The Vampire's Love: You Are My Destiny

Chapter 406 - Revenge?

Chapter 406 - Revenge?

Five Days Later.

Graven visited Grandpa Terros at his home in the forest.

During that time, Terros was busy cultivating the soil near the house to be planted with more crops.

"Grandpa!" Graven said.

"Son!" Terros replied. "Just wait for a second, I'm going to finish this first..." he said and piled the earth on the other side.

"You need help?" Graven offered.

Terros shook his head. "No need, I'm nearly done!" he replied.

A few minutes later.

Terros was done with his gardening activity and washed his hands in the basin filled with water. He went to Graven's side. "Do you want some coffee or tea?" he offered.

Graven shook his head. "No need, Grandpa. I'm here for something..." he said.

"What is it?" Terros asked.

"Can you accompany me to my brother's house? I want to see him..." Graven said.

"Sure! Let me get rid of my sweaty and smelly clothes first," Terros said and stood up.

"Take your time, Grandpa. I'll wait here..." Graven replied.

Terros climbed the stairs and disappeared inside the house.

Fifteen minutes later.

Terros descended the stairs and went to Graven's side. "Let's go!" he said.

"Alrighty!" Graven stood up.

The men vanished from the place in the blink of an eye.

A moment later, they appeared outside the gate of Luke's manor.

The guard smiled at them. "Welcome back, Grandpa and Lord Graven!" he said cheerfully.

Terros and Graven smiled pleasantly at the guard.

"Is Lord Luke home today?" Terros asked.

"Yes, he just arrived from his trip from the sugarcane plantation," the guard answered and opened the gate for the visitors to enter.

The men stepped into the lawn and walked towards the entrance of the house accompanied by one of the guards.

The guard settled them in the living room while looking for a servant to inform the lord upstairs that he had visitors waiting for him. He found one servant in the kitchen and told her to inform the lord of the house that he had visitors.

The servant went upstairs and knocked at the door of the library where the lord always frequented. "My lord, you have visitors waiting at the living room, it's Grandpa Terros and Lord Graven!" she said.

"Okay, I hear you. I'll come down in a moment. Serve the visitors some refreshment while waiting for me," Luke answered excitedly from the inside.

"Aye, my lord!" the servant replied and left, walking in the hallway, going back to the staircase.

A few moments later.

Luke left the library room. He descended the staircase smiling broadly at his visitors that were sitting comfortably on the sofa.

The maid arrived. She put down the tray and placed the hot coffee and some biscuits on the center table and left quietly.

Graven stood up and greeted Luke with a brotherly hug. "Long time no see!?" he said.

Luke smiled joyfully at his brother. When he left Windless Mountain, his brother was still in a comatose state after he donated his blood. And now, he was standing alive and healthy in front of him. "Welcome back, bro! I'm so happy to see you back in your old self!" he gushes in elation.

"I'm happy seeing you again, bro! I guess I'm lucky to have a second chance of life!" Graven replied.

The men settled on the couch and sipped their coffee.

Graven cleared his throat. "Thank you so much for donating your blood to me, bro!" he said in a grateful voice.

Luke smiled. "No need to thank me. We're blood brothers. It's my responsibility to help you. I'm sure you would do the same for me if I'm in the same condition," he said.

"Um... regarding what you told me about Laura..." Graven said.

Luke looked at his brother in the eyes. "I meant what I said before. I'm no longer vying for your wife's affection. From now on, no need to worry that I will abduct her again. I'm over it. Besides, I'm currently looking for a wife to spend my lifetime with. Wish me luck!" he said sincerely.

"Thank you so much, bro!" Graven said happily.

Again, the men sipped their coffee.

Luke looked at Graven. "How did you come back, bro? I'm curious how did it happen?"

"Ah, regarding that... Rebecca's friend, named Menedelia helped me. She had these amazing powerful candles that produced powerful lights, which are capable of entering my subconscious and pulled me out from the dark prison wall which was set in purpose by that cursed King to torture me," Graven explained.

"Wow! Such a powerful woman! I would like to meet her and convey her my thanks for saving your life! I'm impressed with her abilities!" Luke said.

"Yeah, indeed... such a brilliant woman!" Graven replied.

"By the way, what happened to the King?" Luke asked.

"I burned him to death with my flames," Graven said in a triumphant voice.

"Finally!" Luke feels happy and satisfied after hearing the demised of the cursed King. "Let's celebrate his well deserved end! I'll instruct the cook to prepare delicious meals for our dinner tonight. You guys will celebrate with me, I won't accept no as an answer," he said.

