The Villain Wants to Live

Chapter 354

Chapter 354: Everyones Last (8)

Chapter 354: Everyone's Last (8)

From the infinite peak at the top of the lighthouse, Epherene was gazing up at the sky. She raised her head as if to touch the stars.


Her eyes contained the celestial body descending from above. It sank like a pebble in a pond.


She'd be lying if she said she wasn't afraid of it. Her fingers kept trembling, scratching at her robe's sleeves, and her heart wouldn’t stop pounding.

"No need to worry."

Still, she managed to calm herself. Now, she believed in her current self, the past self that she hadn't yet met, and Deculein.

"…I'm ready, you know?"

Epherene mumbled.


As she looked around, the most majestic Psychokinesis ever cast was realized through Deculein's heart. It moved everyone in the world, carrying all life into the canvas leading Outside the World. She could see mana particles rising across the horizon and people being rescued from the brink of Annihilation without knowing what was happening.


The lighthouse, on the other hand, was freezing. Those contained in 「Outside the World」 would be frozen by the knight who was the connecting point between the continent and outside — Julie until its lifespan expired.

"Time is very subjective, which is convenient."

Of course, it might take ten thousand years or even twenty until that happened.

"It's like when you're sleeping. It feels like time stops."

But if you don’t recognize time’s passage, then it might as well not even exist. Time depends on human interpretation and perception.

"I'm confident."

Therefore, Julie's miracle would freeze everything outside of the world for an appropriate time. In that way, all life on the continent would be able to return safely.

They would return.

"After that… we'll be on our own."

She looked to the sky again. Naturally blue, clear, or dark. No matter what color it was, there was always a wrinkle in the flat sky, distorting it like a draped curtain because of the enormous mana and atmospheric pressure swirling around the meteorite.


It approached with a roar. If that touched down, the continent would be destroyed, and it couldn't be recovered even with Epherene's power.


Already knowing this, Deculein and Epherene chose to cooperate. They considered the meteorite's collision as fate.

"It's the perfect spell."

However, Epherene knew. Even if it was fate, she could carve out a new path afterward.

"Professor, you are…."

Even if the continent were destroyed, this lighthouse wouldn't be broken, and its existence would remain a singular miracle.

"…Truly, the perfect thing in the world."

The last miracle devised by Deculein, the magic that encompassed the truth, was engraved in its stones.

"Thanks to you, we will be able to restore this world. As long as I do my part properly, that is."

The essence of that miracle was recovery, to return everything destroyed to its former state. To surrender to the fate of destruction, but never to give up.

"…I can do it, okay?"

Epherene pouted her lips. She could practically hear a voice saying, "Do you think someone as stupid as you can do it?"

"But before that."

The most important step remained. That was…


A sharp sword cut through the air. Two blades met with a rush of mana, pushing away the heavy rain. Sophien and Quay engaged in battle, but there was no room for others to intervene. Epherene had to wait for the right moment.


Epherene looked up at the sky again. Indeed, that dazzling harbinger was already destroying the world...


A voice suddenly called out to her. She wondered if it was a hallucination.


A quick look back revealed the source. Idnik was staring at her with a wide grin.


"Haha, I'm sorry. I'm a bit late after convincing him."

"Convince him…?"

Only now did she notice the other person next to Idnik, a familiar man in a robe.

"Mur… kan?"

The desert wizard was Rohakan's best friend— Murkan. The very same who handed her the pocket watch.

"This is also what Rohakan wanted."


Epherene glanced over his shoulder. She was expecting one more... but there was no one else.

"I guess Demakan is not coming, huh?"

Demakan, the archmage who left the world, would confine himself until the very end.


"I'm here too!"

When Idnik smiled bitterly, a bright and loud voice came from above. Epherene could tell who that was without looking.

"Archmage Epherene! As an archmage myself, I'm here to help too!"

A smiling fairy greeted them. It was Adrienne, one of the sanctuary Time’s members and the former chairman of the Magic Tower.

"I will attack that meteorite! If it weakens even a little, the continent's recovery will be easier, right?"

Did they also understand Deculein's lighthouse-like Louina? Idnik smiled brightly, pointing to the jumping Adrienne.

"You understand, Epherene? You don't have to deal with it alone."


Epherene nodded, relaxing thanks to them.

"Then I will, for now. For the remaining time…."

She turned and looked at the two fighting in the distance.

"…I will be with Her Majesty."

* * *

…In the distant past. Back in the old days, he used to wake up in the morning to the birds chirping and receive a divine revelation, interpret it, study it, write it down in the scriptures, and have a faithful day…

Back in those days, when everyone was a believer, there was no need to fight, no need to kill animals or cut plants to survive, and no need to worry or mourn over an uncertain future.


