The Villains Need to Save the World?

Volume 5 Chapter 281

Volume 5 Chapter 281: Regarding The Information Of The Mastermind Behind The Angus City Abyss Demonic Beings Invasion (+ New Illustration)

Volume 5 Chapter 281: Regarding The Information Of The Mastermind Behind The Angus City Abyss Demonic Beings Invasion (+ New Illustration)

Translator: The Light

Edits by Kenny

Bella: “Sorry for the Chapter Delay; it is reading time!”

All the abyss demonic beings came from a mysterious region. The abyss region was originally a place where the legendary Creator Gods abandoned their failed creations. The origin of the World Destructor Demon God and Evil God was also here in the abyss.

Aside from Demon Gods and Evil Gods, there were also members of the Chaos Bringer. The World Creators from the World Creators Camp and the warriors from the Savior Camp dared not step into this region. Even the Creator of Darkness Mystica was not willing to set foot in this region.

Since the Sacred Demon God, the leader of the fourth-generation World Destructors, who was also the sister of Bella herself, had destroyed dozens of World Creators near the abyss region, it had become a forbidden area for the World Creators. The last Dimensional Creator, who visited here, was the Creator of Light Vianne from a long time ago. As the strongest Dimensional Creator, Vianne and the chief of the fourth generation World Destructors reached an understanding and ended a frontal war between the World Creators and the World Destructors.

The name of the abyss had no clear definition so far. It was just called the abyss. The abyss was one of the three legendary fully forbidden regions to get close to. As for the other two, as there were not many memory fragments that Bella had obtained from the previous life, she couldn’t remember them.

For the first time, Bella was attempting to enter the abyss region to find Abyss Demonic Beings to fight. As the World Destructors’ Demon Gods and Evil Gods were normally active in all dimensions, if they wanted to recruit Abyss Demonic Beings to work for themselves, they usually would not come down personally. Instead, they would change into the soul form and appear here.

In the abyss area, the soul forms of Demon Gods and Evil Gods were invincible. The World Destructors did not need to worry that they would be plotted against when they were in their soul forms. When using the soul form, there was one negative effect. It was that they couldn’t see other Demon Gods. Demon Gods in their soul forms had the special effect of being invisible. The original first-generation World Destructor Demon God, like the Abyss Demonic King, would kill others of the same race to gain strength.

It was only until the chief of the fourth-generation World Destructor Demon God took her position, and the Demon Gods and Evil Gods all became females, this phenomenon of massacring one another among the World Destructor Demon Gods disappeared completely.

After Bella came to the abyss, her soul form looked like the original identity of the Sacred Demon God Samantha. There was no concept of time here, everything seemed to be frozen. Currently, Bella’s surrogate in the twenty-fifth dimension, Princess Felia, was in a state of closing eyes and resting. Sister Lisha and girlfriend Kriss were stand guarding beside her.

After Bella came to the abyss, she realized that she was misled by the literal meaning. The abyss was not a pitch-black abyss. The name was being called by the World Creators and Saviors’ camps. The World Destructor herself would call the abyss region a sacred land.

This was a mysterious area where one couldn’t see the end of the horizon. Bella felt that it was an infinite space. Pieces of giant continents were joined together and various strange oceans separated the continents. The surface area of each continent was ridiculously large. Bella visually inspected the smaller abyss continent nearest to her. Its surface area was much larger than the Human Race Continent and Beastmen Continent in the twenty-fifth dimension when combined. The difference was more than a few dozen times. There were even bigger ones.

The feeling here was that the world had been magnified indefinitely, and everything was continually becoming bigger. Bella’s current appearance was one of the World Destructors’ Demon God transformations, and it also became huge. This was a black humanoid monster. When flying in the sky, the length of the body was more than a kilometer long. If Bella wanted to become bigger, it could become bigger at any time. Now, Bella was standing on the shoulder of this black humanoid monster in the human form of the Sacred Demon God Samantha.

The two were equivalent to the relationship of a large biochemical mechanic monster and its driver. The World Destructor’s Demon God transformation was essentially a kind of special giant variant. The Demon God’s own female humanoid assumed the role of an oversized mecha driver and entered the body of various gigantic, terrifying demonic beings, driving them to destroy the world. According to different levels, each Demon God or Evil God could have different numbers of Demon God transformation forms.

