The Villain’s Diary – The Heroine’s Character Crumbles

Chapter 91

Chapter 91




“You’re going to tell me all about what you did today?”

Jiang Mu stared in shock for a moment.

He originally wanted to torture her for a long time.

She had tricked him, her master, with a prayer of blessing to celebrate the breaking of the V.

Tricked him into bringing her here, mysteriously, not knowing what she was up to.

The result? Now come up with some Blackwater Seat thing that almost killed herself in return.

She really is …. Not cute and obedient at all!

Jiang Mu glanced sideways at the Black Water Fury and was furious:

“You should have told me from the start, coming to this shitty ancient tomb, how dare you lie to me about praying for blessings?”

“The hell you did and now you’ve created the Black Water Seat, which almost killed you.”

“Do you still see me as your master in your eyes? no matter what your reasons are.”

When you get back, you better be prepared!”

His voice sounded angry and full of distress.

Looking at Blackwater Fury, who didn’t feel scared.

Instead, she felt relaxed, even pleasant.

So much so that she couldn’t help but grin, revealing her white teeth.

She wrapped her arms around Jiang Mu’s neck, her small mouth close to Jiang Mu’s ear.

It was then that she spelled out her reasons for doing what she did today, all of which were.

“Master, you know that I am Ling Aotian’s master, right?”

“In fact, from the moment I became your woman, I was destined to be inseparable from you and I can no longer go back to Ling Aotian’s side and continue to be in your side, Master.”

“So I want to create a permanent puppet to replace me and become Ling Aotian’s master teacher.”

“So that Ling Aotian can …..”

The Black Water Fury suddenly lost her voice.

She was going to say, ‘so that Ling Aotian could successfully go through the plot’.

The words ended up in her mouth, and her voice was eliminated by an unknown power.

So, finding a suitable reason, she continued.

“So that Ling Aotian can become stronger, because I had promised Ling Aotian that I would guide him in his cultivation and would help him achieve his purpose.”

“He had also promised me that he would, in turn, help me achieve my purpose.”

“And out of the friendship between master and disciple, it was not good for me to break my promise.”

“So, I came here to the Serpent God’s Tomb to make puppet.”

“But I was afraid that you would not agree, so I hid it from you and said that I had come to pray for blessings.”

The Black Water Fury finished by saying this.

And continued to tell the process of using the ‘Serpent God Jidai’ to create the puppet, the Black Water 2, and the result of the failed creation.

It was all detailed out.

All the way to the current situation.

After listening, Jiang Mu pondered.

Black Water Fury looked nervously at the side of his face.

Her withered hands, which were wrapped around his neck, subconsciously tightened a bit.

I don’t know why, but she was a bit afraid.

Afraid that Jiang Mu would be angry with her.

This is really …. A strange feeling ….

If it was someone else, who would have dared to be angry with her Black Water Fury?

She would have just slapped them.

After Jiang Mu finished contemplating.

Suddenly, his eyes lit up. He looked at the distant Black Water seat, who was rolling on the ground holding his head.

Hastily confirming, he asked Black Water Fury.

“Little cutie, you just said that that guy …. is not a puppet because he still retains some of his own memories?”

Black Water Fury nodded back.

“Yes, It was because of his own memories that he secretly retained that suppressed the memories I had implanted.”

“So. He will live according to that part of his own memories and is not considered a puppet.”

Jiang Mu pursued.

“If, say, you perform another ‘Serpent God Jidai’, can that delete …. that part of his memory that he secretly kept?”josei

Delete the memory?

Black Water Fury understood what Jiang Mu meant.

The answer was yes.

As long as the memory that was secretly kept by Black Water Fury 2 was deleted.

Then the memories that she had implanted would dominate.

Then Black Water Fury 2 would completely become a puppet.

In fact, that part of his memory was retained through the ‘Serpent God Sealed Memory’.

‘Serpent God Sealed Memories’, a one-time trigger-type minor art, only works against ”Serpent God Jidai’ art’.

When one is struck by ‘Snake God Jidai’.

‘Serpent God Sealed Memory’ will activate on its own and will seal the memories of the most recent period on its own.

Thereafter, after the ‘Serpent God Jidai’ is finished, that part of the memory that was sealed will resurface and take over.

In other words, as long as the Black Water Fury used ‘Serpent God Jidai’ on the Black Water seat once more and deleted that part of memory again.

Then, he would become a puppet completely.

But Blackwater Fury knew that.

She could no longer perform the ‘Serpent God Jidai’. Because her life span, was not enough!

So with a sigh, filled with regret, she said to Jiang Mu.

“If I perform the Serpent God Jidai once more….

“That would indeed make him a complete puppet, ut my life expectancy …. Only 400 years left!”

“And if I want to perform another attempt, I’ll need to spend 997 years!”

“So …. I can’t do it.”

When Jiang Mu heard this, he did not feel sorry.

On the contrary, he was excited and said.

“As long as I can delete it, that’s fine! It doesn’t matter if you can’t cast it!”

Then he told her the method he had thought of.

“Listen up, sweetie, I have a way.”

“A way to turn him into a complete puppet!”

“If you imprison or stun him, I can do it, Can you do that?”

Imprison or stun?

Black Water Fury frowned intensely.

She looked into the distance, the Blackwater Seat, who was still rolling around.

Judging from Blackwater Seat’s sneak attack on her just now, his power was probably only around the ninth level of the Qi Sea realm.

Then, unless she, Black Water Fury, could also exert the power of the ninth level of Qi Sea Realm.

Otherwise. She couldn’t hold him back at all, so helplessly, she said to Jiang Mu.

“His current power is around the ninth level of the Qi Sea realm.”

“Unless I can also exert the power of the ninth level of the Qi Sea realm.”

“There is no way I can hold him, let alone imprison him, or knock him out.”

“And in this weakened state of mine now and the power I can exert ….”

“At most, it’s only the first layer of the Qi Hai realm!”

A Qi Hai realm? Nine layers?

Thankfully okay!

As long as there wasn’t a big realm difference, then there was no problem!

Jiang Mu revealed a smile.

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