The Villain Wants to Live

Chapter 305

Chapter 305: Why does only my time pass as it pleases? (1)

Epherene was eating in the Magic Tower’s dining room.

“…It’s not bad.”

The restaurant there was also quite good. Of course, it wasn’t as good as eating Roahawk, but the food was tasty, and there were so many wizards at lunchtime, so it was natural to camouflage herself among them.

“I want to eat Roahawk.”

Her account was frozen, so she could only dream about it. josei

‘Shall I borrow some money from Sylvia?’

As she was thinking about it, a plate was placed before the seat opposite her. Sylvia sat down a moment later.

“Oh, you came at the right time. Sephine. Can you-“

“Why did you come out on your own?”

Sylvia looked angry.

“Huh? Why? It’s morning, so I came to eat-“

“Deculein is chasing you.”

Sylvia said. But since she already knew it, Epherene only tilted her head.

“The purge officers are also chasing you.”

“…Purge officers?”

“Yeah. They’ve been told to kill you. Deculein is helping them.”


The spoon in Epherene’s hand fell. Her mouth opened wide, and she stared shocked at Sylvia.

“They are already on the move. So.”

Sylvia pulled out a thick envelope from her pocket.

“You just keep doing what you’re doing.”


“What we were studying… the Emperor’s Teaching Wizard Selection Test.”

She found it weird. How would she get to the Imperial Palace when the purge officers were chasing her?

“They are independent agents from the Floating Island. It means that they’re not part of the Imperial Palace. And it is stated in this clause that any wizard who can solve these problems is eligible to become a selection wizard.”

Deculein and the Imperial Palace valued principles. Therefore, they would not change that clause or reject Epherene if she passed.

“So, if you pass the exam and enter the Imperial Palace, they will not be able to pursue you. Even Deculein can’t pursue you.”

“No, but why is Deculein…”

Epherene didn’t understand.

He even agreed with her to save Julie, so why?

“Why me?”


Sylvia let out a small sigh. She then cut into her steak.

“Because you are dangerous.”


“Yes. There are two of you.”


Epherene couldn’t understand, so Sylvia explained.

“There are two of you in this timeline. It is a contradiction caused by time travel.”

Sylvia shook her head, taking a bite.

“If you don’t fully handle your powers, many of these temporal contradictions will arise. It will cause serious harm to the continent. And Deculein is the coldest wizard when it comes to such a choice. Only one student, or the entire continent. Of course, Deculein will choose the latter.”

It was then-


A wind rustled coldly through Epherene and Sylvia’s hair. At that moment, it was as if the entire room was frozen. The attention of all the wizards in the restaurant was focused on the door.

Sylvia spoke.

“…It’s the purge, officers.”


Three wizards in shabby robes entered the restaurant. They emanated strange mana that neither Epherene nor Sylvia had ever experienced before. The aura was unique to the purge officers who specialized in kidnapping, imprisoning, and killing wizards.


Epherene swallowed.


They were slowly approaching. Did they know she was here, or were they just looking around? They passed the other tables one by one.


They suddenly stopped. Cold sweat formed on Epherene and Sylvia’s brow.

They weren’t far. No, they were very close, only a few meters away. The three purge officers stood tall and began to look around, unraveling their mana to examine the wizards.


That blue stream of mana reached Epherene as well, and when Sylvia was preparing for battle…


A voice restrained them.

“Who gave you permission to check the wizards in the tower at your leisure?”

Deculein appeared just in time. Epherene grabbed at her pounding heart as the tension fled her.

“There are traces here.”

The purge officer said. His voice was wispy and ethereal, similar to his mana.

“I would never have allowed you to do it like this. It is unacceptable to treat all wizards in the tower as criminals.”


“Go away. You need to refine your investigation method first. Do you think she’s a fool? If you keep stepping forward like this, she would have already run away even if she was here.”

Deculein stared down the three purge officers alternately. They held out for a while but soon followed his orders and filed out of the restaurant.

And Deculein said.

“…Eat up.”

The frozen restaurant began to move again. Once he left, Epherene and Sylvia glanced at each other.

“…Then. Sephine. I’ll just have to avoid them for a while, right?”

“Don’t ask the obvious.”

Sylvia nodded.

“I have some work to do. I’ll be back when that’s over, until then…”

Work to do. Epherene pulled out her wooden pocket watch. There wasn’t much time left.

“We need to know what’s going on with fat Relin and the professors in the tower—”

“I already know that you stupid Epherene.”

Sylvia handed Epherene a crystal ball.

“Even now, I’m spying on them with the wind. If anything happens, I’ll share it with you right away.”


Epherene stood with a bitter look.


Sylvia lightly added.

“Deculein’s punishment and the purge officer’s punishment will be different. You know what I mean.”


“If you’re going to be caught, get caught by Deculein if possible.”

Sylvia’s words of comfort. Epherene smiled.

“Yes. I know. I won’t get caught, but if I do, I’ll try to get caught by him.”

* * *

…Freyden was freezing.

In the winter castle on the northern border of the Empire, Zeit stared at the landscape outside with dark eyes. The white encroached ground was so cold that it couldn’t support life. Un-melting ice, endless winter, the nights longer than the days.

“…Ice age.”

Zeit clenched his teeth.

“Is it that time again?”

The time of the glaciers beyond the cold. Indeed, as the Altar predicted, Freyden was slowly dying.

“There is no central support when this happens.”

Zeit chuckled. He shook his head and turned around.

“Indeed. I never expected it. But… do you have a way out?”