In the old days, when he was proud of being created by God, living only for God, and dedicated his life to Him.

"…I wasn't needed."

Saying that Quay peered into Sophien's eyes. Her crimson pupils burned like flames, revealing the fervor of the soul contained within.

"Because I belonged only to God."


Mana splattered as their swords crossed. Sophien's red and Quay's darkness seemed to be somewhat balanced, but the result of their showdown was already clear: Quay's body was breaking.


As Sophien brought her sword upward, Quay's skin flaked away.


She swung again. Quay grabbed it with his hands, smiling.

"Because I lived only for God."

A doll's body couldn’t defeat real flesh, and certainly not the flesh of what was supposed to be his main body. This cheeky human with what was his couldn't be pushed away.

"…Was that wrong?"

But Quay asked Sophien-

"Was that wrong?"

That he'd served God in that distant past. That he was made for God. That he dedicated himself to God.

"Was that wrong? Enough to be neglected for a billion eons."

Sophien didn't answer. However, that silence was enough for Quay.


This soul called Sophien contained in his body was different from his. She had a purpose, and she had lived. Sophien was Sophien, and the principle behind all her actions was because Sophien herself wanted it that way.

"You won."

Quay couldn't beat Sophien. The physical difference was too huge.


Still, Sophien's eyes remained steady. She didn't let her guard down in the slightest.


Because she looked cute, Quay shook his head with a grin.

"But what you said… Deculein is wrong."

Rain ran down Quay's eyes.

"Deculein says the name of the god is Rain, but I don't feel God in this rain. There is only my sorrow."


Sophien's sword burned with mana. At that moment, Quay's hand holding the blade withered to ash, and then—

"God is already dead."

—Quay's heart was pierced through.


It made the sound of tearing paper as the blade drove in deep.

"…God will never come back. And only God can say whose interpretation is correct, but he doesn't exist anymore."

Quay softly nodded. He could finally admit it.

"Maybe I lost a long time ago. My faith in a God who is already dead cannot defeat your faith in yourself."

Sophien continued to cut through his flesh until it went as deep as possible. She killed the last believer.


His skin was shattered into dust, and the doll’s body went limp. Released from Sophien's sword, Quay collapsed. As she was about to swing for the last time…


Someone else called Sophien. She turned to face him.

"…It's me."

Kreto. Her ugly little brother was calmly approaching her. She wanted to smack him, but a strange smile came out. Even in this serious moment, she felt a familial love toward him.

"Damn you."

Sophien said. Kreto wore a soft smile as he looked down at Quay. Staring at him as his skin flaked off and his flesh turned to dust… he knelt on both knees.

"Leave the last one to me."


She wasn't surprised. The only reason why this guy showed up at this moment, without a second thought, was because of Quay.

"He is going to die anyway. Even if there's not much time left, there is something I want to say to him. After that, I will accept my sins."

"Hmph. You have no sins."


With a scoff, Sophien turned away and sheathed her sword.

"He has already admitted defeat. I just thought I could at least grant him death."

There were more important things to Sophien than caring about losers. Like the immense heat and mana gushing out of the sky above her.


Soft footsteps approached.

"Enter the lighthouse, Your Majesty."

Sophien gave a soft smile.

"You got a bit cheeky now, huh?"


She didn't say anything. Her head must’ve grown too big.

"Child of the moon, do you still have my power?"

"…Do you want to return?"

Epherene asked. Sophien shook her head.

"No. Since it is originally mine, shouldn't I retrieve it?"

"You don't have to. It's already prepared for you."

With that said, Epherene pointed to the frozen lighthouse. Frost had already begun to creep up the outside walls.

"Your Majesty has triumphed, and soon a miracle will come true."

"…You mean Deculein's magic?"

"Yeah, the professor's final arrangement."

Epherene answered proudly. She beamed with the respect and affection she felt for her master. Sophien could somewhat relate to what she was feeling. Rather, this kid also had similar feelings toward Deculein...

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm okay. After the continent is restored, Knight Julie will freeze everything. Of course, me too."

"Well. Will the Imperial Palace be safe?"

"Of course. It'll be the way it has been. As if only a night or two has passed."

Because Locralen couldn't disappear, Epherene muttered next.

"…I see."

Sophien quietly looked up to the universe. The meteorite, which had already broken through the atmosphere, was brighter than the sun.

"…Your Majesty, we'll just hibernate for a while."

Epherene's tone was mixed with a little concern.

