The Villains Need to Save the World?

Volume 6 Chapter 307

Volume 6 Chapter 307: The Unexpected Minor Conflict During The Magical Practical Lesson

Volume 6 Chapter 307: The Unexpected Minor Conflict During The Magical Practical Lesson

Translator: The Light

Edits by Grandia

One of the Magical faculty’s classrooms within the Trivican National Imperial Regiment Library, located within the Euphemia Imperial Academy on the western campus of Olsylvia Academy. The classroom had been peaceful until a beautiful teacher barged in and interrupted the class, causing the lesson to pause midway. The teacher, the fire type Magic Mentor Galeb, walked over to converse with the beautiful female teacher with a smile on his face.

The interdimensional type Supreme Magic Mentor Catalina was one of the Temple Masters of the Aldridge Empire’s palace. This position was similar to a State Advisor. Catalina was the Chief President Angelina’s mentor, as well as the close friend of Bella’s teacher, the Knight Faculty’s beautiful Dragon Knight, Ingrid.

Like Ingrid, Catalina was tall and slender. Furthermore, the combination of her ample chest, luscious pink hair, light red irises, and her serious and reserved demeanor was perfect for her status as a teacher. Catalina and Ingrid were the same age as well. However, because of her hair color, most people thought that Catalina was the fire type Mage instead.

In fact, Catalina knew fire type magic as well. Other than interdimensional type magic, she was skilled in fire, water, and thunder type magic too. Other than the chaos type Supreme Magic Mentor Melvira who was one year her senior, none of the teachers of Olsylvia Academy’s magical faculty would be a match for her in a fight.

Catalina was not the assigned teacher for this class at all. However, her close friend, Ingrid, had spoken to her at the teacher’s cafeteria earlier. She told Catalina about Bella, her student who had just transferred to the magical facility, and advised her not to get too close to her. Even though Ingrid did this out of goodwill, Bella, that troublemaker, did not disappoint and “pushed” her teacher. Because of this, whenever she had the time, Bella would look for Teacher Ingrid late at night for “extra credit”. Every time this happened, Ingrid would be so tired that she lay on the bed, too exhausted to move. She could barely get out of bed the next morning.

Unfortunately, Ingrid’s good intentions backfired. As a Supreme Magic Mentor, her pride and ego was comparable to the Dragon Knight. When she heard that the girl was special, Catalina managed to keep a straight face when in reality, she wanted to know who this Bella really was.

Bella had no idea that Catalina was here mainly for her. This gorgeous female teacher was wearing the standard Mage’s robes. It was a shame as those robes were extremely conservative and covered most of her body. This was unlike Ingrid, who was wearing black silk as per Bella’s demands after she had been “pushed”.

“Alright, Master Galeb, you can take a break! I will replace you for this lesson and explain everything to the principal later.”

“Thank you for your hard work, Master Catalina. I shall take my leave.”

Bella had thought that once Catalina took over the class, she would take the class in hand. However, Bella was too naive. Catalina did not stop those girls at all. She was one of those teachers who did not talk much and simply wrote the magical theories on the blackboard.

This was not entirely Catalina’s fault. Back then, when she was still a student at the Magical faculty, she was just like those girls in the classroom. In fact, she was much worse as she would often skip class with her senior, Melvira. She had only said those things to get rid of Master Galeb. Basically, Catalina’s main purpose was to take a look at the problem student that her close friend, Ingrid, had talked about. She wanted to know what was so special about that “bad student” who gave Teacher Ingrid such a huge headache.

However, she was rather disappointed. Bella did not seem like she was special at all as she did not behave any different from the other girls in class. As Catalina was around, Princess Effie and Princess Eveny, who had been fooling around in class, had toned down a fair bit and stopped their lascivious acts. Although they were princesses of the empire, Catalina was someone they knew quite well and they were a little embarrassed to do unusual things in front of her.