The World Destructors’ strongest Demon God, who was also the Sacred Demon God Samantha’s sister, was the only existence in the history of the World Destructor’s Camp to have nine Demon God transformation forms. Till today, no World Destructor had ever seen her ninth Demon God form. After her, was the second World Destructor, and till Bella, the fourth World Destructor, Sacred Demon God Samantha, each of the three World Destructors had eight different Demon God transformation forms.

Regarding the various things of the World Destructor’s Camp, Bella did not know much about them from the incomplete fragments of memory left by the previous master. However, Bella was still not used to the idea of being completely naked when Demon God and Evil God was the driver after they transformed into their Demon God form.

Bella had previously entered the heart of the giant Demon King, which was transformed by Sky Demon King Doris. At that time, she thought that driving naked was only done by Demon Kings. She didn’t expect that it would be the same for Demon God and Evil God. However, wearing clothes to drive would be scrapped. Once inside the body of the gigantic Demon God, the clothes and whatnot would be dissolved immediately. It would be better not to wear anything; that would have at least saved a few clothes.

Bella thought of all the Demon Gods and Evil Gods from the World Destructor’s Camp she met before. Whether it was the two younger sisters, Demon God Angel and Great Evil God Mia, or the tenth Dark Demon God Alice and fifth Blood Demon God Claire, they were all dressed in clothes on the outside, but in a fully naked state inside. She always thought that it was because the World Destructors had a fetish to expose themselves, so they didn’t wear anything inside. Now it seemed like maybe they did it for the convenience when they transformed into their Demon God forms or to save a piece of clothing.

When Bella was flying to find a landing site, she made an unexpected discovery along the way. She could actually see the other World Destructors. According to the memory fragments, the original Sacred God Samantha could not see the other Demon Gods. In the abyss region, these fellow World Destructors obviously couldn’t see each other and were minding their own business.

There were many active World Destructors here, and Bella alone had seen more than thirty of them. The Demon Gods were all beautiful women, each driving their own demonized mecha and moving around in the abyss region. Like Bella, they had no clothes to cover their bodies. As they couldn’t see their fellow companions, their expressions were all relaxed.

There was a distinction between the positions of the driver’s cab. The position in the heart area of the giant Demon God transformation form’s body belonged to a Demon God. In contrast, the position in the head of the giant Demon God transformation form’s body belonged to an Evil God. The driver’s cab’s position was fixed when the World Destructors transformed into their Demon God form. Bella found that she was once again “different from the rest.” She was currently in the Demon God transformation state. When controlling the body of the giant Demon God, there was no problem if the driver’s cab was in the heart or head position; it was fine in both of these areas.

This was a bit awkward. Was Sacred Demon God Samantha actually a Demon God or an Evil God? Bella couldn’t think of a reason. She could only hide these few strange areas inside her heart and wait till she got the chance to meet the current chief of the World Destructor’s Camp, the leader of the fourth-generation World Destructors, who was also the sister of the original Sacred Demon God Samantha and ask her then.

These fellow World Destructors also came to recruit the Abyss Demonic Beings to work for themselves. Most of the World Destructors’ humanoids were domineering ladies, some were loli, but there were relatively fewer of them. According to the abyss’ rules, there were two processes where the Abyss Demonic Beings would come out to help the World Destructors. One of them was that the World Destructor directly launched a contract summoning ceremony in the invading dimension and recruited the Abyss Demonic Beings to help in the battle.

The Abyss Demonic King beside Bella, the Succubus Queen Aisha, belonged to this process. This process had a flaw. It could only recruit those powerful demonic beings which had a name and territory in the abyss. There were extremely few of these Abyss Demonic Beings in the abyss region. Most of the unowned Abyss Demonic Beings wouldn’t be able to get summoned.

The second process was what Bella was doing now, the World Destructor would personally go and recruit people in the abyss region. The Abyss Demonic King, also known as the Abyss Lord in the abyss region, was powerful enough to occupy one piece, many even occupy many pieces of the abyss continents. One of the Abyss Demonic Kings around Bella, the Viscous Demonic King Skyrme, once occupied a whole piece of abyss continent.