"Yes. I know."

Then, Sophien nodded as if it was ridiculous.

"However, I'm not that easygoing."


"Once this is over, if things end safely, certainly, at the end…."

Sophien stopped and smiled brightly. It was a smile that resembled sunlight.

"Something very interesting will happen."

…It did shine. The whole world was drenched in the dawn light.


A shock that shook the heavens. The comet hit, and the world was consumed by the universe.

The world-

It was silent as if the very concept of sound had vanished. Even at the moment of destruction, Epherene and Sophien still stood and watched each other with a smile.

* * *



Meanwhile, Yeriel was walking inside the frozen lighthouse. Deculein was slung across her back, and Sylvia, who had been frostbitten, was cradled in her arms.



She diligently marched forward.

"…Oh, but I understand."

Yeriel muttered. She repeated Sylvia’s last words repeatedly - find the center of the extreme cold. She could understand what Sylvia meant by that, but...

"Where is the center?"

She had to find it. If they were to freeze Deculein in the heart of this cold, there was a chance they could bring him back even after their plan succeeded.

"Julie, can you hear me?"

Yeriel called out. Only she hadn't frozen yet and had enough oxygen to breathe must be because Julie was waiting. She might even be watching from somewhere.



Instead of an answer, crackling ice echoed back from the dark hallway.


No, it was someone's footsteps.

"What… who is it?!"

Yeriel's hair stood on end.

Crack- Crack-

Even at the alert, the person didn't stop but drew closer.


Yeriel knew who he was as soon as he stepped into view. Despite being frozen, he could still move.

"Knight Keiron?" josei


He was the only person capable of maintaining his sense of reason while moving inside this lighthouse, and Yeriel, was allowed to by Julie. In a way, a completely frozen human could be called a statue, and any statue could be controlled by Keiron.

—Follow me. I'll guide you on Her Majesty's orders.

"Oh! Okay."

He was an unexpected helper but not unappreciated. Yeriel strode closer.


But, after a few steps, the lighthouse violently shook.


Despite the walls shaking, they didn't feel anything.

"What is this?"

Yeriel continued.

…In this way, even the impact that was destroying the continent could only be faintly felt inside the lighthouse.

—Yeriel. What do you want?

Keiron asked. Yeriel glanced at Deculein on her back.

"What do you mean?"

Stomp, stomp-

"I don't want many things. I just… want my brother to die well."

—…To die well?

Keiron was a bit puzzled, but she explained the reason with relief in her voice.

"If he desires to live long, I don't want him to die like this. I wish he is at least a bit more comfortable when he dies."

Everyone would call Deculein a villain, or at least those who didn’t know his dedication and sacrifice. But when he died, wouldn’t it be nice if it could be a little happier?

—…It's a wish that shows your affection.

Keiron answered. Staring at his back, Yeriel shrugged.

"Not really. I just don't want him carrying it all by himself."

* * *

"It will all freeze in an instant."

…Outside the World, a place where now all living things were confined.

"Please calm everyone down, and please don't let people quarrel with each other or cause any casualties."

Sylvia said, preparing the last steps in her office. Soon, Julie's Eternal Winter would reach here, and everyone would freeze instantly. Although saying freezing wasn't right, perhaps hibernation might be more accurate.

"Zeit, I need your help."

"…Huh? Oh. Uh…"

Zeit nodded. He looked between Sylvia and Julie next to her. The young Julie seemed to be thinking about something now with no emotion on her face, but Zeit felt a bit guilty as he watched her.

"Zeit. There is a spy from the Altar here."

That woke him up. Zeit replied bluntly.

"Ah… yeah. I'll tie him up."

"Don't kill him. He must be brought to justice."

"…Okay. Ah, don’t forget the promise, Iliade. If I cooperate with you-"

"I promise. I'll put an artificial sun over Freyden."

Sylvia's talent would help overcome the Ice Age afflicting Freyden. With only that promise, Zeit was satisfied.

"Okay. And…."

But, there was one more thing that worried him. Zeit casually beckoned to her, and Julie was too lost in thought to hear them.

"…I have a request. She seems to be very troubled."

"Don't worry. She’s one of the people who protected the continent. She's sturdier than you think."

Those words were meaningful to Zeit. This girl who said she would only protect Deculein eventually protected the entire continent. Since she had come to fulfill her every wish…

"Trust your sister, Zeit."


At that moment, burning tears welled up in his eyes.

"—Ha-am. Hm. Hmm."

Wiping them away as he pretended to yawn, Zeit thumped his chest.

"All right. Trust me, Iliade. Leave this Outside the World to me...."


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