Before she knew it, class had already ended. Bella felt as though time had passed much faster with a beautiful Mage as their teacher. However, she did not understand anything at all. Once the bell rang, a few of the girls left the classroom to use the bathroom. However, most of them remained behind to continue their previous entertainment.

“You’re Grand Duchess Baize, right? Should I address you as such, or Grand Duchess Bellina?”

“Ah, Teacher Catalina, you can simply call me Bella, like Teacher Ingrid. Those two other names with tiles are just unnecessary.”

After class, Bella had planned to have a little chat with some of her close friends. She did not expect Teacher Catalina to seek her out directly. Her friends noticed that the teacher had her eye on Bella and had no choice but to head back to their seats. Catalina looked curiously at Bella as she tried to figure out what was so special about this blonde haired beauty.

“Bella, if you really can’t do magic, I would suggest that you do not come back to the Magical faculty’s classroom anymore! I can’t do anything about the empire’s request, but over here at the academy, I call the shots.”

“No, I refuse, Teacher Catalina. You can’t decide which students come and go like this! I’m going to speak to Teacher Ingrid about this.”

“Hold on... you really can do magic? As far as I know, Princess Lisha is the only one in the Knight faculty who could do magic. Is it true that you, a Holy Knight, can do magic as well?”

“Guess! I will not lie to a teacher. Since you do not believe me, I think I should go have a good chat with Teacher Ingrid!”

It did not really matter to Bella if she attended the Magical faculty’s classes at all as she was not a Mage by profession. However, the quality of the girls here at the Magical faculty was significantly higher than those from the Knight faculty. Furthermore, this was the first time she had ever seen some of these girls before! Previously, when she was on a mission at Angus City, the girls from the Magical faculty who had anything to do with Bella were all from the class next door, along with Chief Student Union President Angelia. It would be a pity if she missed out on the girls in this class.

At that moment, Catalina hesitated. Although Bella did not have much power in the academy, she was still the Grand Duchess of two separate duchies. This meant that she held quite a fair bit of power outside of the academy. If Bella said anything about this to the academy, the higher-ups might interfere. Furthermore, Catalina had taken things into her own hands and had made the decision to take over the class all on her own without seeking the permission of her superiors.

Upon seeing that Bella was about to walk out of the classroom, Catalina quickly reached out and grabbed hold of Bella’s hand. After all, she was close friends with the Dragon Knight Ingrid. Although Ingrid had warned her not to get too close to Bella, her voice held a note of concern for the girl. There was no way she could bully her close friend’s student.

“Alright, we have a practical lesson next. If you can prove that you are able to do magic, I will take back my earlier decision!”

“No way, Teacher Catalina. If I’m able to prove myself, you have to make me the monitor of this class.” josei

“What kind of request is this? The current class monitor, Eveny, is a princess of the empire. Even if she was willing to give up her position, President Lucia or Princess Effie would be the most qualified to take over. There is no way they would agree either.”

“Well, you do not have to worry about that. I have my ways!”

Bella ignored Catalina’s warnings. In her mind, those girls were all her close friends and they would never stop her from claiming the position as class monitor. Catalina’s confidence began to waver when she saw the self-assured look on Bella’s face. Now, she was starting to worry.

Initially, Catalina expected that even if Bella could prove that she could do a little magic, the other girls would never agree to her insane request.Now, it seemed as though she was wrong. Princess Eveny and Princess Effie both looked at Bella with a gentle expression and it was obvious that they knew each other very well. In addition, President Lucia did not say anything about it either which technically meant that she agreed to Bella’s bold request.

The Magical faculty’s practical lessons were held at specific locations across Olsylvia City with a strong demonic presence. As this class was not mandatory, most of the Magical faculty’s female students would not attend it. However, as Bella had bet against Teacher Catalina for the position of class monitor, the female students had turned up in anticipation of something exciting. For the first time, the Magical faculty’s practical class had the full attendance of all the female students, which could be considered a good thing.

