The Villain Wants to Live

Chapter 356

Chapter 356

Chapter 356

Admin Note: Next comes machine translation.


Blue sky and bright sun. The murmur of a stream and the chirping of grasshoppers. A flock of birds flying across the sky, deer running across green meadows...

This place, where countless beings continued to live their lives, is [Outworld].

“There is almost no time left.

Before they went into hibernation, Sylvia was talking to young Julie.

“…yes, I know,” Julie replied.

There was doubt on her face. Lost in thought, she looked at the old diary she held in her hands.


Sylvia, who was looking at Julie, quietly asked:

— What was it like?

Julie looked up and thought about her future self that she had just seen, no, her "ideal".

With her eyes closed, she whispered softly:

“…she was great.

Knight turned hero.

A sincere person who fulfilled all his desires without anyone's help.

She protected the continent.

She protected not only Declain, but all life on this continent.

“...she's so gorgeous, I can't even believe it's me.

Julie hugged the diary tightly.

- But…

But Julie's heart sank for some reason.

The more she compares herself to her, the more pressure she feels.

Against the background of "her", who has already achieved everything she wanted, the current Julie seems pathetic.

- Exactly. That's not you.

Sylvia's words suddenly pierced her ears.

Julie blinked as if she didn't understand the meaning of those words.

- What?

This person is not you.

Sylvia pointed to Julie's diary.

This is Julie...

A diary containing the memories of a hero that will cause the continent to "freeze forever".

- That's not you.

However, Sylvia said that this hero is not her.

— …

Julie looked silently at Sylvia.

Sylvia pursed her lips slightly, as if she found her cute.

“So… live freely.


This insignificant word pierced Julie's heart. But it didn't hurt. It was like lightly pressing on the skin with the tip of a pencil.

Just an unfamiliar word.

Julie died for you.

It was the pencil that drew those words on Julie's heart.

So that you can find yourself.

This gave Julie an idea.

You still have "you".

- "I"?

Having killed her mother with her birth, she reproached herself for this, considering her life no more valuable than dirt. She sharpened her sword with the desire to become "a knight capable of protecting someone". For Freiden, for the Continent, for someone else...

And finally, she achieved it.

She has reached her end.

She has achieved her "everything". josei

It was redemption.

Julie is over there. Her dream has already come true.

Her dream is on the continent.

The knight who saved all lives and froze himself.

“Julie became a season called winter, not a person called Julie, but she was satisfied that even it was herself,” Sylvia said.

Julie silently looked at the diary.

“And you don't have to chase that dream again.

The dream of the old Julie has already come true.

Redemption has been completed.

- Live for yourself.

— …

Julie looked up and Sylvia peered into them. Transparent and sparkling like ice.

Sylvia smiled and said her last words:

“Live like the Julie the professor wanted to see the most…”

This is the dream that Declain, who loved Julie, prayed for.

Julie can move on with her life.

- Live as you see fit.


The wind blew from the distant horizon. The result was a chill that reminded me of Julie.

It was a message from her.

Time is over.

* * *

At the top of the lighthouse, the knight Caeron looked down. Restoration magic unfolded before him, caressing the ruined continent. A scene of harmony and regression embodied in the miracle of Declein.

— …

Keiron's silence was long.

Soon this continent will return to its original appearance. It will be restored to its eternal and majestic form.

Until then, Keyron will remain silent.

— Your Majesty.

Of course, after the one who still remained falls asleep.

Top! Top!

Instead of an answer, there was only the sound of approaching footsteps.

The Empress stopped near Keiron.

"Now it's time for you to sleep."

[Is this landscape too beautiful to fall asleep at once?]

Sophien still held on. She forced herself to endure Julie's harsh cold.

[I'll take a look some more.]

However, Keyron did not hear her voice.

He interpreted and accepted the words she spoke in her mind.

The moment she opens her mouth and speaks, no matter how strong she is, her whole body will freeze from Julie's cold.

— That's how.

Sophien nodded.

[Such a landscape can only be seen once in a lifetime.]

A planet recovering from destruction. Fragments of the crust came together, evaporated water flowed again, the destroyed magnetic field and the torn sky were reborn ...

