Damn, this monster."

Daina clicked her tongue and said, "You two sissies can take your time, Mom is going up next." 

Well, this was her personality, outspoken and rough, but given her loli appearance, it did not annoy people but looked adorable. She walked forward with a huge war hammer on her back. She said, "Dao, if I left a mark deeper than you, what will I get?" 

Yang Dao replied, "Ummm, I will refine your war hammer to ten thousand grates. Okay?"

This was just like, a hundred or thousand grates refining, where grates meant hammer strikes. The more strikes, the tenacious the metal, however, with the mix of a proper combination, the elasticity will also increase. Daina smiled and said, "Deal." 

Yang Dao bumped knuckles with her and walked back to the crowd. What followed next was something expected. The whole group left one-inch marks. Athena stood out the most, she used her alchemy cauldron as a weapon and whacked it at the wall.. And so, the first test was cleared. 

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