The Villainous Bosses Mentoring System

Chapter 10 - New Schoolmate (1)

Chapter 10 - New Schoolmate (1)

Chapter 10 – New Schoolmate (1)josei

When Lin Xiuping was finally done with her shouting, she switched to the lecturing routine toward Liu Kaiyan.

“Son, it’s not that mom wants to treat you this way. Your dad and I got exiled to a place like it, we won’t be able to be of much help for your future. Now your only ticket out of here is academic success. Do you really want to spend the rest of your life in this little town, and be around these people? Mom and dad only have your best interest in mind, do you understand what I am saying?

“Starting today, you are not allowed to hang out with these friends with bad influence anymore. I will call up their parents when I get home and tell them to watch their own child. I don’t want you affected by their bad influences. Forget about playing basketball, okay? When you become a successful man and make your family proud, you will know what the really important things in life are.

“If mom didn’t follow you to school secretly, I wouldn’t even find out that you have been wasting away your time and life on stuff like this….”

No matter what Lin Xiuping was saying, Liu Kaiyan just kept his head quietly lowered. He listened to all the whisperings next to him; some of them softly rebutting the words of Liu Xiuping and he wanted to laugh.

And he did.

A sarcastic smile crept up on his lowered face.

Nobody knew how much time had passed and how many groups of students watching them had come and gone. Lin Xiuping was finally done with her nagging. She tidied up her clothes and said, “Well, you think about it,” before she walked away in an elegant manner.

Liu Kaiyan quietly turned around and walked toward the school building. All the students standing around just watched, not one walked up to him to say a few nice words, including the male students that he was playing basketball with.

After all, who’d want to befriend someone whose mother had just pointed straight at them; told them how awful they were; told them point blank to leave her son alone; and that she was going to talk to their parents about it?

Even though some of them might not want to lose Liu Kaiyan as a friend and didn’t care about his mother’s behavior toward themselves, nobody wanted their parents to be involved with that crazy woman.

This was a result that Liu Kaiyan had expected. Ever since kindergarten, that was how he had lost every single friend of his.

Lin Xiuping did not allow him to have friends. She felt that they were a waste of his time and bad influences on him.

And him, just like her wish, has never had any friends.

And now, even his basketball buddies were gone.

His only belonging, also gone.

“Liu Kaiyan!”

He thought he had heard his name. He must have misheard; Lin Xiuping had just left, who’d dare speak to him? Who’d want their parents to be called “your kind of people” because of him?

“Liu Kaiyan! Eh? Did I get your name wrong?”

As soon as the dubious self-questioning had stopped, Liu Kaiyan heard hurried footsteps coming toward him followed by someone grabbing his wrist.

He froze and looked down. It was a white, little hand that was wrapped around his wrist.

“This fellow schoolmate, here’s your basketball…”

He turned around and his eyes narrowed.

Standing behind him, Su Tian had one hand on his wrist and one hand holding up the basketball. She was a little out of breath from running toward him; her face pink and cute from the flustering.

The sun shone on her directly, giving her a saint-like glow.

Her smile was bright; so bright that Liu Kaiyan squinted subconsciously so he wouldn’t be burned by it.

“I thought about it some more and didn’t feel right taking your stuff so I brought it back to you!”

Naturally, that was just a story that she’d made up. This basketball was well taken care of. Not only was it signed, it even had a little figure drawn on it. It was quite obvious that it was well-loved by its owner. Given the situation earlier, even if she had tried and returned the basketball, his mother was probably just going to throw it away again.

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