“When the planet is fully restored, Julie's cold will freeze everything.

So far, it is [Eternal Winter] that remains only inside the lighthouse, but when the continent is fully restored, Julie's power will burst out and put the continent to sleep along with everyone.

Time on this continent will be held until [Outworld] disappears.

“The giant told me that this planet was beautiful from the very beginning.

[Is that how?]

— Yes.

[I wish I had seen this beginning.]

Reading Sophien's thoughts, Keyron smiled faintly.

- Not. We were very lucky that we did not see the beginning.

The giant himself said so.

The blessing given to people is their limited mind, small eyes, short legs and life, which ends with the advent of death.

“To not know the end of this world, not to see it, is a blessing given to us.

[Really? Sounds sad.]

This is fine. People don't understand giants, and giants don't understand people.

Sophien turned to Keiron.

[By the way, Keiron, you're not going to refuse this blessing, are you?]

Cairo shook his head.

The blessing has never left me. And even now nothing has changed.


It was obvious which was a blessing from Keyron, even if you didn't say it out loud.

“I remember the moment I first met Your Majesty.

Blurred look. A small child who was gifted in everything.

Sofien with long reddish hair and crimson eyes, which already showed greatness. This figure was still alive in Caeron's memory and served as fuel for him.

“Your Majesty doesn’t seem to remember very well, but Your Majesty has a mixed memory, so I can understand the confusion.

Blessing of Keyron - Sophien.

Keiron has no reason to worship Sophien, so his devotion cannot be explained to anyone else. It's like he was born to protect Sophien...

— Keiron.

At that moment, Sophien spoke while emitting red mana from her mouth.

Keiron's face looked a little worried, but soon his gaze became confident again.

“Yes, Your Majesty.

You have always followed my will.

Sophien's expression was blank. It froze as she spoke, so it was impossible to read her feelings.

- Yes. Is always.

However, Keyron knew without it.

“I'm glad I met a loyal knight like you.

Sophien was eternally grateful.

“For me, that…was a blessing.

— …

Caeron, who was briefly speechless, soon smiled brightly.

It was a knight's smile that no one else could have seen.

He didn't regret anything.

- Thank you. And now…

However, it was not possible to continue.

— …

Sophien had already accepted Julie's chill. She went into hibernation.

“…I will always protect Your Majesty, so sleep well.”

* * *

— …sleep well.

A distant voice echoed in my ears.

This awakened Sophien from her sleep, and she felt the life force filling her body.


The chirping of birds was heard.


A light breeze and warm sunlight caressed the skin.

— …

She slowly opened her eyes, finding herself still on the same top of the lighthouse. And from here a beautiful sight opened up to her. Lands that were previously considered extinct were now covered in greenery.

However, she still didn't know if they were really successful and how many years had passed.

It was really fleeting. She just closed and opened her eyes.

From Sophien's point of view, the continent was restored in less than a second.

- Keiron...

Keiron turned into a statue, becoming a proof of the past ten thousand years, which no one felt.

— …

Sophien looked at Keiron.

Keiron's pupils were dilated and lost their luster. He froze, staring at the bright horizon.

- That's how...

Sofen nodded.

Indeed, ten thousand years is not a time that people can handle. No matter how resilient Keyron was, and no matter how talented he was, his body would freeze again and again, all the while wearing down his mind. As a result, he completely froze, becoming a statue.

Sophien reached out and patted Keiron on the shoulder. His body was rock hard, but still a little warm.

If a tear drop falls and touches Keyron's feet, will he be resurrected like in a fairy tale?

Will the statue's outer skin crack and be able to hear his voice again?

However, Sophien no longer cries. She simply acknowledged Keiron's loyalty.

- You've been through a lot.

She drew her sword and touched the blade to his shoulder.

— I know it well.

Then she turned around.

“The whole world knows.

This knight was proof of miraculous magic.

- Rest in peace.

Top! Top! Top!

From the bottom of the lighthouse came the sound of many footsteps.

— Your Majesty!

Ifrin appeared first.

She examined herself with wide eyes and cried out:

"My timeline is fixed!"

