The Villain Wants to Live

Chapter 4 Deculein (4)

Chapter 4 Deculein (4)

Roteo Hall.

That was the name of the university building I just gave a lecture in. It’s the third largest building on the university grounds, built ten years ago with the donations of the Yuklines.

Now I was walking out of the Roteo Hall and onto the campus. Right now the students had vacation so there were few of them around, so I thought about taking a walk around the campus.

“It’s wide”

The university was much larger than I expected. Also, the entire area was flat and the gardens, playgrounds, various buildings, facilities and the environment, including the streets indeed looked similar to the american campus our team took as reference.

First, I headed towards Deculein’s office.

For your information, the top university in the game was the “Imperial University” and the Tower is one of the most important faculties. In Korea the Magic Department would be the Department of Medicine at Seoul National University and the Tower would correspond to the Seoul National University Hospital.

While I was walking around like that, I felt someone walking behind me.

Was it an assassin? I was startled, but fortunately, it was just the magician who was with me in the car. Though I didn’t exactly know who they were, as they had their robe’s hood pulled down.

“……Was your name Zorro?”

“What? Pardon? No, no! I’m Allen!”

“I got confused.”

“Ah…… But Allen and Zorro aren’t……ye, yeah…….”

I walked without saying a word. Then Allen suddenly said something.

“Professor! You, you look so picturesque, walking like that. I, uh, should’ve brought a camera-”

“You don’t have to say things like that anymore. Rest assured”

“Ah, o, okay…….”

I bet Deculein ordered you to do that in the past.

The Tower, like any ordinary tower, was built high enough that it could be seen from anywhere on the campus, so I could see where it was while walking. I reached it quickly.

[Senior Professor: Deculein von Grahan Yukline confirmed]

[Authentication completed]

The magic tech door of the tower recognized my body and my iris and then opened by itself.

As soon as I entered the tower lobby there were many people who bowed to me. I greeted them and said something to Allen.

“Let’s go to the office.”


Allen leapt forward and pressed the button on the lobby elevator.

The Floor number was 77.

The Mana stone elevator arrived in 3 seconds

[Senior Professor: Deculein von Grahan Yukline]

My office occupied almost half of this floor. It was such a wide and luxurious office.


The interior was sparkling clean, the shelves were full of books and the desk was filled with crystal beads, fountain pens, a diamond name plaque, an imperial professor’s seal, golden wands, etc…….. I looked around this blinding place without any expression.

“What is this?”

As soon as I sat down in the office chair, I noticed a book on the desk. Its form and specifications were similar to a guestbook.

“Oh, this is the sponsorship list for the new magicians this year!”

I opened the cover and scanned it’s contents.

| New magician (Debutant) | Jaylen | 19 |

| Attribute: Element | Main Type: Support | Sponsorship: 30000/500000 | Scouting report |


I got the gist of it as soon as I looked over it.

The tower was seen as a research institute in this world. It was similar to Caltech or MIT back in my world and research funds were indispensible.

No, a magician needed even more money than some modern day scientist or engineer.

Astronomical amounts of resources are spent not only on developing practical, destructive or useful magic, but also on basic food expenses, material expenses etc. for the development of the magician themselves.


As I was looking at that person, I titled my head.

Some magicians’ names were shining gold.

I almost instinctively realized that they were names of “beneficial people”. Perhaps this was the result of the combination of [Man of great wealth] and [Vision].

[Man of great wealth]

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