The Vampire's Love: You Are My Destiny

Chapter 398 - Waiting For Your Love

Chapter 398 - Waiting For Your Love

A few hours earlier.

Rebecca, Menedelia, and Laura arrived at the manor.

They settled in the living room and have a discussion.

Laura looked at Rebecca. "Are you really leaving us too soon?" she asked.

Rebecca nodded her head. "Yeah. My husband is waiting for me. I already promise him that I will return to his side. Give our relationship another try and raised a family with our twins. I have no other choice..." she said in a melancholy voice.

"Ah, okay, I understand... but why are you looking sad right now? What's wrong?" Laura inquired. She can sense her friend's apprehension based on the expression on her face.

Rebecca took a deep breath. "Um... I'm not sure if our relationship will work, but Corbin is eager to make things work for us. I guess, I'm just feeling afraid and anxious that our relationship won't work in the end. I will just give in to his persuasion and see where our reunion will lead us and how far it will last..." she said apprehensively.

Laura patted Rebecca's shoulder, consoling her. "I understand your worries, friend. But since Corbin is very much willing to meet you halfway then give it a try. Anyways, if in the end the relationship won't work you're always welcome to return here. Graven and I will welcome you with open arms. You will always have a home to come back to," she said reassuringly.

Rebecca's eyes watered. "Thank you so much for your understanding, friend. I just have one favor to ask from you..."

"What is it? Tell me about it... I will grant it as long I can afford it," Laura spoke.

"Can you hide Corbin's identity from your husband for the time being? I will be the one to explain to him about me and Corbin after I settled in my husband's home. I'll pop up here for a quick visit one of these days," Rebecca requested.

"Sure! I'll keep my mouth shut regarding Corbin's identity. If Graven will start asking me about your husband, I will just tell him to wait because you will be the one to tell him about Corbin," Laura assured her.

Rebecca smiled in relief. "Thank you, friend. We will not stay longer, I need to go home to my husband now."

"Okay," Laura replied, she looked at Menedelia. "Grandma, thank you so much for performing the ritual with Grandpa Terros and successfully bringing my husband back to life. I would like to give you a monetary reward for your hard work and effort. Just wait for a few minutes, I'll get the money from my bedroom upstairs," she said and stood up.

Menedelia looked at Laura. "Ah, no need, my lady! I agree to helping Graven because of Rebecca, we didn't talk about money. I mean... it's my good intention to help Graven, no need to reward me with money. I did it with with the pure thoughts of helping a good person, not for monetary rewards," she refused the reward outright.

Laura looked at Menedelia. "But I still want to give you money..."

Menedelia sighed. "If you insisted of giving me money. I will not help your family next time," she threatened jokingly.

Laura lowered herself back on the couch. "Alright then, I'll think of other ways to reward you for your hard work and help," she said.

Menedelia smiled brightly. "No need, my lady. I'm glad to be of help to your family. If you need my assistance in the future don't hesitate to ask for my help. As long I have the chance, I will do it for you!" she said seriously.

Laura was deeply moved by Menedelia's offer. "Thank you so much, Granny!" she said, feeling grateful for her kindness and willingness to help without expecting any rewards.

Rebecca stood up. "Alright, we will go home now. See you soon, Laura!"

"Bye, my lady!" Menedelia said.

"Bye, take care!" Laura replied.

Rebecca and Menedelia disappeared from the living room.

A few seconds later, they appeared in Menedelia's fortress.

They entered the house.

Ebony was waiting for them inside the house. "How its going? Did you accomplish your goal?" she asked them.

"Yes, we did! Granny is awesome! She managed to get Graven out of the dark abyss of his subconscious! My friend is alive and well, thanks to Granny's excellent skill!" she said delightfully, feeling proud of her.

Ebony smiled brightly. "I'm glad that everything went well," she said and looked at Rebecca. "I can't wait to return home. Can we go now?" she requested.

Rebecca nods her head. "Okay, let's go!" Then she looked at Menedelia. "Granny, you will be left alone on your own again. Why don't you live with us in the manor? I'm sure that my husband won't refuse if I will ask his permission," she said, hoping that Menedelia will agree.

Menedelia shook her head. "I have to refuse your offer for now. Let me think about it in the coming days," she said just to shut up Rebecca.