Now she no longer has to travel between the past and the future, nor can she.

Sophien pursed her lips.

- Of course. Even though the continent was frozen, time passed in the universe. Ten thousand years have already passed.

Ifrin is unable to time travel 10,000 years.

Her time force, which seemed absolute, was crushed by the weight of an even greater time force.

— …

Ifrin had a strange expression on her face. She didn't know whether to be happy or sad.

“We still have work to do.

When Sophien said this, other people appeared.

Luina, Yeriel, Lavein, Ganesha, Elesol, Ellie, Maho and Delric…

But Declain's figure was nowhere to be seen among them.

- Listen carefully.

Sophien turned to everyone.

“Now our main task is to punish the great evil.

Evil named Declain.

The purpose for which they came here.

“Uh… hmm…

Hearing the Empress' order, they swallowed silently, unable to say anything. Because they already know what Declain wanted.

They know why he chose to die alone, destroyed his reputation and took on the role of a villain.

“And… restore order to the continent.”

* * *

Imperial Palace.

Returning to the most magnificent palace on the continent, Sophien announced her future policy to all the people for the first time.

The agenda consisted of 29 items:

1. Arrest everyone who collaborated with Altar based on evidence.

2. Establishment of the Continental Military Tribunal to punish the perpetrators of war crimes.

3. Conclusion of an alliance between the Empire and the Redborn.

4. The conclusion of interstate peace agreements.

5. Post-war reconstruction.

29. Persecution and elimination of the axis of all evil, Declein.

While state affairs were gradually put in order, a reward of 5 billion elne was announced for the most important villain of the era, who was on the run.

While in her quarters, Sophien yawned loudly and looked at Achan.

“Haaah… still no news?”

“Yes, Your Majesty. The professor hasn't shown up yet.

- Tts. What about Riya and Ganesha? What the hell are these certified Imperial adventurers doing?

Declain's body was not in the lighthouse, so it was not even known whether he was alive or dead now.

Of course, even if he survived, he was still destined to die sooner or later.

“Is it the same with Creto?”

“Yes, Your Majesty.

Creto also disappeared. Did he perish with Kuei during the destruction of the continent, or did he survive and escape somewhere?

In any case, Sophien did not want to lose even Creto.

After the destruction of the continent, much has changed.

First, Declain was relegated to the world's worst villain, but Ukline still remained the same powerful family, or rather, led by Yeriel, they began to shine even brighter.

The leader of the Redborn personally visited the Empress and took an oath of allegiance and reconciliation.

In addition, many pathetic people who received gifts from the Altar, such as Relin, were punished as an example, and the rest were mercifully forgiven.

What is Ifrin doing now?

Ifrin ascended to the Floating Isle as an archmage, but communication with her was lost, so it was not known where she was or what she was doing.

Well, the basic principle hasn't changed. The archmage doesn't interfere in the affairs of the Empire... so we don't know.

“I don’t even know what to expect from her now ...

Muttering this, Sophien took out a crystal ball.

A crystal ball that provided communication with Declain in the past.

As she fiddled with it, she turned her head to look at the statue against the wall.

“…Caeron, do you know where Declain is?”

But even if she remains silent for a while, the answer will not come. Caeron became a statue forever.

- Tts.

The moment Sophien clicked her tongue...

— Ah?!

Ahan exclaimed, pressing her finger to her ear, which contained a small crystal ball.

“Your Majesty, Archmage Ifrin has been spotted in the Leok Kingdom.

— Leok?

Sophien frowned and asked bluntly:

- And what is its purpose?

Ah, her purpose...

* * *

- Would you like to come inside?

— …

Tension was evident on Ifrin's face.

— Archmage Ifrin? the mage next to her asked cautiously.

Now all her attention was focused on this "dome". Crossroads of times called Lokralen. Ifrin was right in front of this magical space.

— Yes.

As an archmage who now rules atop the Floating Isle, Ifrin ordered the abolition of Lokralen.

And in order to eliminate such a dangerous place, she had to get inside.

“But you don’t have to go there in person…”

- Not. I have to do it myself.

Ifrin took a deep breath.

