The Villainess and I, her Zombie

Chapter 523 - Honeymoon (part 1)

Chapter 523 - Honeymoon (part 1)

Chapter 523 - Honeymoon (part 1)

The fishermen's village was bustling as always, with the lizardfolk casting their nets on the vast lake.

Said lake wasn't there when humans were still ruling over that area, and instead was created almost a decade after they left, thanks to the help of a few giants blocking the valley from both sides and a whole army of goblin, orkish, and lizardfolk's shamans causing rainfall for five month's straight.

After that, it was only a short work for the merfolk to help introduce the fastest breeding fishes and viola!

The villagers' catch would be used to feed the villagers - of course - but the surplus would get transported by a monster with an ice ability to both other villages and even the monster city itself.

The fishermen's village was also prepared to start trading with humans when - or even if - such an option becomes a possibility.

Although... as things looked it seemed that in recent days the policy of the ruler of the monster city seemed to have changed...

They greatly increased the quota of fish that the villagers had to send back to the monster city, which left the villagers barely having time and strength to catch anything for themselves.

...what was most worrisome, the ice-wielding monster who would transport the goods has revealed to the villagers that the increase in quota happened because the ruler of the monster city is preparing a grand army that the world has never seen.

The villagers were wary about the possibility of the large-scale conflict...

First of all, they were sure that their peaceful ruler wouldn't be the one to attack the other races first - especially not humans whom they strived to make amends with as well as starting a trade, possibly entering a non-combat alliance

But with that in mind, the only reason for amassing an army would be...

Humans rejecting the peace talks and preparing for war themselves.

The fishermen village was right behind the final outpost before the border of the human kingdom, and honestly, if the humans were going to attack, the villagers were more than likely to get swept into the flames of war - either as the troops integrated into the monster army, or collateral damage.


The trouble did come in pairs, just as the elders would say - the fishermen's village was almost wiped out by the migrating trolls, mere weeks before, and now this whole conflict between monsters and humans was brewing...

"At least we have a good haul today..."

One of the lizardfolk, a large green one, muttered to himself while pulling out a net full of shimmering tasty fish.

"Yeah...though the shaman said that if we keep going at this rate, there will be no fish left in a few weeks..."

His companion, a teal scale shorter one, nodded and sighed dispiritedly.

"We should be fine though, right? The guy at the outpost can literally create hundreds of those goblin-like creatures... if there will be a sneak attack from humans, he alone should be able to stall them long enough for us to evacuate, right?"

The green one frowned and his hands stopped pulling out the net as he looked at the teal one hoping for affirmation.

"Hopefully, still, aren't you like the strongest guy in the village? Why are you so worried about the war? You could take on a bunch of humans, easily."

And his teal-scaled friend did affirm him but not in a way the green lizardfolk had hoped for...

"I'm not worried about myself... it's Currant... she's sitting on eggs, and you know..."

The green lizardfolk sighed and his shoulders slumped.

"Ah! The worries of a first-time father, I see!"

The teal one smirked and stood up straight before patting his friend's back reassuringly.

"It will be alright! We will see the army coming for sure! And that's if they are coming in the first place! And you won't have to leave your partner and kids."

He declared making sure to sound confident - even though he was not confident at all - before laughing.

"Don't worry - the only situation that would be a problem for us would be if the fort was suddenly hit and taken over by a small group of humans powerful enough to wipe out everyone there in less than half an hour so they wouldn't be able to notify anyone."

The teal-scaled lizardfolk shook from the laughter, imagining such an outrageous, improbable, and completely impossible scenario.

"Yeah, right, as if that could happen to a Ceaseless Spawner! They even received a blessing from the ruler!"

The green lizardfolk breathed out in relief and nodded gratefully to his teal comrade.

"Yeah, that's exactly right. Good, now let's get this job done so you could get back to your girl!" josei

The teal-scaled lizardfolk grinned, showing his fangs, and the two of them started pulling back the net onto their boat.

As the two strongest members of the village, it wasn't odd that they were the ones who had brought back their haul the fastest amongst all the other boats on the entire lake.

They come ashore and pass their catch to the four smaller lizardfolk who were in charge of gutting and preparing the fish to be either distribute amongst the members of their community or sent out to the monster city at noon when the ice-wielding monster would show up with his cart.

"Good job, as always, Plum, Pear."

The fifth lizardfolk, a tall and slender hazelnut-brown-scaled female one smiled - looking mostly at the teal-scaled one with warm light feeling her eyes.

"Of course! As if I ever could disappoint the dragon who stole my heart!"

And the teal one, Plum, laughed and approached the hazelnut-brown female and leaned down so they could rub their snouts together in a gesture that would be equivalent to kissing amongst humans.

"Dork. Were you eating on the boat again, you're so impatient."

She giggled and took a loose fish scale off Plum's jaw.

"You know me the best, Kiwi. I'll go have a drink or two with Pear and grab you a bite from Tomato's."

Plum smiled while already walking away with his arm over his friend's shoulders.

"Don't make him drink too much or Currant will bite your tail off!"

"But of course! Moderation is my middle name!

The hazelnut-brown Kiwi called out after they and Plum raised his hand and responded without looking back, all cool.

When the two lizardfolk were walking through their village, responding to the greetings of rowdy kids running around and the elderly sitting in front of their houses, enjoying the warm sunlight on their whitening scales.


As the two lizardfolk were about to enter the inn, Plum flinched and looked towards the road leading to the final outpost before the border with the human kingdom.

"Hmm? What is it...?"

Pear furrowed his brows and also turned that way, alarmed by the commotion.

Someone was walking towards their village.

And it wasn't a goblin-like creature or the Ceaseless Spawner either...

The kids were the first to react, the more timid ones hid or run back and told the adults, while the more rowdy and naive ones run towards the approaching pair.

"...guess our drink will have to wait a bit..."

Plum muttered, tapping the chest of his much larger friend and also walking towards the new faces.

Literally new.

There first one was someone who looked just like a human female, she was tall, had shoulder-length hair the color of dark blood, and many freckles on her curious face.

The one behind her, was a large blue-skinned knight in jet-black armor, with a golden shield on his left arm... and a least...

"Hey, hey! I have never seen monsters like you! Who are you?"

"Are you traders?"

The kids were jumping around the pair asking curiously - before the teal-scaled Pear could get to them.

"Something like that..."

The red-haired female nodded her head and asked with a confident expression.

Then, she looked up from the young lizardfolk faces and saw the approaching Pear.

"Ha! Are you the lea-HURGH...!"

She smirked at him, but just as she was asking, the undead behind her pulled on the leash attached to the collar around the female's neck and forced her back a few steps.

"Sorry if my pet had caused you to unnecessarily worry. My name is Zombie, and I'm an undead knight."

The blue-skinned undead stepped forward and spoke to the teal-scaled lizardfolk, while the red-haired female was rubbing her neck where the collar has choked her.

"I've heard about the monster city, and wanted to check it out - am I on the right path? I'm a little bit lost."

He added with a friendly smile.

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