For a powerful Abyss Demonic Being to be called the Demonic King, it must be approved by the World Destructor’s Demon God or Evil God. This coronation ritual was necessary. Every time a Demon God came to the abyss region to recruit manpower, there would be a lot of abyss contract requests by the Abyss Demonic Beings. This was their only chance to be the king. If they missed it, and fellow demonic beings became kings, they would have to kill the original Abyss Demonic King before they could send out an application.

Bella had just approached some of the abyss world continents, and dozens of black contract applications appeared out of nowhere in front of her. Among those black contract applications, she could choose whichever they liked. All she had to do was sign the World Destructor’s actual name on that black contract. The contract would lead the World Destructor to the corresponding territory of the Abyss Demonic Beings for further certification ceremonies.

Bella’s original identity as the Sacred Demon God Samantha was the fourth top World Destructor. As soon as she appeared here, she became the focus of most of the Abyss Demonic Beings. Abyss Demonic Beings, which could issue black contracts, were not low in intelligence. They could choose the master they wanted to work for. Bella didn’t know why there were so many invitation contracts from the Abyss Demonic Beings. She flipped through dozens of black invitation contracts and momentarily didn’t know she should sign on which Abyss Demonic Being. It was impossible to sign all of them. There were restriction rules in the abyss region. It was clearly stipulated how many Abyss Demonic Beings could be crowned as the Demonic King by an official World Destructor at one time, and how often they could crown them. Things might get out of control if the additionally signed demonic beings couldn’t be crowned with Abyss Demonic King’s title immediately.

Among all the black invitation contracts, there was a special silver-grey metallic invitation contract that caught Bella’s attention. The location pointed by this contract was a piece of abyss continent that looked like it was full of all kinds of metal and had a sci-fi feel to it. The strength of the Abyss Demonic Being that issued this contract was the strongest in the pile of invitation contracts. What interested Bella the most was that the handwriting on this invitation contract resembled a girl’s writing, with a slight hint of fragrance on it.

“Alright, I’ve decided. It’s you. Hope you don’t let me down...”

Bella grabbed this special invitation contract with both hands. Holding it with both hands meant that the Demon God would only recruit this one. The other black invitation contracts automatically disappeared discreetly and appeared in front of other World Destructor Demon Gods. Although a little envious of this lucky one, they had no complaints. The abyss region was ranked according to strength.

The time in the abyss was different from the time from each dimension. When Bella’s consciousness returned to the surrogate’s body, the Grim Airship Fleet had just driven less than ten minutes’ worth of journey and was approaching Kurus City.

“Sister Bella, you are back... Have you found the helper...!”

“Found it... Isn’t she here!”

“Bella, this young lady is an Abyss Demonic King? How is there...”

Kriss and her sister Lisha only realized that there was a small loli who appeared in the observation room out of nowhere. They were shocked. There was no need to doubt her ability since she could appear here silently.

She was a very cold and beautiful-looking young loli, with fair skin, bizarre black and white dual-colored hair and a super long double ponytail hairstyle. If it weren’t for the strange carrying parts on her body, Kriss and Lisha would have treated her as a normal girl.

This loli’s right hand was a mechanized arm, which looked like it was assembled. One of her eyes was blood red in color, and the other one was only a mechanical eye that was installed, and its pupil could change into various colors. Her perfectly separated black and white hair was split into a ponytail on each side. There was a strange sci-fi beauty feel to her looks...

“Sister, what’s your name, can you tell...”

“Demonic Dragon Emperor, Myriad Sword Demon, you guys came to this dimension too? I am Mechanical Empress Andulisna, not really an Abyss Demonic King...”

Lisha and Kriss were stunned. Their faces were filled with an expression of disbelief. This Abyss Demonic King in the loli form could actually see their Dark Transformation. This point alone proved that she was much stronger than the previous Abyss Demonic Kings.

