The Vampire's Love: You Are My Destiny

Chapter 395 - Welcome Back!

Chapter 395 - Welcome Back!

Menedelia's soul entered Graven's consciousness which is too dark for her to handle.

"Hello...Graven... where are youoooooo? Can you hear meeeeeeee?"

She continue calling his name several times. "Gravennnnnnnn can you hear meeeeee?"

'I'm here! I'm here! I'm here! Over here!' Graven shouted at the top of his lungs.

Menedelia shouted again. "Graven answer me if you hear my calling! Where are youooo?"

No one answered her call. Where is Graven? C-could it be that his soul is out of his body?

Unfortunately, she can't continue any further because the thick darkness is suffocating her.

She's been floating around in a circle because she can't find a way out of the thick darkness.

This is not good! If she will stay too long in this darkness it will overpower her soul and she might not be able to get out. She meditated and gathered her strength... she needs to get out before it's too late!


Terros was looking alternately between Graven and Menedelia. He was feeling anxious.

Why is it that the lights and Menedelia haven't come out yet? And there are no changes in Graven's condition. C-could it be that they can't find Graven inside his subconscious? Or maybe Graven was not trapped inside his body but in another dimension?

He continues chanting the spell and looking at the candles now and then.

A few minutes later.

Menedelia finally opened her eyes. Terros rushed to her side. "Did you find Graven's soul?" he asked.

Menedelia shook her head and sighed heavily. "No. I failed. I tried calling him but he's not answering my call. I dunno if he even hears my voice. I can't find him anywhere in his subconscious because it's too dark there, the darkness is thick and suffocating, I think if I stay there for longer time - I will die for real!" she explained.

"Ah, okay. How are you feeling now?" Terros asked worriedly.

"I'm fine. Can I have a glass of water, please?" Menedelia said.

"Sure! I'll inform Veronica to get some water from the kitchen," Terros replied. He walked towards the door and opened it. "Daughter, Menedelia wants to drink some water," he said.

"Okay, I'll get a pitcher of water from the kitchen," Veronica said and rose to her feet, walking in the direction of the kitchen.

Terros returned to Menedelia's bed. "Veronica will get your water from the kitchen," he said.josei

"Thank you," Menedelia replied. She looked at the candles on the table. "Did the three lights return already?" she asked.

Terros shook his head. "No. Not yet..." he answered.

Menedelia sighed. "They are our only hope. I hope they can find Graven's spirit and bring his soul back to his body," she said thoughtfully.

"Just rest for a while. If the lights fail... can I enter Graven's body as well?" Terros asked.

Menedelia looked at him. "Do you want to enter his subconscious?"

Terros nodded his head. "Yeah. If the lights fail to find Graven's soul then I'm willing to enter his consciousness and try my luck to find him," he replied thoughtfully.

"Okay, I'll help you, only if the lights fail," Menedelia responded.

A few moments later.

Veronica entered the door and gave Menedelia the glass filled with water.

"Thank you, dear," Menedelia said.

"You're welcome," Veronica replied and exited the room.

"I'll just close my eyes for a while. I feel super tired after leaving Graven's subconscious," Menedelia said and wrapped the blanket around her body.

"Should I wake you up when the lights already returned?" he asked permission first.

"Yes, please!" Menedelia said.

"Okay, you may rest now," Terros said and went to Graven's side.

Menedelia shut her eyes to sleep.

Terros watched Graven's chest moving up and down. "Son, where are you? Menedelia entered your subconscious and called your name bu you are not answering. Did you hear her voice calling you? The lights from the candle also entered your subconscious to find you. If you see the lights, don't resist them, okay? They will take you out from the place that currently trapped you. If you see the lights embrace them! Don't fight them! Okay?"


Inside Graven's dark prison room.

Graven felt sad after he no longer hears the woman's voice calling his name a while ago. She's so near yet so far! And she didn't even hear his shouting. Then he heard Grandpa's voice informing him about the lights that entered his subconscious to find him. Grandpa told him not to fight the lights but embrace them because they will bring him out of his dark prison. New hope sprang in his heart. He eagerly waited for the presence of lights to get him out of his prison wall.

A few minutes later.

Amidst the pitch-black darkness, a ray of light suddenly glowed in the dark... getting brighter... and brighter... coming his way... and then the lights burst into his prison wall in lightning speed until the only thing he can see is blinding light enveloping his consciousness.

Suddenly the darkness around him exploded and Graven's spirit burst out into the open, he was gasping for breath when he opened his eyes for the first time after a long time.

Terros eyes widened in happiness after hearing Graven cough hard for the first time and his eyes wide open. Oh, no! He has difficulty breathing! He quickly assisted Graven in a sitting position and rubbed his back gently.