The Magical faculty were split into three different classes. Class One was the one that Bella was currently in. For some reason, she could not remember who the form teacher was supposed to be. Right now, she had her target set on the interdimensional type Supreme Magic Mentor Catalina to be the new form teacher of the class. Since this gorgeous teacher had come her way of her own accord, she might as well remain behind and take up the role as form teacher.

Next door, the chaos type Supreme Magic Mentor Melvira was the form teacher in charge of Class Two. If Bella had left together with the Puppet Master Elaine, she would have had the good fortune of meeting this beautiful teacher. Bella had already met most of the female students in Class Two as they had gone on the investigative mission at Angus City with Chief President Angelia.

As for Class Three, Bella was not interested in them at all. This was the Magical faculty’s expansion class, which was similar to a special admissions class that specifically took in wealthy students. Many of those young men and women were from wealthy families and did not have any talent in magic. As they wanted to become a Mage for the sake of keeping up appearances, their families paid high prices for them to attend this special admissions class instead.

Each student in this special admission class had to pay an exorbitant amount of one hundred thousand gold coins in fees per academic year. These students were guaranteed to graduate as a junior level mage. For many of them, they only had the ability to become magical apprentices who could conjure little fireballs. To be honest, it was a bit of a stretch to even allow them to become junior level mages. Based on what Bella knew, many members of the Golden Legend Society had obtained their credentials from the Magical faculty’s Class Three. The number of students in this class was much more than classes One and Two combined, which proved that this world was not lacking in tycoons at all.

The Great Magister Orlando was the form teacher of the Magical faculty’s Class Three. He was handsome and a ladies man, which meant that he was often the main subject of scandal. Recently, it was rumored that he was courting Teacher Catalina. She was not interested in him at all and constantly rejected him. However, Orlando’s endless pestering was causing her to feel rather troubled.

This time, the practical lesson was set to be held in the Forest of Needham Lake, which was a hotbed of water and wood type demonic beasts. Their previous lesson was on fire type magic and students were required to apply it during the practical lessons. The type of demonic beasts used in practicals had to be a mixture that consisted of those that were susceptible to a particular type of magic as well as those that would not be affected by that magic.

Fire type magic’s weakness was water type magic and it was extremely effective against wood type magic. Without a doubt, the Forest of Needham Lake was the perfect location for this practical lesson. The demonic beasts that lived here mostly consisted of water type demonic beasts, the E Grade Giant Crab and the F Grade Parasitic Shell Crab, as well as wood type demonic beasts, the D Grade Tree of Deception and the E Grade Walking Sunflowers.

The wood type demonic beasts were practically useless against fire type magic. A single fireball was enough to destroy them in seconds. On the other hand, the Giant Crabs and Parasitic Shell Crabs were more troublesome to handle. Those two water type demonic beasts had a tough outer shell and their combat abilities were already beyond their current grade.

The only reason why those two demonic beasts had a lower grade was because they would not attack unless provoked and would not actively attack outsiders. The main purpose of this practical lesson was to use fire type magic against these water type demonic beasts. The students would only gain points if they caused damage.

Bella felt as though she had fallen into a trap. These rules had been made specifically for students. Catalina knew thunder type magic and would be able to take out every single water type demonic beast with a single lightning ball. Even if Bella were to conjure up fireballs, it would be extremely difficult to cause any damage to the Giant Crabs and Parasitic Shell Crabs at all.

When the girls from the Magical faculty’s Class One arrived at Needham Lake, they realized that the area had been taken over by the students from Class Three. A large group of young masters and young mistresses dressed in elegant clothes were lounging by the banks of the lake. The dead bodies of many Giant Crabs and Parasitic Shell Crabs littered the area. Of course, the young masters and mistresses did not have to lift a single finger as their bodyguards would take care of everything.

“What is going on, I thought that Class One had reserved the next period for their practical lesson?”

“Teacher Catalina, you’re here. Didn’t the school transfer you to teach Class Three? Why are you with Class One instead? You’re not their form teacher!”


