The Villainess and I, her Zombie

Chapter 517 - Goblins Stronghold (part 4)

Chapter 517 - Goblins Stronghold (part 4)

Chapter 517 - Goblins Stronghold (part 4)

"Get me...?"

Zombie glanced back and a malicious grin bloomed on his face.



The next second the ground that he stood on split apart under the power of his kick and the sound of the starting explosion mixed up with the sound of the monster's bodies getting torn apart, decimating the group and causing fear in many others.

/Multiple mid-level monsters defeated

High-level monster defeated

You receive the EXP\\\\

"The only getting that you are allowed to do is getting in line for me to kill."

The blue undead smirked at them from the other side of the fort with his legs stained with the murky green blood on his armored legs, before all pieces of the decimated monster squad managed to fall back down to the ground.

"Ahhh... I forgot how good the kicking is~ I'm definitely grabbing the boots of the phoenix the first chance I'll get~"

Zombie hummed to himself, lightly tapping the wooden walls of the fort with his foot, before readying his shield again.

"Now, get in that line! I was serious about wanting to preserve at least a few of you in a good condition and that will not be possible if I will have to use my legs. Now, any volunteers? Oh."


His mocking speech was interrupted by literal rain of spears and pikes that the monster decided to throw at him all at once with surprisingly good accuracy, forcing the blue undead to launch himself to safety...


...or rather straight into the two groups that decided to throw away their weapons, and very quickly realized how bad an idea it was when the blue undead spilled their gray matter all over the place with the help of his trust golden shield.

/Multiple high-level monsters defeated

Multiple mid-level monsters defeated\\\\

You receive the EXP\\\\

/Proficiency level reached

Skills level up

Shield mastery (level 1) ????Sheld mastery (level 2)

Shield bash (level 9) ????Shield bash (level 10 [max])

Skill rank up

Shield bash (level 10 [max]) ????Power bash (level 1)\\\\

"Khahaha! Finally!"

The blue undead laughed triumphantly after the system message informed him about the increase in his skill levels that he was waiting for, for quite a while.

"Perfect! I was starting to feel like a punching back and honestly, I do not want to relieve that bullshit~ Good thing that I can train the shield skills in offensive~"

He giggled and...




...he launched himself into the group with the defensive formation and decimated them all with a powerful skill that even created a shockwave that caused concussion to the monsters that weren't killed in one shot, staggering them.

/Multiple mid-level monsters defeated

High-level monster defeated

You receive the EXP\\\\

/Level up

Level 9

All skills level up

Base status points increased\\\\

/You receive 37 new quests\\\\

/You completed 8

Rewards granted\\\\

"Ohh... I am going to love this new toy..."

The blue undead knight shivered from joy, looking at the destruction caused by only a single strike.

"Surround him! Attack all same time! Force him defend!"

The new commands were being shouted and the deformed goblins all listened to them without hesitation or delay.

"Now then... There are a little too many of you, after all, I do not want to get overrun. I have no intention of proving Shiv right."

Zombie watched them for a second.

Those goblin-like creatures might have been as strong as the moss trolls but they certainly lacked the trolls' defense and regeneration abilities, one on one they were many times easier to take care of – but their strength lay in coordination and numbers.

A single creature didn't need overly heavy armor that made them sluggish as long as they had a comrade that could attack the monster from the side, right next to them.

Therefore, Zombie's plan was laughably easy – as long as he would not get surrounded, everything would be fine.

The problems would start if, for example, he got pinned down and dog-piled – a single glance at the scratches that the monsters' weaponry left in the golden shield was enough to make the blue undead understand the threat that they posed.






Despite using the powerful skills the deformed goblins were actually getting better and better at reading him the more the fight prolonged.

Zombie, as an undead, did not tire out but he did have a limit on mana and therefore on how many skills he could use while the monsters had the numbers advantage over him but in the end, they had a finite amount of troops...

…Or did they...?


While more and more corpses were stacking on the ground akin it was more difficult to move around for both the blue undead and the deformed scally goblins, Zombie actually noticed something rather disturbing and worrisome.

While they still were some monsters that kept their distance from him since the beginning of the fight, the fresh troops that would walk out from the headquarter building seemed...

...actually fresh...

It was as odd as it sounded – the newly arrived ones were far easier to kill than the ones at the beginning – it almost felt like their scales were... soft and oddly shiny – as if they were butterflies that left the chrysalis and didn't have the time to fry out their new wings. was a far too nice comparison, but it worked...



"The hell...?"

When the same attack that would previously crush monsters' bodies ended up turning the fresh troops into pulp the blue undead finally realized the problem.

It wasn't like the reserves were diminishing a tall!

The more he killed the more poured out from the headquarters building while the original ones were huddled back in defensive cautiously waiting for Zombie to mess up and give them a chance to get him.


The blue undead knight frowned and his eyes began glowing with a reddish light.

He saw the world basked in the light of life signatures and...

"Oh, you little bastards!"

He called out furiously.

The number of monsters currently attacking him was greater than the number of monsters that he originally saw before he rushed in!

The former human headquarters building was the spawning point where the monster with the odd life signature was literally spawning the new ones in real-time!

Now the reason for the new units' squishiness despite their clearly superior tactics seemingly created purposefully to counter his attack – they all were actually newborn monsters whose armors did not harden yet!


Zombie rared and raised his shield.


But instead of unleashing another power bash, the ruby crystal in the middle shone with a bright light and a ray of light erupted, far stronger than ever before – as it did not stop immediately and continued as a continuous ray that the blue undead used to literally cut through three-quarters of the monsters approaching him.

He could have killed them all but that would damage some of the buildings so he chose to go the less destructive route...

/Multiple mid-level monsters defeated

Multiple high-level monsters defeated

You receive the EXP\\\\

/Level up

Level 10

All skills level up

Base status points increased\\\\

/You receive 43 new quests \\\\

/You completed 5

Rewards granted\\\\

/Player reached level 10\\\\

/Class unlocked\\\\


/Class has been asigned\\\\

/Dragon knight\\\\

/You receive class-exclusive skills

Dragon slash (level 1)

Dragon bash (level 1)

Dragon breath (level)

Dragon rage (level 1)

Dragon scales (level 1)\\\\

/Skills rank up

Dragon slash (level 1) + Pierce (level 15 [max]) ??? Impale (level 1)

Dragon breath (level 1) + All melting venom (level 7 [max] ??? Corrosive breath (level 1)

Dragon scales (level 1) and Superbia (level 7) resonate with some skills:

Dragon bash (level ) + Power bash (level 1) + Reflect (level 10 [max]) ??? Shield of pride (level 1)

/Thanks to your bond with your mount you unlocked the ability to learn nature magic.\\\\

/Pick the path you wish to follow:

Fire (bonus points from the red dragon affinity)



Earth josei

Holy (negative points from the player species)

Death (bonus points from the player species)\\\\


For more than just a few seconds that allowed the disfigured goblins to regroup, the blue undead was just staring at the series of messages in disbelief.

"Now, chance! Get him!"

The champion monsters called out to their troops and lead the charge at the stunning undead.

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