The Villainess With A Heroine Harem

Chapter 616 Misguided

Chapter 616 Misguided


It took Emilia a while to get her girlfriend to stop pouting over the crimson-haired girl unexpectedly revealing her real identity to Gildroy, but the effectiveness of her move was undeniable.

Despite his initial shock and horror to do as he was told, it soon became clear that the man who refused to listen to a single word out of Noelle's mouth was actually all too eager to cling onto the path of survival offered by Emilia.

Of course, Noelle wasn't particularly upset. After all, it wouldn't take the man long to realize that the beautiful and noble empress of Blue Dawn was really just an impish trickster who had led him further down the path of doom.

The gray-haired girl grinned coldly. "Let's go deal with my 'mother' next, then."

Emilia changed back to her 'child' form before taking her girlfriend's hand, and the two of them headed straight for the room where Narcissa was being treated.

Noelle smiled as she looked at the slightly confused gaze of the woman in the bed. "It's good to see that you're still alive."

Emilia hummed in agreement. 'Even if she was dying, I wouldn't allow it. She's got to properly regret not taking care of my Noelle first!'

Narcissa sighed. "… Thanks to your help, things didn't turn out worse."

The woman was clearly much more 'receptive' to Noelle after getting her life saved, or perhaps she was still in shock at the fact that she'd almost died in her ex-husband's hands.

Of course, the moment she'd realized that the girl could be 'of use', Narcissa had already changed her attitude on the surface, so Emilia wasn't too surprised.

Aside from her pride often blinding her from seeing things through, Noelle's mother was actually surprisingly cunning.

But thinking about the plan that the two of them came up with, the crimson-haired girl couldn't help but smile. 'Even if she's a little smarter than expected, there's no way she can get out of our trap in time.'


Since the Nightingale clan was now under Noelle's control, and she would definitely not mistreat her 'little boss' if she could help it, the gray-haired girl had long since had one of the clan's better mansions cleaned and prepared for the two of them to stay in.

Of course, they hadn't moved into it openly yet to avoid giving away their plans too early, but with their skills and status in the clan, avoiding the prying eyes and ears here was like child's play.

Once the two of them were back in their own room, Noelle rolled her eyes as she watched the crimson-haired girl by her side excitedly rush off to turn on the TV. "Slow down, Emilia. I doubt they have started yet—!"

Her words were cut off the moment the screen turned on, because not only had the show started, it looked like it was already about to reach the climax!

The dull gray-haired man on the screen had the lavishly dressed lady pinned against the wall by her throat, her feet dangling helplessly off the ground. And on the carpet behind them, a boy lay bleeding from his head with a broken ashtray by his side.

Naturally, they weren't watching some TV series that just happened to have eerily similar actors to the ones she'd just been dealing with.

On Emilia's request, she'd already had hidden, high-tech cameras set up at all the best spots in the Nightingale clan's compound, taking special care to cover the areas around the residences of her so-called parents.

At first Noelle thought Emilia must have done it just for her, but she soon realized that the crimson-haired beauty actually preferred watching things on the screen instead of observing them through whatever supernatural means she had.

Emilia flinched the moment she saw the boy on the ground. "Yikes! Should I go save him?!"

Noelle shook her head in denial. "Let him be for now. He's still breathing and shouldn't be fatally injured."

The crimson-haired girl nodded as she focused back on the screen. "Well, it's probably for the best that he got to see their real face before we took him out of there. Otherwise he would have found it harder to go back to his real home."

Although neither of them owed much to Abey, the boy's real mother, Emilia felt enough pity and goodwill for the woman that she didn't mind going a little overboard to bring her some happiness if possible.

Of course, whether the mother and son decided to stay together after meeting each other wasn't any of her concern.

What she cared about more now was how Noelle's biological father was going to deal with the 'love of his life' trying to murder his 'precious son' in front of his eyes.

"Do you think he's going to strangle her to death on the spot?!"

Noelle almost rolled her eyes in exasperation at the obvious excitement in her girlfriend's voice. "You'll know if you keep watching, won't you?"

Of course, the slight tremor in her own voice told Emilia all she needed to know about Noelle's own state of mind, and she smiled. "Let's enjoy the show, then."


Gildroy had actually been in a surprisingly good mood when he first got home.

After all, despite everything that happened before, at least he now had Emilia's promise to get him and his family out of this hellhole safe and sound as long as he did as he was told.

Obviously, he hated serving a rich snob like her as any other self-respecting man would, but that didn't change the relief brought by seeing the light at the end of the nightmarishly long, dark tunnel he had been trapped in.

The man couldn't help but chuckle as he stepped through his front garden. "It turns out that the little serpent actually hates the big snake that gave birth to it more than anyone else… ahahaha, how ironic!"

His smile was soon wiped out by the sound of something crashing loudly within the house, and he quickly unlocked the door to rush inside in a panic.

Given that he'd locked his family in, there shouldn't be anyone causing trouble inside!

Could that woman have someone caught wind of his release from confinement and made a desperate move already?josei

The more he thought about it, the more he panicked, and the faster he rushed towards the source of the sound.

'Please let me get there in time!' He prayed in his heart.

Of course, the moment he arrived at the scene, he almost wished he hadn't arrived so fast.

Maybe if he'd arrived a little later, he could have at least tried to deny what happened in front of him in his mind somehow.

There was no enemy, no assassin, and no burglar in sight, but that didn't bring him any relief. Because in front of him stood his wife, the muscles in her hand still not completely relaxed after the clearly strenuous swing it took to down the young boy on the ground.

The sound of the freshly shattered ashtray rang in his ears like the mocking laughter of his ex-wife.

Something in the man's mind snapped, and before he realized it, he already had the 'love of his life' pinned to the wall by her throat, his eyes red with rage and anguish.

"What the fuck were you doing?!"


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