Bella was very proud of herself secretly. She met a treasure, Mechanical Empress Andulisna, on her first trip to the abyss. Although hung with the title as an Abyss Demonic Being, but strictly speaking, this girl did not belong to the Abyss Demonic Beings. She was a special product resulting from the mixture of the energy which was not able to advance as Creator’s energy and the demonic beings in the abyss region.

Andulisna was a mixed product that had half the Creator’s ability and half of the Abyss Demonic Being. The more exact name for her should be an Abyss Creator. If she could be purified, she would be the same type of Dimensional Creator as Mechanical Creator Andrea, who was one of the Dimensional Creators.

Less than ten could be called Creators in the abyss region. They could live well without having to be fighters for the World Destructors. She followed Bella out to deal with a difficult problem in this dimension.

The Abyss Creator of the neighboring continent, who always had a bad relationship with her, had successfully opened the Abyss Gate here with assistance from a fake World Destructor who claimed to be known as “Dark Faust.” The Abyss Creator was an insect profession. Most of the invading Abyss Demonic Beings here were insects. They were all created by that Abyss Creator.

Andulisna was reluctant to sit back and watch the insect profession Abyss Creator from the neighboring abyss continent get stronger. It would be troublesome for her in that case, so she came out and intervened. She cooperated with Bella because she wanted Bella to kill the fake World Destructor, “Dark Faust.” She would deal with the Creator herself.

Other than the fake Demon God, “Dark Faust,” there was also another uncertain factor that Andulisna reminded Bella to pay attention to. At the area around the abyss entrance in Angus City, there was a mysterious Chaos Bringer girl who was helping the “Dark Faust.” She was several times stronger than the “Dark Faust.”

This was an abyssal version of the battle between the Insect Race and the Mechanical Race. Bella had gained quite a few benefits from it. In return, after everything was settled, Mechanical Empress Andulisna would serve as Sacred Demon God Bella’s maid for a year. Don’t judge Andulisna for her semi-mechanical form now; if she really transformed herself, she could transform back into a pure flesh form. The semi-mechanical form now was only modified for the convenience of combat.

“Okay, let’s talk about the details after the Abyss Gate is settled. I am going to command those Abyss Demonic Beings that belong to me. If you have anything else, you can call me again. This airship is too hot in here, I’ll leave first.”

“Andulisna, you can actually ignore this matter and open your own Abyss Gate in another place to enhance your own strength...”

“Sacred Demon... Mistress Bella, you are different from other Demon Gods and Evil Gods. Otherwise, I would not have cooperated with you. As for the following question, I cannot answer. Sorry...”

Mechanical Empress Andulisna disappeared without answering the question, leaving Bella speechless. This girl ran away really fast. If it were hot, she should just take off her clothes like everyone else. She had looked forward in vain. When they first met, Bella had visually inspected Mechanical Queen Andulisna, her figure was still very good, and there was much to look at. josei

More than half the human race soldiers were killed and wounded in the battle at Kurus City. The hundred thousands of soldiers from the Aldridge Empire were unable to organize an effective counterattack. They were killed by the Abyss Poisonous Moths and Abyss Bloodthirsty Mantis, leaving corpses littered everywhere. At this critical moment, reinforcements arrived.

More than a hundred Grim Airships approached here from a distance. A few hundred ammunition were fired at the same time, blasting many of the Abyss Poisonous Moths away. There were symbols of Sarnia Duchy on obvious places on those airships, and the flag of the Gabriel Empire was also hung on the airships at the same time.

“It’s the reinforcements from Gabriel Empire... We’re saved...”

“Quickly retreat into the fortifications, do not leave the city wall. The city area below the wall is more dangerous.”

Because the flagship “Sky Ark” was carrying Princess Kriss of the Gabriel Empire, and Bella was the Duchess of Sarnia Duchy. Hanging the Gabriel Empire’s flag together with the emblem of Sarnia Duchy didn’t seem like a problem.

The Grim Airship Fleet commanded by Bella only provided air cover support. Sending troops down to support would temporarily be avoided as it would be inexplicable if the skeleton soldiers went down.

After temporarily suppressing part of the airspace at the main entrance of Kurus City, the Grim Airship Fleet turned to provide assistance for the students of Olsylvia Academy who were battling on the windmill farm outside the city.

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