“As of today, Locralen is closed.

- As you say.

- And one more thing. No matter how deep we dive into the study of magic in the future, we will immediately renounce any objects or magical spaces that are too dangerous.

— …

The mage from the Floating Isle furrowed his brows as if he was a little unhappy with Ifrin's words, but then nodded.

- Yes. As you say, archmage.

- Okay, leave me.

— Yes.

The magician who had escorted her left, and Ifrin was left alone, surveying Lokralen.

“…oh, I'm a little nervous.

But no matter how much she prepared, she was so nervous that she took out a crystal ball from her pocket to talk to someone.

She tried to contact her friend, who by this time should have been in the province of Freiden.

- Hey, are you here?

— …

But no answer came.

Ifrin waited for a while, then tapped her chest and muttered:

Sylvia, what are you doing? Talk to me at least a little. I feel like my heart is about to explode...

* * *

In the same time.

Sylvia looked at the "artificial sun" from the top of Freyden Castle.

- Hey, are you here?

At that moment, Ifrin's voice rang out from her crystal ball.

“And this sun won’t go out for sure?” Zayt asked.

Even her crystal ball trembled from such a thunderous scream. Sylvia stared at him, narrowing her eyes.

- God. Don't make that noise.

— Oh, sorry.

Zeit covered his mouth with his hand, and Sylvia said:

“Now there will be no ice age in Freiden. I assure you.

“Oh… finally.

Zeith and all the Freiden Knights lined up behind him let out a solemn cry.

Sylvia shook her head and asked Zeit:

More importantly, what is Julie doing now?

— Oh, Julie? She dedicated herself to her new job. She is obsessed with sculpting.

As Zeit said, Julie lowered her sword.

Now she held not a sword in her hands, but tools.

In this area, she had as much talent as in swordsmanship, so she can become famous as a sculptor as well as a knight.

“Ah, there she is.

Julie appeared among the knights, her silver hair fluttering beautifully in the wind.

She smiled brightly and said to Sylvia:

“Thank you, mage Sylvia.

“…I have to thank you,” Sylvia said with a chuckle. — How are the sculptures?

“Older sister Josephine is helping me, so everything is going well.

I heard that your work is expensive.

- Yes. The nobles buy them at a high price, and I distribute the money to those in need.

This Julie is different from the other Julie, but her nature has not changed.

She is still the same sincere and kind person.

But there was one problem...

- What is this book?

Sylvia pointed to the book in Julie's hands.

Julie smiled bitterly and showed the cover of the book.

[Stock trading that even beginners can handle - Equity Queen Primien]

- This is an educational book. If I invest in stocks, I can...

- Do not do that.

- …a?

“If possible, stay away from it.

Sylvia furrowed her brows...

And then the crystal ball vibrated again.

“I'm at Locralen now.

Ifrin's voice rang out.

— …

Hearing this, Sylvia bit her lip.

Traveling to Lokralen, Ifrin will meet Declain there. At this moment, Sylvia experienced the strongest envy.

“Anyway, it's good to see you're doing well, Julie.

- …Yes thank you. As you advised, I live for myself.

It was a voice full of happiness, so Sylvia also smiled brightly.

- Correctly.


Sometimes a cold winter wind blew. The cold in Freiden was still severe, but the artificial sun provided the necessary warmth.

Sylvia created this artificial sun with Declain's [Artifact Creation Magic]. To achieve this, she delved into the theory like crazy.

— I will always cover Freyden. Just like my professor wanted.

— Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh!

The loud cries of the Freiden Knights filled the castle. It was loud enough to be deafening, but still...

- Yes. It turned out well.

Sylvia smiled. Then she looked up at the sky again.

- …thank you.

Thanks to the sacrifice of Declain, who became a villain for everyone, this world will change for the better.

Maybe everything happened exactly as he calculated, or maybe it went beyond his expectations.

But Sylvia knows.

He is clearly watching them from somewhere.

- I know.

How they live, move, laugh, cry and find their "I". They believe in themselves and live together in love and dependence on each other.

“The villain… is still alive.

She was sure that he was watching her from somewhere with a happy face ...

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