The Urban Dao Child.

Chapter 86 - Waves.

Chapter 86 - Waves.

Feng Yun spoke, "Good evening, Young Master." her smile made Yang Dao smile as well. Though his eyes were still dazed. Feng Yun knew he was still not fully awake. She held him by his shoulders and made him sit on the couch as she sat beside him. Yang Dao leaned onto her fair arm. 

He spoke in a low voice, "Sister Yun, you make good food."

Feng Yun smiled brightly. Laohu Bai on the side took out her phone and started to record this moment. Feng Yun was wearing a white gown with diagonal red streaks on it. Her eyes had red makeup smeared on them just like how Yang Dao did last time. Ruby earrings and a solitaire ruby necklace. Her smile overshadowed all those ornaments. She replied in a soft voice, "Thank You, Young Master. I can cook for you daily."

Yang Dao said, "No, I will get fat. Don't you spoil me, Sister Yun." his eyes were half-closed. The exhaustion of the training was hard for him to shake off, after all, he was a kid.

Feng Yun glanced at his face with a smile as she placed his head in her lap for a better rest. She asked, "What do you think about Xiao Bai, Young Master?"

Yang Dao said, "She is naughty. I don't like her forcing me."

Feng Yun raised her eye, while Laohu Bai pouted. The former asked as she gently stroked Yang Dao's face, "Did she force you?"action

Yang Dao replied, "Hmm when she gave me the stars and the badges, I saluted her. She did not return my salute but made me stand and clicked pictures. Icarus almost laughed at me. Then the other time, when I was running she suddenly attacked me. Said I need to win her by strength. I ask you, Sister Yun. Am I a fool? Do I not know that all the four spirits are respectable. I sparred with her, did not make a lowly move even once. Yet she did. Why do you say you are respectable if you don't keep your dignity?"

Feng Yun's brow furrowed. It seems that Laohu Bai offended the kid a big deal. Yang Dao kept going on and on. How Laohu Bai was lax in discipline and how she would tease him over the month. When Feng Yun was about to reprimand her sister, the Young Master said, "She is like a kid. It is good. She is innocent at heart and a free spirit. She just needs a little restraint. The earth is always firm and warm. She is warm that is why her heart is open. You know sister Yun, I think, if she was just like you that would be nice, but her own personality is also necessary. I don't dislike her, she is nice. Just some more time, we will become friends."

Feng Yun suddenly smiled, "Okay, now you get ready, we have to attend a press meet."

Yang Dao stood up from her lap as he said, "Okay, but can I drive? I have a license now. Please, don't give me that car but any other would do." he gazed at the pretty girl with his big eyes. As if a puppy. Feng Yun chuckled she spoke while pinching his cheeks gently, "Okay."

Yang Dao smiled and went to the washroom after waving his hand to Laohu Bai. Feng Yun said, "Xiao Bai, he woke up when I asked him how bad you were. You offended him a great deal. That is why he is not yet close to you. You have to realize that, Young Master is only sixteen, growing up he has always been idolized and alienated by people. Your teasing annoys him." her words made Laohu Bai frown and her eyes became watery.

Feng Yun spoke, "Do you know what he meant by the latter half of his statement? It meant that you can be naughty, but instead of making fun of him, you should do fun with him. Okay? When you try to include him in your life that is when he will include you in his." 

Laohu Bai looked at Feng Yun with a flicker hi her silver eyes. She couldn't help but hug Feng Yun. She spoke after breaking away from her, "I will definitely do what you said."

Feng Yun shook her head with a smile and said, "It is what Young master said, you are just too silly to understand."

As they were chatting, Yang Dao walked out wearing a royal blue suit with a white shirt inside, a red satin tie around his neck. The Royal Blue suit was matching Laohu Bai's gown while the shirt and the tie complimented Feng Yun. He came out holding a pair of cufflinks. He said, "Sister Yun, why is this so hard to put on?"

Laohu bai answered, "Young Master, to look good, you pay with effort. Here let me help you."

Yang Dao nodded and let her help with the cufflinks and watch. The three people came downstairs. The staff in the reception lobby bowed to them. Yang Dao and the two ladies came out of the building and a luxury sports sedan stood waiting for them. The boy came to the driver's seat and said to the man standing outside holding the door open, "Uncle you can take the day off, I will drive."

The driver was an old age man. He was surprised to see the young master saying that he will drive himself. Just when he was hesitating, Yang Dao turned to Feng Yun with squinty eyes. The beauty shook her head and said, "Henry, you let the Young master drive. I will not blame you."

Henry nodded and passed Yang Dao the key. The boy smiled and opened the door, he started the car and said, "Sister Yun, hurry."

Feng Yun and Laohu Bai got in the car quickly. The two closed the door but Yang Dao asked, "Can I go fast?"

Laohu Bai sat in front with him, while Feng Yun in the back. Both of them nodded and Yang Dao let go of the clutch, put the car in the gear, and pressed the accelerator. This was a four-seater sports car. Every aspect of the vehicle was top-notch. As soon as it came out of the residency, the vehicle turned into a bullet. 

Laohu Bai glanced at the GPS and said, "Elder Sister, you better put on the seat belt back there. Young Master is not a professional driver."

Yang Dao was about to rebuke her when she added, "He is a race car driver." the boy smiled and said, "You are a quick learner, Baibai."

This was the first time he called her with a nickname. This sent waves inside the white-haired beauty's heart. After half an hour the vehicle came to a stop in front of the Star Viewing Pavillion. The three people got off and were immediately showered with flashes. Yang Dao covered his eyes from the sudden flicker. 

Feng Yun came to his side with a smile and said, "Ready?"

Yang Dao opened his eyes and asked, "So many people?"

Feng Yun fixed his crooked tie and hair gently as she spoke some things. Laohu Bai came held his hand with a smile. She said, "Let's go in, these media people will eat you here otherwise."

The two beauties held his hands both left and right. The flash flickers suddenly turned wild. The two beauties were enough to make people lay down in front of them, they were now holding onto a young boy. This was going to be a piece of international news. 

The media was not yet aware of Yang Dao's Identity. They thought he was some young star Feng Yun took a liking too. At the entrance of the pavilion, the staff bowed to them and let them inside. The college students who took an airdrop were now eating. While they all cast their gazes in the direction of many rich businessmen, celebrities. 

Yang Dao asked, "Why are these people invited? Was it not just a press meet?"

Feng Yun said, "When you enter the business, you need to socialize. Don't worry. They won't mess up Mcdouglas case is still fresh."

Yang Dao nodded. he greeted his class mates some acquaintances among the bizz tycoons. Then he walked to a table where an old lady and a beautiful girl were eating fruits silently. He spoke, "Hello, granny, how are you?"

The old lady has seen him walking over and had the mobile translator app ready. The two conversedwith ease. Yang Dao also chatted to Jelena Riaz. Soon he was called over the stage. Jelena Riaz was also wearing a golden brown gown. She looked very beautiful. The two people went back stage, to go over the stage they were needed to climb two steps. In high heels this was going to be difficult so Yang Dao offered his hand. 

The girl took his hand with a slight blush and climbed up the stage. Mary stood on the podium bowed to Yang Dao, while the boy waved at her. 

Feng Yun was sitting on one of the three chairs behind the table. The two people sat beside her and Mary spoke, "Friends of the media, thank you for coming. The press meet for Dao Technologies has now begun."

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