On the banks of Needham Lake, a handsome man with short blonde hair stood in Catalina’s path. Although the Great Magister Orlando was not as powerful as Catalina, his father was a prince of the Aldridge Empire and his family was extremely influential. Like the beautiful Dragon Knight Ingrid, Teacher Catalina was extremely powerful in her own right. However, their families were insignificant. In front of someone like Orlando, they had no choice but to appear more submissive.

Bella had been annoyed by this handsome man for a long time. His eyes constantly roamed hungrily up and down the bodies of Bella’s close friends. Unlike the other girls who were wearing warm long undergarments, her close friends were wearing normal undergarments, which was a sight to behold. As that fellow continued to stare at the girls’ chests, Bella grew even more unhappy. She needed to teach him a lesson.

As Princess Effie and Princess Eveny were present, Orlando only dared to look. However, it was not convenient for the princesses to interfere in Orlando’s matters at all. Although they did not really like that teacher, they were still within the academy and it would not do for them to interfere in their teacher’s private matters.

“O... Teacher O...something, I think you might be mistaken! Teacher Catalina is our form teacher, with effect from today!”

“Young lady, you’re the one who’s mistaken! The order for Teacher Catalina’s transfer had already been sent out.”

“I don’t believe you. Unless... unless you show me proof...”

Bella ran up to Teacher Catalina and grabbed her hand, completely ignoring Orlando’s warning undertones. After all, she was not a good student. She was a “problem student”. This was not the first time she was confronting a teacher. The last time she did it, she had taught a junior level Knight teacher a lesson for picking on Lisha.

Orlando bit back his anger and cracked a forced smile. He did not know who Bella was. Generally, he knew all the girls from the Magical faculty’s Class One. This meant that the little girl with blonde hair and blue eyes standing in front of him was a transfer student and was not aware of his tricks. Unless they had an extremely powerful background, any girl who dared to stand up to him had all been trained into “perfect submission”.

As a prince, Orlando was arrogant, and did not really care that the Empire’s Grand Duchess Baize had recently transferred into the Magical faculty. As she had only gained her title through a transaction, to him, the Grand Duchess Baize was nothing compared to his noble bloodlines. Therefore, he did not make the connection that Bella could have been the Grand Duchess Baize.

Orlando knew that this was not the time to fall out with Bella. After much deliberation, he prepared to retrieve the order for Bella. While he was looking for the order, Bella had taken the opportunity to escape with Teacher Catalina. She was not willing to wait around to see some official documents as those decisions could easily be reversed later. By the time Orlando found the document, the female students from Class One had already disappeared into the Forest of Needham Lake.

“Hmph, they actually escaped. It seems like that girl needs some special tutoring...”

As Orlando looked out at the Class One’s students in the distance, his eyes flashed momentarily with a hint of menace. His magic was special. Furthermore, a place like this with minimal human traffic would be the perfect location to do whatever he wanted.

“Bella, why did you...”

“That male teacher irks me. Furthermore, he does not seem like a good teacher at all.”

“Bella, it would be really bad if you offended Orlando. He...”

After a moment of hesitation, she told Bella everything she knew. That Orlando was a Great Magister of psychological type magic. Other than using magical psychological attacks, he was rumored to be well-versed in the legendary forbidden magic of hypnotism. The Magical faculty’s special admissions class was infamous for students who did not listen to the teachers at all. The past few form teachers had been driven away by their troublemaking ways.

However, when Orlando took over as Class Three’s form teacher, the misbehaving students suddenly became extremely obedient. In fact, they were so obedient that each month, every student would give Orlando many valuable gifts. Bella immediately could tell that Orlando was one of the “hidden gentry”. If something as useful for committing lewd acts as hypnotic magic fell into Bella’s hands, she would have done the same thing.

“It’s fine, Teacher Catalina. Technically, that teacher and I could be considered to be the same type... don’t worry about this. Instead, you should really think about where we should go for our practical lesson now!”

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