Graven continues coughing...

Veronica burst inside the room after hearing the commotion and rushed to Graven's side. "You're finally awake!" she shouted in a thrilled voice.

Tears of happiness shone in Terros eyes. "Inhale and exhale slowly, son," he said.

And that's what Graven did in the succeeding minutes.

"W-water! I need water... so thirsty!" Graven said.

Veronica rushed to the table, picked up the pitcher, and poured water into the glass. She brought the glass into Graven's mouth.

Graven attempted to hold the glass but his hands were shaking badly so Veronica hold the glass for him while he took a sip.

The lights floated in the air for a few seconds and then went back to the candle in the center, then all the lights of the candles died instantly.

Graven was able to finish drinking five glasses of water and lie back on the bed.

Veronica left the room to inform Elva and Rebecca of the good news.

"How are you feeling now, son?" Terros asked.

Graven smiled. "My chest feels heavy. I have difficulty breathing as if something lies heavy in my chest," he said.

"Ah, okay. Let's wait for Elva, maybe she can give you a medicine that can help alleviate the heaviness in your chest. Just wait for a second," he said.

Graven nodded his head.

Terros went to the door.

That was also the moment when Rebecca and Elva rushed to the room, excited to see Graven.

They were about to go to Graven's side but Graven told them not to... "Wait, don't come here. I... I need to vomit!" he said.

A few seconds later... Graven vomited into the floor, over and over again.

They all looked in shocked at the dark liquid forming a puddle on the floor.

"Oh, no! Elva shook her head, the dark liquid wants another host, another body to take over. "This is not good! Watch out!" she shouted and waved her hand freezing the dark liquid before it will start coming to them. She snapped her fingers and the jar appeared on the floor, Elva unfroze the dark liquid and it rushed to the jar just like before.

More dark liquid came out from Graven's mouth as he continue vomiting.

A few minutes later.

Graven finally stooped vomiting and lay on the bed panting, his forehead and face glistened with sweats.

The jar completely absorbed all Graven's vomit.

Elva waved her hand and the jar vanished from the healing room.

Terros rushed to Graven's side holding a glass of water. "Son, drink the water," he said.

Graven sits upright and sipped the water slowly.

Rebecca rushed to Graven's side happily. "This is amazing! Grandma Menedelia's ritual had succeeded in bringing your spirit back to your body! I'm feeling so happy right now!" she said, teary-eyed.

Graven looked at Rebecca. "Where is she? The owner of the voice in my head?" he asked.

"She is the lady who is sleeping in the next bed," Terros pointed to Menedelia that was currently sleeping soundly in the adjacent bed.

"But what happened to Granny?" Rebecca asked worriedly and went to the next bed.

"She feels tired after entering Graven's subconscious. She left and returned to her body because she felt suffocated inside the thick darkness. She told me that she will sleep and rest for a while and let the bright lights find Graven on her behalf," Terros explained.

"Ah, okay. So let's not disturb her then," Rebecca said feeling relieved.

Terros asked Graven, "How are you feeling now after you finished vomiting all the dark liquid, son?"

"I'm feeling better now compared earlier. And the heaviness on my chest suddenly fade away after vomiting those dark liquid," Graven stated.

"Good! I think the reason why you're having difficulty breathing earlier because of that thick dark liquid holding your lungs hostage inside your body. And after expelling them from your body you feel lighter now. Am I right?" Terros spoke.

"Yeah, you are right Grandpa!" Graven answered happily.

"Alright, I'm going to the kitchen to start preparing the dishes. Let's celebrate this happy occasion! Graven's return to the land of the living bring a happy smile to our faces!" Veronica said.

"Hooray! Welcome back, Graven!" they all cheered merrily.

"Thank you so much, everyone! I owe you a lot, guys!" Graven replied, feeling grateful for the support and help of the people around him. His eyes watered, he was overwhelmed with happiness.

The women left the healing room and went to the kitchen to help Veronica prepare the feast.

Rebecca turned to Elva. "Can I ask you a favor, goddess?" she asked.

"Sure! What is it?" Elva asked.

"Since Graven is already awake, can I bring Laura here? I'm sure she will be happy to hear the good news. She's been dying to see her husband again after a long time of mental and emotional torture," Rebecca requested.

Elva replied, "Sure! No problem with me!"

Rebecca was delighted. "Thank you so much, goddess! I'm going back to the manor to bring Laura here!" she said excitedly.

"Okay, go ahead," Elva responded with a smile. She then shifted her attention to the task at hand. She helped Veronica in preparing the vegetable, herbs, spices, and meat for the dishes on the kitchen table.

Rebecca wasted no time and teleported back to the manor.

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