The Vampire's Love: You Are My Destiny

Chapter 70 - Sorry, I Forgot!

Chapter 70 - Sorry, I Forgot!

While Laura was inside the bathroom.

Rebecca entered the room together with the maid who delivered food to the table. The maid left the room after putting the food tray on the table.


Rebecca placed the dress on the bed. She went to the door of the bathroom and knocked. "Laura, I brought you some clothes and undergarments," she announced.

"Thank you!" Laura said. "Can you hand it to me, please?" she requested. She opened the door.

"Sure!" Rebecca replied and picked up the clothes and handed them to Laura inside the bathroom.

"Can you please wait for me until I'm done dressing up? I need to ask you something?" laura said.

"Sure, I'll wait for you," Rebecca responded.

"Thank you," Laura said and closed the door.historical

A few minutes later, Laura exited the bathroom and sat on the bed. She looked at Rebecca sitting on the chair facing her. "Thank you so much for allowing me to wear your clothes," she said in a grateful tone.

"No need to thank me. I have lots of clothes that I haven't wear yet," Rebecca said with a smile. "So...tell me... what is it that you want to ask from me?" she said.

Laura cleared her throat. "It's about Graven's twin. Have you heard about him? Have you known about him? Did you see him with your own eyes?" she bombarded her with questions.

"Whoa! ask a lot of questions, my dear!" Rebecca protested.

Laura sighed. "I'm sorry... but I'm looking forward to hearing your answers to all my questions," she said. "Just answer this one question of mine. Please?"

"What is it?" Rebecca asked.

"What is the name of Graven's twin brother?" Laura asked.

Rebecca was about to open her mouth to answer Laura's question when there's a knock on the door. "What is it?" she asked.

"Miss Rebecca, Lord Graven wants to see you in his study room," the housemaid said.

"Okay, I'll go to him in a moment," Rebecca replied. She glanced at Laura and rose to her feet. "I'll come back later to finish our conversation. In the meantime, you can eat your food," she said and left the room.

Laura watched as the woman disappeared from her view.

Dang! Why does Graven have to ask for Rebecca's presence when the woman was about to tell her about the twin brother! This is irritating!

Laura stood up and went to the table, she looked at the food and began eating a little, she doesn't have any appetite but she forced herself to eat so that she has more energy when she returns to the mansion. She doesn't want Sir Nicholas to worry about her.

A few minutes later, she ended up eating a lot more because the dishes were cooked deliciously, especially the creamy shredded chicken meat, mixed with veggies.

Fifteen minutes later, a knocking at the door can be heard inside the room.

Laura stood up and opened the door. "What is it?"

It's just the housemaid standing in the hallway.

"Have you finish eating, Miss?" asked the maid.

Laura nodded her head. "Yes, the dishes are delicious. Thank you," she said.

The maid smiled. "I'll bring the dishes back to the kitchen," she said. She went to the table and arranged the empty dishes in the tray.

Laura watched the maid while she was putting the dishes in the tray. "Have you seen Rebecca around?" she asked.

The maid shook her head. "No. I haven't seen her..." she replied.

"If you see her, please tell her that I'm waiting for her presence in my room," Laura said.

"Okay, Miss. I'll tell her your message. I'll take my leave now," the maid said and exited the door.

Laura closed the door and went back to sit in the bed. She waited for Rebecca. It's already 10:00 in the evening and the woman hasn't returned yet. Maybe she had forgotten about her?

She released a deep sigh.

She's feeling anxious waiting for Rebecca to return to her room.

Until one hour passed, Rebecca hasn't returned yet!

She's ready to leave the room to find her. She exited the door and walked into the hallway. She happened to hear some people talking on the balcony located on the right side. She edges closer and took a peek wanting to know who is talking in there.

She can't see them, but she can hear their familiar voice which belongs to Graven and Rebecca. She wants to eavesdrop on their conversation but go against it after hearing footsteps echoing in the stairs. Must be one of the maids coming to the second floor of the house! She quickly left the balcony and walked into the hallway going back to her room.

She entered her room and went to the window, she closed it after the chilly gush of wind entered the room.

She went back to bed and plopped down. She glanced at the clock hanging on the wall. It's already 11:15, soon it will be midnight!

She was wondering if Rebecca will still come back to her room tonight when it's late already and she was having a conversation with her fiancee on the balcony?

If Rebecca still a no-show until midnight then she will just ask her tomorrow morning. But as much as possible she wanted to know the truth tonight! She won't be able to sleep peacefully thinking about the mystery of Graven's twin brother.

"Rebecca, please come back!" she said loudly inside the room.

"Please...please...please! I want to know the truth tonight!" she said to no one in particular.

She glanced at the clock again...11:25.

She's getting frustrated! The waiting is killing her!

"Where are you, Rebecca? Please come back here, hurry up!" she said loudly.

She lies in bed and stared at the ceiling of the room for a few minutes. She released a deep sigh of frustration.

She closed her eyes.

After hearing Graven denying that he was Luke, she was now eager to know if his twin brother is the one who is called Luke?

Maybe... possible that it was Luke? the twin brother that she had an intimate relationship with during those times?

She opened her eyes and glanced at the clock, it's already 11:45 sad...she's already losing hope that Rebecca would return to her room. She gives up!

She's going to rest and sleep. She will talk to Rebecca tomorrow morning. She went to the door and was about to lock it when there was a knock on the door.

"Laura, are you still awake?" Rebecca's voice rang in the air.

"Yes!" Laura replied excitedly and opened the door wide for Rebecca to enter. "Please come inside. I'm waiting for your return," she said.

Rebecca entered the room and lowered herself on the chair. "What is your question again? Sorry, I forgot," she apologized.

Laura looked at her. "Can you please tell me the name of Graven's twin brother?" she asked, holding her breath, feeling scared to hear her answer.

"Graven's twin brother's name is Luke..." answered Rebecca casually.

Laura's heart stopped beating for a moment.

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