The Urban Dao Child.

Chapter 79 - High Evaluation.

Chapter 79 - High Evaluation.

The training proceeded smoothly. Yang Dao stood at the lead of all the trainee cadets. Even his squad was the cream among the cream. He taught them all he could, such as martial arts, gun fighting, adventure skills. The squad was subdued by his generosity and his confidence. If he said attention then the squad will stay like that even if it is for hours. 

Not only did boys get subdued by him even the girls were the same. He taught them how to be balanced. Both inside and outside. The change and growth of his squad were a surprise to the instructors but also to the rest of the cadets. Tonight was the start of the fourth week of the training camp. It was last week as well. 

Not wanting to be left behind, Yang Dao was approached by 24 squad leaders. At first, they wanted to fight against him head-on. Yet the reality hit them hard, Yang Dao along with his squad never cared about competing, to him only growth mattered. That is why he led his squad with no burden in his mind. 


23 people stood in front of Yang Dao. He had just come to take a bath, did not know why all these people were here waiting for him. He asked, "Do you guys need something?"

Icarus spoke, "Teach us, how you lead your squad? We want to get better but we never can catch up to you."

Yang Dao sighed as he cast a glance across expectant faces. He said, "Everyone has their own path of growth. If you only follow someone, your growth will stagnate. All I do is to help my squadmates improve based on their needs. You guys are the squad leaders because you are the best. Your job is to make your squad better and not to chase other squad leaders. If you stop looking at me and start to put in efforts for self-improvement, you will find that you grow daily. So look inside of yourself. What is it that you need? What is it that your squad-mates need? Fulfill that need and you will grow."action

His words had a magical effect on the people. They all seemed to have gotten into a state of enlightenment. Yang Dao left them standing there and walking inside the washroom. Today was a hectic day. The instructors announced a surprise test for them. The test was actually a race. 

The participant will have to face ordinary soldiers. The race will start with an obstacle course. Soldiers will first complete the course, then shoot targets. Fixed targets first, then moving targets. They will reach a man-made disaster site, rescue an injured, give them first aid. Drive them to a temporary hospital for quick medical treatment. 

The marking scheme was also very complicated. Every stage will have a different sort of marking. For instance, while the obstacle course needed one to be fast, one's degree of carefulness will be taken into account for the rescue ops. The first squad to participate in this test was going to be the A squad. 

Yang Dao was early to arrive today, he wanted to talk to the instructors about some things. After wearing a fresh uniform the boy ran up to the training field which was now modified into a full-fledged obstacle course. He was surprised at the efficiency of the military technicians. They changed the whole place in one night.

The instructors were all gathered together holding a mug of tea. Laohu Bai was nowhere to see at the moment. Yang Dao marched in front of the instructors and gave them a crisp salute. The instructors smiled, he was the best cadet they have trained. Obviously, he left a good impression on them, even the ice face martial art trained Lin smiled at him. 

Talen spoke, "At ease, Cadet Dao. Do you have something to find us so early?"

Yang Dao parted his legs slightly and his hand behind his back. He spoke, "Reporting, Sir, I have some questions regarding the test."

The four people exchanged a glance, Lin spoke this time, in a rare warm tone, "Go on, speak freely." 

Yang Dao said, "Madam, what I want to ask is, usually the squad leader goes first, but can I go last in my squad today?"

Victor asked, "Why? Are you not confident?"

Yang Dao replied with a smile, "I am confident in myself sir, but Chief Instructor said in her lecture last week, that 'A good leader is not only the one who stands at the helms but also the one who can push his team forward from behind.' Thus, I want to support them as an audience. They have been working hard and improved a lot, that is why I came to you today."

His words, fit that of a leader. After some discussion, his request was approved, and after a salute and thanks, Yang Dao left to address his squad. Kaya, who was surprisingly silent today, spoke up at this moment, "His growth potential is terrifying. To think that he made his squad break past their limit and now even pushed himself in the back to let his squad not be overshadowed by him. It is worthy of a future leader."

The other three people nodded at her assessment. It was a very high assessment to be true but, Yang Dao earned it. Just when they were about to keep on discussing, heard an old voice from behind, "I wonder who made the Special Ops veterans to give such high evaluation."

The four people turned, after they saw who the person was, they all saluted, "Greeting, Lieutinent General." 

The old man nodded, his face was filled with wrinkles, but his back was as if a spear. His steps were steady and a sharp aura lingered in his eyes. This man was Liutenant General, Tyberius Jenkins, also known as, Tyberius the crimson king. It is said that during an operation in enemy lands, he slaughtered at least a couple of hundred enemy troops leaving a crimson road behind him. He walked out of a death zone like a king returning from a crusade.

The old man spoke again with a smile, "You didn't answer my question, yet."

Kaya replied, "It is a young cadet squad leader, sir. I suggest you watch it yourself in the test today."

The old man nodded, he never believed in hear say anyway. He asked, "Where is General Bai?"

The four people told him that she was inspecting the preparation of the test. To make sure that the people did not slack off, she came up with surprise inspection. The old man was led to sit down on a chair in a watchtower in the center of the training field.


Yang Dao stood in front of his squad, gazing at their straight faces. He broke the silence, "You all have done you best in the past few days, and you have my congratulations for getting better than what you were yesterday. In today's test, you all let go of your restraints, let go of your opponents and even the expectations you might have. Just go out there and run that test like you own it. DO YOU GET IT?"

The squad roared, "SIR,YES, SIR."

The boy nodded and spat, "SQUAD, MARCH." then led the two queues of seven people each ina standard march. The sync was good and the step was firm.


On the watchtower, the oldman looked towards the direction where a squad was marching forward. He heard the sound of the footsteps and nodded, "You trained some good kids this time."

Lin replied in her cold voice, "You are expecting too much of us, Sir. This squad is the best because of their leader. The boy in the front of the them, Feng Yang Dao. He is the one we were talking about earlier."

The old man raised an eyebrow, this was the longest Lin has spoken, this boy made him curios. If Lin can sing his praise then he looked forward to this boy's performance.


On the ground, at the starting line, the squad lined up behind Yang Dao neatly, saluted Talen in a perfect sync. Talen nodded and said, "Cadet Donnie, you will run the course after Private Dillon is down setting a score for you guys. Understood?"

Donnie replied, "Sir, Yes, Sir." he was not surprised when he was going first. Yang Dao had told them that a solider doe not question his superiors, but just agree. This si a sort of mental pressure that hinders them if they question. Thus just do what you are asked to and the rest is none of your concern.

Talen glanced at Private Dillon, who stood at the starting line, and said, "Start."

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