"But Granny... think about it. You will live alone here and you will get lonely. Just join us in the manor so that we can be a big happy family living under the same house!" Rebecca persisted.

"Thanks for the generous offer, child. I will think about it in the coming days. Girls, go home now!" Menedelia ordered.

Ebony was shaking her head. Her older sister has always been - stubborn as a mule!

Rebecca sighed heavily. "I hate to leave you alone here, Grandma. But since you can't make up your mind yet then I respect your decision. Please think about my offer thoroughly, it will benefit us both. Alright then, we're taking our leave..." she said, eager to go home to her husband's house.

Ebony went to her sister's side and gave her a quick hug. "Visit the manor often so that you can see Grandma. Take care of yourself and please think and consider Laura's offer, sis. It will make Grandma Sitas and I truly happy if you join us there, okay?"

Menedelia nodded her head. "Okay, I'll think about it..." she responded quickly.

"Bye, Granny!"

"Bye, sis!"

"Bye bye, girls!" Menedelia spoke.

Ebony and Rebecca vanished in front of Menedelia in the blink of an eye.

Menedelia lowered herself on the wooden chair. The house becomes silent instantly.

Suddenly, she feels crushing loneliness enveloping her whole being.

She released a deep sigh. She stood up, locked the door, and went to her bedroom to rest for the night.


Back at the Windless Mountain.

Terros and Graven were still discussing the satisfying way to end the cursed King's life after giving Graven and his men such a hard time during their captivity in the basement of the crumbling castle.

"I want to burn the King alive tomorrow before I leave for home!" Graven had finally decided.

"That's a fitting punishment for someone like him who is so cruel and ruthless. I'm also thinking of the same punishment for the cursed King. Let's burn him alive tomorrow!" Terros agreed.

"Alright, now that we settled this matter, I'm ready to rest for the night," Graven said and stood up.

"Okay, let's go to sleep," Terros said.

The men left the terrace, entered the house, locked the door, and went to the guest room to sleep for the night.

Half an hour later, the men drifted into a deep slumber.


Inside the cave where the cursed King was imprisoned, he was feeling restless. He was wondering why they haven't returned yet to accept his offer?

Given Graven's condition, they should be alarmed because anytime soon if Graven can't be awakened he will die of internal organs failure since the black liquid will finish devouring all his internal organs unless he can stop the black liquid on time.

These people are stubborn! They refused to accept his offer - then Graven will die painfully anytime soon!

He began laughing hard in amusement eager to see their reaction after discovering that Graven died because of their stubbornness to accept his offer. He will be the one laughing in the end, it doesn't matter if he will die afterward, at least, he can bring Graven along with him to the afterlife.

The cursed King continue laughing in the next few minutes, expecting a sweet victory from his enemies. Graven's death will be his sweet revenge towards these stupid, stubborn, and useless people who dare to imprison him in this cave.josei

If he will die anytime soon, he will find a way to come back to this world in the future and rule the land again!

He will have his chance again, if not in this lifetime, sooner or later he will be resurrected again!

The cursed King sleeps that night wearing a smug smile on his face.


~Corbin's Manor~

Rebecca and Ebony landed in the living room.

Surprisingly Corbin was still up, waiting patiently for his wife's return. His eyes lighted up when he saw the two women appear in the living room all of a sudden. He was expecting that Rebecca will return here tomorrow, not tonight. He was about to go home but waited a little bit, hoping that his wife will return tonight, and he got what he wished for!

"Wife! You have returned, I'm so happy right now!" Corbin beamed and hugged his wife lovingly.

Ebony left the living room quietly and climbed the stairs swiftly to give the couple some privacy.

Rebecca smiled sweetly while looking into Corbin's eyes. "I hope you didn't wait for long," she said.

Corbin shook his head. "I was about to go home and return tomorrow but I have a feeling that you will come here tonight so I waited a little bit for your return. I'm so happy right now. Are you really staying by my side from now on?" he asked.

"Yes, I will!" Rebecca replied happily.

Corbin claimed Rebecca's mouth for a searing kiss.. They locked lips passionately for a few minutes, then climbed the stairs afterward, retiring to their bedroom in bliss.

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