At Zeit’s question, the lieutenant, Velan, straightened up.


“What is it?”

“There is a wizard named Vervaldi.”


He knew the name Vervaldi. The anonymous wizard participated in Yuren’s Magic Fair and showed a new horizon of artifacts.

“Yes. The way out of this ice age is in his head.”


“We just need to make an artificial sun.”

Freyden had tried again and again. They used up money to gather wizards and distribute warmth to the people of Freyden. However, the land of Freyden was too wide, and even if it was limited only to the outer castle and its periphery, it was impossible to overcome this magical winter.

“Vervaldi, there’s nothing we know about that wizard.”

“We found someone who knows.”


Zeit looked at him.


“Yes. In the Ashes.”

Ashes. It was a place that brought frowns upon nobles’ faces in the Empire, but it didn’t matter to Zeit now. The fate of his family depended on them.

“Let’s leave right away.”

It was the duty of the head of Freyden to do what he could when he could.


Lieutenant Velan paused for a moment.

“The news of Knight Julie….”


Julie. His most precious little sister was losing her life somewhere, but now there was nothing more important than Freyden.

“I’ll listen to it later. Coping with the ice age is our priority right now.”

* * *

The Sanctuary of Time.

Epherene, who quickly returned thanks to Allen’s stride, checked on Julie for the last time.

“Mana stone checked. Lunar grass checked. Body condition… checked. Very good.”

It wasn’t just a visual inspection. She was using Deculein’s artifacts, so the accuracy was 100%.

Julie’s condition was good. It was very good… but Julie was so skinny, it was sad to even see her now.

“I think this is enough to say that she has a very strong will to live, huh?”

Epherene murmured and looked into the barrel. She flashed a happy smile at Julie.

“Is everything ready?”

Idnik, who was watching with interest from the side, asked. Allen and Idnik were sitting at the tea table and eating snacks.

‘I had bought those for me to eat after work.’

Epherene nodded.

“Yes. I’m ready.”

She took a deep breath and arranged the circuits in her body.

“My magic will work, as long as I run it right.”

“How is your condition?”

“Perfect. Today, I heard some shocking things, but that’s okay.”


“Yes. The purge officers are chasing after me.”


Idnik raised her eyebrows.

“You’ve become a giant if the purge officers are even chasing after you.”


Epherene checked her body silently.

The mana was enough. The magic circle under her feet was also certain, and Julie’s condition was perfect. There was no need to hesitate.

“…I’m doing it.”

The magic Epherene was trying to implement now was no different from a miracle. An attempt to scientifically observe time and manipulate it magically. The first step, similar to the power of God to go against nature, was taking place right here and now…


Epherene warmed up the circuits through her body. The wood steel next to her trembled in response.


Gray mana bloomed through Time. The entire space was dyed with Epherene’s color.


At first, the mana air current quickly swelled like a torrent and was pulled into Julie’s barrel. At that moment, the magic circle beneath them flashed gray.



Immediately after, the first explosion occurred. A trigger that drove time transfer. However, the fluctuations at that moment were as intense as a great earthquake. Epherene raised both her hands to control the trembling mana. She guided the time path by moving her arms like an orchestra conductor.


The second explosion. An echo that settled time. The magic was now firmly fixed. Epherene endured her headache and strengthened the magic frame. She concentrated all the mana resonating inside her body on Julie’s Time.


The third explosion. The last process before time turned. Now, she infused Julie with her magic.


Filling the barrel, the magic of time bloomed thickly. Julie’s curse, which tormented her for ten years or so, was caught up in that time and grew smaller, smaller, smaller, and then disappeared.


At the same time, all the memories and emotions that filled Julie for the past ten years were rewinding, rewinding, rewinding…

And sifted away forever.

─This is the calmness that Deculein wanted for Julie.

“Be comfortable.”

Epherene opened her eyes again. She felt the mana empty from her and overflow. Was it successful?


…Fourth explosion?


Epherene startled.

“Why did it explode one more time?”

She mumbled like that and boom—!

Fifth explosion?

“…No, wait. Two more explosions?”

There was nothing wrong with the magic circle, and the implementation was good. Epherene looked around.


Two unexpected explosions, but there was no problem. No ground collapsed; the equipment wasn’t smashed.

“…Is it nothing?”

Epherene silently murmured and looked at Julie’s barrel. The knight’s complexion was fine, and she didn’t look like she was wasting away. Because that alone was a sure success, Epherene giggled as relief flooded her.

“Knight Julie~?”

Knock, knock-

She called to her while knocking on the cylinder’s glass wall.

“Knight~. Are you okay~? Are you so well that you can’t even answer~?”

No matter how many times she called, there was no answer. Julie didn’t wake up.


No, it was more than not waking up.

“Wait a minute.”

Epherene realized it too late. Julie was very strange now. Her face, of course, her eyes, and above all, her pulse.

“She’s not breathing.”

Like some kind of wax… as if time had stopped, she did not move.

“Shit. This is terrible! Idnik! Come and help!”

Epherene shouted.

“Idnik! Allen!”

Even when she screamed, Idnik didn’t answer.

“Hey! Idnik?!”

She called out louder, but it was still quiet. Not only Idnik and Allen but the entire space called Time.


Epherene only then turned to search for Idnik and Allen.


They were still sitting at the table and watching her with wide-open eyes.

Frozen into place like stone.


It was like time stopped.



Maybe the time had stopped.


Epherene lifted her trembling hands to look at her watch.


Neither the minute hand nor the second hand ticked on.

Epherene felt it.

“…I’m screwed.”

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