The Villain’s Diary – The Heroine’s Character Crumbles

Chapter 97

Chapter 97

Two hours later.

“Hiss yah-!!!”

A long, hoarse cry resounded throughout the narrow cavern.

The pool of blood that was surging wildly, also faded with the end of the long cry.

And gradually it calmed down.

Jiang Mu was like a hot spring, his whole body leaning against the edge of the pool of blood and soaking.

“Little cutie. This blood pool.”

“It can actually restore your body to flesh and blood?”

Jiang Mu rubbed and held down the Black Water Fury’s arms, ribs, and leg bones…

Flesh had grown in these places, and there was no visible bone.

Now the Black Water Fury’s body, after absorbing the essence of the blood pool through was already close to returning to her original shape.

It was just her long hair, which was still white.

“Hmm, this blood pool, was secretly opened by this god back then.”

Black Water Fury comfortably leaned against Jiang Mu’s chest.

She took his two large hands and placed them in her small non-existence breast and tilting her head back, she asked

“How do you like it?”

Jiang Mu looked down, kissed her forehead in return, and said.

“I like it any way you like it.”

Black Water Fury narrowed her eyes, satisfied with this answer.

She wrapped her arms around Jiang Mu, her fingers intertwined between his fingers.

At the same time, she talked about the purpose of this blood pool.

“This blood pool, apart from helping me recover my blood and flesh, can also improve your physique.”

“Improve my physique?”

Jiang Mu froze for a moment, and the rubbing and pressing of his fingertips couldn’t help but stop.

The Black Water Fury nodded.

She redirected Jiang Mu’s fingers and continued rubbing and pressing.

Only then did she continue.

“As long as you absorb and refine the essence within the blood pool, not only will your physical quality improve.”

“Your cultivation realm can also be increased substantially.”

“Probably, you will be able to break through to the third level of the Qi Sea realm.”

Qi Hai Realm…. Third level?

What, isn’t that awesome!

Jiang Mu was truly stunned.

To break through from the Spirit Gathering Realm, to the Qi Sea Mirror.

It was something that required great perseverance to cultivate hard day and night.

Only an ordinary person’s physique might be cultivated for a lifetime.

They wouldn’t even be able to break through the Qi Sea Mirror.

And Jiang Mu, the villain, was really an average person’s physique.

Fortunately. He had grown up under the immersion of high grade spiritual pills since he was a child.

His perseverance was also strong enough, and he basically worked hard day and night to get high on the pills.

That was why he was able to make a relatively smooth, breakthrough from the Spirit Gathering Realm to the first level of the Qi Sea Realm later on.

However, now Black Water Fury said that this blood pool.

It could actually make him break through from the Spirit Gathering Realm directly to the third level of the Qi Sea Realm.

It was truly awesome!

No matter how you look at it, this is like a chance that only the protagonist gets.

Could I be the protagonist?

But there was no way Jiang Mu would choose to break through.

Because he had to go by the plot.

So to Black Water Fury, he said:

“I won’t absorb the essence of the blood pool, so you can absorb it all and recover as soon as possible. ”

Black Water Fury blinked.

She had already guessed the reason Jiang Mu refused to absorb it.

So she deliberately asked.

“Are you afraid that … That absorbing a portion of the Blood Pool Essence would affect my recovery?”


To actually be able to say that?

Jiang Mu obediently took advantage of the situation and affirmed his back.

“That’s right, i’m just worried about your body!”

“You see, I’m good to you, right?”

“For you, I don’t even want to break through.”

“So, ah, you must listen to me well from now on, your master.”

“Don’t fail to live up to the goodness I’ve done for you.”

“Got it?”

Said the end.

He also rubbed and pressed hard, making an ‘I am totally thinking of you’ look on his face.

This was only amusing to Black Water Fury’s eyes.

She didn’t expose him either.

Instead, she suddenly jumped on the topic and asked.

“Did I catch you just now?”


Jiang Mu was confused, not understanding what she meant.