Terros smiled and said, "Sure! I won't say no to delicious meals!"

"Me too!" Graven said.

"Alright, I'll inform the cook," Luke said and stood up. He walked towards the kitchen and instructed the cook to prepare delicious dishes for dinner tonight.

A few minutes later, he returned to the living room and lowered himself on the chair facing his visitors.

Graven looked at his brother. "Bro, I want to return to the enemy's territory and blow up that whole place!" he said, declaring an all-out war against the vampire couple.

Luke and Terros looked at each other.

Terros cleared his throat. "Son... I have something important to tell you," he said.

Graven looked at Terros. "What is it, Grandpa?"

"Um, the vampire couple has two sons, one is Nathan and the other is Corbin. You haven't seen both the brothers eye to eye yet, but I've seen them a few times..." Terros paused for a few seconds.

Graven raised a brow, trying to understand what Grandpa is trying to tell him. "And so what-?" he asked.

"Son, one of the vampire couple's son is Corbin and he is Rebecca's husband, the father of the twins that she was carrying in her tummy. If you kill them, you are going to kill Corbin and make Rebecca a widow and make the twins fatherless... think about your decision for a moment..." Terros said.

The expression on Graven's face was of great shock and surprise. "Are you kidding me!?" he asked in disbelief.

"Sad to say, I'm not! After learning about it, my initial plan to destroy the territory of the enemy has taken a backseat for now. We need to talk to Rebecca first before we make any drastic plans about the family of her husband. If we continue with our revenge, Rebecca will be the one to suffer the most in the end. And you also have to remember that if Rebecca didn't bring Menedelia to help you, you might already be dead by now," Terros said.

Graven sighed deeply. "This is unbelievable!"

"Indeed!" Luke agreed.

Graven looked at his brother. "What do you think, bro? What is the right thing to do?" he asked for his opinion.

Luke sighed. "If you can stomach blowing up the whole place and killing all the lives of the slaves working underground then go ahead, I won't stop you... but I'm sorry bro, I wont help you to pulverize that place..." he apologized.

Graven brows knitted together. "But why you're not willing to help me?" he asked, confused.

"Because many innocent servants lives are at stake, they're working underground in a gold mine. Aside from that issue, think about Rebecca's feelings as well and the twins, when they grow older, can you looked at the children in the eyes and tell them that you are the one responsible for their father's death? Can you do it?" Luke said.

Graven released a deep sigh. "What an irony!" he blurted furiously.

"Indeed! Of all men in the world, why does it have to be the vampire couple's son that Rebecca had taken as her husband? Why, oh why?" Terros said, shaking his head in complete disbelief.

"It complicate matters, isn't it?" Luke commented.

"Indeed!" Graven finally agreed.

Silenced engulfed the men.

"Revenge is easy to do, but the consequences later is difficult to predict. I mean, will Rebecca hate us after killing her husband and his entire family?" Terros asked the question that has been bothering his mind ever since Graven decided to take revenge on the vampire couple.

Luke shrugged. "Only Rebecca can answer that..." he said.

"You're right, we need to talk to Rebecca first and ask her why she married the son of the enemy? That question has been stuck in my mind for a long time. We need some answers!" Terros suggested.

"I second to that!" Luke said.

Graven was silent the whole time, pondering why things have come to this?

"Should we just allow that couple to go free just because Rebecca's husband was their son?" Graven asked his companions.

Luke and Terros looked at each other, stupefied, unable to reply to Graven's question.

"It's hard to answer that question, son. For today, let's just forget that problem and enjoy your reunion with your brother," Terros said. "We will set up a meeting with Rebecca first, talk to her, ask her questions about her husband and then we will decide later - after we hear everything. Then let's think what is the appropriate action to implement based on her answers. What do you think of my suggestion, son?" he asked.josei

Luke gave Terros a thumb up. "I agree with your suggestion, Grandpa! Let's not rush things..." he said, looking at his twin brother.

Graven took a deep breath. "Alright, I agree to Grandpa's suggestion," he finally said.

"Good, son!" Terros said as huge relief washed over him.

The trio changed their depressing topic to a lighter one.

Hours went by.

The evening finally comes.

They went to the dining room and gathered around the dining table laden with appetizing dishes, they ate dinner with great appetite.

After dinner, they have a drinking session at the terrace.

They finished drinking late at night.

Luke suggested to the visitors to sleep in the guest room for the night and just go home the next day. The men agreed.

After settling comfortably in their rooms, Graven and Terros sleep soundly through the night.

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