The Urban Dao Child.

Chapter 56 - The Silent Ghost.

Chapter 56 - The Silent Ghost.

At the university gate, Yang Dao and Ray stood, mounting their bikes. Behind them, Icarus was gazing at a countdown timer. He suddenly spoke, "Go" with a single call the two people charged out. Icarus followed them quickly.

Yang Dao was relatively calm, he stuck close to Ray. He matched his pace perfectly. Ray also did not shake him off because they were in the city at this moment. Icarus had a mini-camera attached to his helmet which was relaying the video to his mobile and then finally to a screen in the bus. 

Everyone could see that Yang Dao was in the back and Ray was leading. Felix said, "Dao won't get caught up in Ray's pace like this?"

In the driver's seat, Thomas shook his head, "I think it is hard. This boy looks gently but his depth is uncertain." he always felt that Yang Dao was way too smart. This made him uneasy. As a captain, not being able to see through a team member made him itchy.


Ray and Yang Dao left the city and suddenly a pressure radiated from them. Yang Dao was not affected by it. He was now in full control of his bike. The boy suddenly sped up with a high cadence. He caught up with Ray in a blink. Just when Ray was about to counterattack. The smiling boy changed his gear and sped up. He took the lead over Ray. 

Ray smirked and caught up with the boy. He thought that Yang Dao will lose his stamina sooner than this. But all in vain. The race had just started. Such judgments will not be a good thing. So, Ray decided to wait and duke it out with Yang Dao. 

The boy in the green shirt lowered his body and increased the force in his pedaling. His blue bike shot out like a rocket. This time it was not a short burst. Yang Dao kept on accelerating. Ray and Icarus were also moving fast behind him. One trying to catch up with Yang Dao while the other trying to record it all. Thankfully the track was still flat so Icarus was not far behind. 


Felix glanced at the speed Icarus mentioned to them in his mind. He spoke to Thomas, "Ray is moving faster than his usual pace. Is it Yang Dao's deliberate challenge?"

Thomas spoke uncertainly, "I am not sure but yes Yang Dao can lay a trap for I'm."

The bus was silent. After two minutes someone spoke, "They are here. Dao is leading."

Soon a figure was seen rushing towards the bus on his bike. The speed allowed to the bike riders was not mentioned, and their bus cannot keep up with Yang Dao. This guy was 10 kph faster. Yang Dao glanced at the bus, but he did not stop at all. With a swish, he passed the bus and kept. Ray appeared a minute later than Yang Dao.

Ray did not expect this. This freshman has successfully ignited his competitive spirit. He increased his cadence speed to catch up with Yang Dao. On the bus, the people were stunned. Felix spoke, "This is just the beginning how will they climb the peak if they let out all their energy in sprinting?"

Thomas spoke, "Sit tight, I am speeding up. Also, don't worry, these guys are still not at their 100%."

The bus moved to catch up with the bikes. Icarus was also keeping pace with the two contenders. He tapped on the screen of his mobile, unmuted the mic, and said, "You people will stay under the speed limit captain. There are cops on the side."

He was ahead of the bus and in a distance, he spotted a cop car standing. Thus, warned the captain, in case they get held up. Thomas immediately slowed down back under the speed limit. He was driving the minibus himself, so it was not very good for him to peek at the screen. He sighed and said to Felix, "Record this thing. I will watch it later."


Yang Dao was struck by a suffocating feeling ever since that outburst in the room. He did not know what happened to him. The boy has never lost his temper in the past. It was way too violent. If not for the momentary control, he would have punched both the professor and the girl in their faces. 

As he was riding the bike, his perception was latched onto the surrounding air. Suddenly it came to him. What is the nature of elements? Air/Wind is free to move however it may wish, non-tangible, yet you can feel it. Strong enough to uproot trees and buildings, yet gentle enough to caress away the exhaustion. 

As soon as this series of thoughts circulated in his mind. The boy slowed down, his thoughts were now focused on the comprehension of the Wind element. He did not even react when Ray caught up to him from behind, just kept his head down and kept perceiving the wind. Ray also asked little, this was a competition, and he would not be easy on his opponent. 

Icarus saw Yang Dao slowing down and wanted to say something, but he remembered how the captain told him not to talk or the race would end. He was worried about his friend's sudden decline in speed. 

Yang Dao reached the limit, he could now sense 99 meters of air around him. Just a step away from becoming an official Elemental Seeker. He raised his head and looked ahead on the road. A smile appeared on his face. His legs moved, cadence increased, so did his speed. He subconsciously controlled the airflow. ZERO AIR RESISTANCE mode on.  action

As he moved forward, only a minimalistic level of sound was radiated from his bike. Icarus who was behind him raised his eyebrows. He spoke, "Shit, Dao went into his silent ghost mode." his excited words made the whole bus cheer. 

Yang Dao looked behind at him and said, "I am going ahead." and with that, his bike actually sped up like a motorbike. He left a vague gust behind him. That was how strong his acceleration was. Icarus said, "FUCK, captain, this guy jumped five meters stretch with burst acceleration."


Inside the bus, everyone was cheering suddenly Felix stood up, "OKAY, LISTEN UP. We are now open for betting, if the one you pushed on wins, you are free from cleaning duties and stuff for a week. So place your bets, gents. We are open for business."

The first years were skeptical of Yang Dao, and the same was for the second year. The third-years, on the other hand, bet on Yang Dao. The reason was simple, Yang Dao was twenty minutes behind Ray. They have seen no one catch up that much distance on a climb. Felix turned to the two girls and asked, "Ladies, whom do you bet on?"

Kiya replied in a blink, "Yang Dao." her voice was firm and she had no hesitation. Sasha also spoke, "Yang Dao."

Felix nodded with a smile and sat down in his seat. He switched the broadcast from Icarus to the drone. The images should Ray already in the end stretch of the flats. While Yang Dao was only done with half of it. A first-year saw the images and gloated, "Without his bike, he cannot catch up. Looks like Senior Felix will clean the clubhouse from now."

Felix just smiled and did not react. He sat in his chair with a smile. Sasha asked him in a low voice, "Senior, what was that thing, Silent Ghost mode?"

The guy replied, "It is when Dao races silently, not only will he not speak but even his bike will become silent. If he was riding on Silence, then it would be truly silent, now it should be just a slight buzz."

The girl nodded. She glanced at the screen Yang Dao was rushing forward at a great speed. He did not waver as he made a rush straight toward Ray.


Slowly the distance lessened, Yang Dao was now in the final section of the flats while Ray has climbed the mountain. 

The boy clicked his gear and entered the mountain. He shifted the front gear to the third outer gear and the same thing was done to the back gear. This was the highest and hardest combo on a normal bike. Yang Dao was a monster. His speed kept increasing as he climbed the mountain. The people who were watching it were silent. 

Yang Dao was unaware of all this. To him, there was only the road and the race. Nothing else. His cornering became sharp but smoother. At a point, he scared everyone when he made a right 180-degree turn with his head almost grazing the side rails. Kiya and Sasha held their breaths. They did not believe anyone could come out unscathed from such a stunt. 

Yang Dao ignored all the dangers as he kept riding forward, and soon, Ray's silhouette fell into his vision. The real race begins now.

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