She asked once more.

“Just now, did I, uh, catch you?”

Said and she smirked and moved up and down.


Jiang Mu understood now.

Nodding his head back, he said.

“Yes, but it’s starting to get better as your blood and flesh slowly recovers.”

Black Water Fury grinned.

She stuck out her long, forked tongue and drilled down into the object covered with blood vessels.

With a grim smile.



Without waiting for Jiang Mu to reply, her tongue was already fighting with that object.

The fight caused the object covered with blood vessels to swell and gush furiously.

After a while.

She stood up for only a bit.


Sat down violently!



The time came to night.

The Black Water Fury had already absorbed and refined all the essence within the blood pool.

Now her body.

It had already changed from its previous skin and bones appearance.

It had changed back to its original normal fleshy appearance.

Jiang Mu stood by the side.

Watching her use her soul power to create a white dress on her own body.

He couldn’t help but praise and say.

“You look good in a white dress, too, it goes well with your white hair.”

The Black Water Fury glanced at him proudly and did not say anything back.

It was just the delight on her face that spoke for itself.

After she finished her dress and combed her long hair.

Then she grabbed Jiang Mu’s hand.

“Let’s go out.”

She cast a spatial spirit technique.

A spatial ripple then rose up around her.

The next moment.

The duo disappeared inside the cave.

Inside the Ancient Tomb of the Serpent God.

A ripple rose up in the air.


Just out of thin air, a little loli with golden pupils in a white dress and long, straight white hair appeared.

There was also a young man.

“Little cutie, did Blackwater Seat ever wake up in the middle of the process? Did it see our appearance?”

“Neither, the beast has been unconscious until now after being completely struck by my powerful soul power, and will not wake up until at least tomorrow.”

“That’s good.”

Jiang Mu was satisfied.

If Black Water Seat had woken up and seen the two of them.

That would be difficult to deal with.

Jiang Mu came to the sleeping Blackwater Seat and looked at his cloaked, black robed costume.

He felt quite satisfied.

Although the Blackwater Seat was a male.

But it wouldn’t affect Ling Aotian’s revenge line, upgrade line, or harem line.

Especially the harem line.

As a paperwork from above hit down midway.

The scared goon author immediately changed the ‘jockey knows’ stunt and changed Black Water Seat’s happy ending to a tragic ending of self-sacrifice to fulfill Ling Aotian.

So, it was impossible for Blackwater Seat to get into bed with Ling Aotian.

There was not even a chance of physical contact.

Hmm, Not bad for a trashy harem.

Jiang Mu said to the Black Water Fury beside him.

“It’s already been a day.

“It’s not too late. I have to go back to Lingyin Kingdom to find Ling Aotian as soon as possible.

“You should first get into the Space Ring.

“I’ll carry him myself and teleport back.”

The Black Water Fury nodded.

Then she turned into a white mist and drilled into Jiang Mu’s Ring.

And before drilling in, she corrected one thing.

“It’s not a day, you’ve been unconscious for four days.”

Four …. Four days?!


Jiang Mu was struck by lightning and his whole body stood frozen in place.

He couldn’t move for a long time.

“What’s wrong with you? Master? Master?.”

Black Water Fury felt curious.

“No… No, I was thinking about something.”

Jiang Mu responded stiffly.

Yet in his mind, he was already cursing the heavens.

F*ck! I’ve actually been unconscious for four days!

That is to say.

Today was the twentieth day of March.

And the day after, the 22nd.

That’s the day the Shahe’s demon army vanguard…. The day of the invasion of the southern border!

Damn it!

I’ve got to hurry up and throw the Blackwater Seat to Ling Aotian.

Then rush back to the Wuyou Sect.

Jiang Mu hurriedly grabbed the back of Blackwater Seat’s clothes.

Casting is an immortal technique.

“Extreme Flash!”

A flash of white light passed.

Jiang Mu disappeared from within the Ancient Tomb of the Serpent God.

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