The Vicious Female Support Wants to Quit

Chapter 2

Chapter 2: She was still under the control of the plot

2. She was still under the control of the plot

After a few more cursing at the author, Gu Ningyou felt that she had let out the resentment in her heart, and now that she had vented out her frustrations, she began to think about the plot.

At which part of the plot was she in now?

The graduation ceremony should have happened three months ago, these three months…

Gu Ningyou was about to try recalling when she heard the sound of the car engine turning off and the opening and closing of the car door from downstairs.

Who would come to her house at this late hour?

Gu Ningyou walked to the window and looked downstairs, but this glance made her body froze in place –

A man was leaning on the car door, and he held the car keys in his hand, and from time to time he played with it, throwing it up and down. His head was lowered and his expression was shrouded in the dark night, making it difficult to distinguish.

It’s him.

Why was he here?

Even if they were far apart, even if she couldn’t see his face clearly, she recognized him at a glance – Pei Siyuan, the male lead of this book – the person she had loved and hated for more than ten years, how could she not recognize him?

Trying to get close to him seemed to have become her instinct. Before her mind could react, her body had turned around and ran downstairs like a conditioned reflex. When Gu Ningyou came into realization, Pei Siyuan was already standing in front of her.

Seeing him again, Gu Ningyou felt like it had been a lifetime ago . After Pei Siyuan and her completely torn apart their faces in the previous life, they hardly had any contact for a long time. The last time she saw him was a few months ago. That meeting was still because of the heroine Jiang Yao…

The man in front of her was not the same as the one she remembered. The man she was familiar with was already a mature man in his 30s, but the person in front of her still had the sense of youth; it seems to be the same, whether it was seven years ago or seven years later, when facing her, he always looks indifferent, as if he was facing a stranger.

“Yuan, you…”

After subconsciously calling him, Gu Ningyou regretted a little, Pei Siyuan hated her for calling him that. In his opinion, their relationship was never close enough for her to call him intimately like this. Every time he heard her called him this, he would push her away with a cold face, and say annoyedly, “Don’t call me that.”

But since the words had already been said, there was no chance to take it back. Seeing that he didn’t answer, Gu Ningyou had to summon up courage and try again, “How long have you been here, why didn’t you come in?”

“I didn’t bring the key.”

Compared to her panic, Pei Siyuan was much calmer. She has never been the one who could affect his emotions. Even if she has, it was emotions such as hate and boredom..

In fact, Gu Ningyou already guessed his answer. If it was the previous her, she would definitely believe his words at this time, but Gu Ningyou clearly knew that Pei Siyuan didn’t forget to bring the key she gave him. At one time in her previous life, when he had a heated argument with her, he had an emotional outburst and told her the truth.

“I threw away the key the day you gave it to me.”


Again, Gu Ningyou could not control and wanted to hold his hand again, Pei Siyuan probably noticed her small movement, he frowned almost invisibly, turned sideways to bypass her and walked inside.

This was the meaning of rejection. Although she has had more embarrassing moments in front of him, Gu Ningyou also felt a little embarrassed at this time. Her hand was stretched out in the air awkwardly and she didn’t know whether to put it down.

“If you want to catch a cold, you can continue to stand outside.”

When Pei Shiyuan noticed that the footsteps behind him had paused and she was not following him, he said in a calm voice and continued to walk in. Gu Ningyou withdrew her hand and slightly clenched it into a fist, and she released it again. She took a deep breath and followed him into the door like an insignificant attendant.

This was her house, but he made it seem like she was the guest…

“Yuan…” This time, Gu Ningyou changed her words in time, “Pei Siyuan, do you want some tea? I’ll make it for you……”

“No, I’ll leave in a while.” Pei Siyuan interrupted her without hesitation, his gaze fell on her face, but he quickly turned away, “Where do you feel uncomfortable? Sick?”

Gu Ningyou was stunned, “Ah?”

“Didn’t you say that you were not feeling well and asked me to come over to keep you company?”

So this was the reason why he came here…

Gu Ningyou didn’t know how to explain for a moment. Of course she was not sick, the so-called discomfort was just an excuse made by “her” of that time. At that time, the “her” was only full of the sweetness of wanting to be “with” her beloved, and she just wanted to be by his side. Even if he treats her coldly, it doesn’t matter.

At that time, she always naively believed that as long as she persisted, he would find her goodness and one day be moved by her.

But at that time, she didn’t know that what Pei Siyuan hated most in his life was being lied to, especially when the person who lied to him was Gu Ningyou, this hatred was almost doubled. All the sweet moments in her heart would only accumulate day after day, year after year, and finally become her towering hatred.

“I, actually…actually, I’m not sick or uncomfortable, I’m just…” Gu Ningyou lowered her head, like a child who did something wrong, anxiously waiting for him to judge her, “I just… miss you.”

After saying this, Gu Ningyou’s heart sank to the bottom. If she was just suspicious at first, she was now convinced that after her rebirth, she was still under the control of the plot. She couldn’t control her words and deeds.

Unlike her previous life, she didn’t think there was anything wrong with what she said, but this time her consciousness was clear. She showed a deep infatuation with Pei Siyuan on the surface, but in her heart she felt sad for herself, she had already seen her tragic end.

In this way, if she wanted to get rid of her fate of being the vicious female supporting character, she can’t rush. She could only make changes in some subtle details. Once it makes it too obvious and is discovered by the plot, everything will be mercilessly corrected.

Gu Ningyou knew that Pei Siyuan must be annoyed at this time. This time, she didn’t even make up a clumsy lie, but directly expressed her true thoughts. He knew that he was deceived by her again, and he might scold her in a sarcastic tone, or might slam the door angrily and leave.

But no matter what the outcome was, she didn’t care. After all, she was no longer the one who would only please him, for fear that she might annoy him by accidentally saying the wrong thing.

Unexpectedly, neither of the two situations she expected happened. He just said calmly, “I’ll leave if there’s nothing.”

Leaving by informing? This seems…not like his character?

Gu Ningyou hesitantly looked at the expression on his face from the corner of her eye. Seeing that she couldn’t see joy nor anger on his face, she took the courage to hold his hand, but this time Pei Siyuan did not avoid it.

“Yuan…Are you angry?”

Pei Siyuan looked down at the two hands that were clasped together. He was silent for a few seconds, and said, “No.”

Ah? Why was it different from what she thought?

He seemed extraordinarily… gentle today.

But she obviously didn’t do anything.

Gu Ningyou was a little lost in her thought for a moment.

Pei Siyuan waited for a while before she could speak, and then began to urge her, “Let go.”

“No.” Gu Ningyou blurted out, and she leaned forward and wrapped her arms around his waist, “It was fine just now, now it’s not.”


“I don’t want you to go…Nuan, stay with me tonight… okay? We haven’t seen each other for several days, you don’t miss me at all?

Gu Ningyou shook her head when she heard herself say this.

She was sure she would be scolded this time.

“Where do I sleep, the guest room or the master bedroom?”

? ? ?

No… Did Pei Siyuan took the wrong medicine today?

Gu Ningyou felt that he must have Stockholm Syndrome, he just didn’t scold her, she actually felt that he was very gentle today.

Gu Ningyou looked at his face again, vaguely she seemed to really see a little tenderness in his eyes. She blinked, suspecting that she had an illusion. When she looked again, the tenderness had already disappeared without a trace.

Sure enough, it was just an illusion, right?

Gu Ningyou sighed in her heart, followed by lingering uneasiness. When she said those words, she just wanted to get rid of him. After all, when facing her, he was never a good talker, and in the past, he would definitely not have agreed so easily.josei

Later, how should she get along with him?

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