The Villains Need to Save the World?

Volume 9 Chapter 505

Volume 9 Chapter 505: Sword Goddess Who was Gone for Thousands of Years and the Unexpected Mastermind Behind the Scenes

Volume 9 Chapter 505: Sword Goddess Who was Gone for Thousands of Years and the Unexpected Mastermind Behind the Scenes

Translator: The Light

Edits by Grandia

At the Gabriel Empire’s capital, nearby Gabriels City, upstream of the Claudina River, near the entrance to Hildes Canyon. Bella and Kriss encountered an attack from the infected Hildes family’s Sword Gods and the Daturas. The Demon King crusade squad they joined didn’t last long before they were about to be wiped out. God Chosen Knight Scott and the other core team members are currently missing. It’s likely they’ve run away.

Bella and Kriss who originally intended to retreat encountered Sword Goddess Claudine, the third Sword God to appear in the history of the Gabriel Empire, and so far the only female member of the Sword Gods. According to historical records, this Sword Goddess is a legendary character from several thousands of years ago. Her symbolic weapon is the unique “Azure Light” that she is holding right now, Sword Goddess Claudine’s exclusive weapon.

Since the Reincarnation Passage was destroyed during the Twelve Demon King’s invasion of the God World and is still in a semi-paralyzed state, many experts of the Human Race haven’t really died and are still wandering around the Human Continent. Sword Goddess Claudine is one of them. This beautiful woman with snow white hair is much easier on the eyes than the other Sword Gods, who are basically all old men.

The snow-white irises of Sword God Claudine had become blood red due to the infection and she was surrounded by an evil red energy. Since she wore a weird mask on her face, Bella couldn’t see what she looked like underneath and can only guesstimate from the fair complexion she could see outside of it that she must have a beautiful face.

The “Spirit of the Sea” that Bella and Kriss are on the hunt for is right there on Claudine’s snow-white hair. The reason why that “Spirit of the Sea” was moving around previously is because it was an accessory in Sword Goddess Claudine’s hair, so it moved along with her. Based on the energy reaction, Bella could deduce that Sword Goddess Claudine is the phantom that casted that illusion magic on the Claudina River before this.

But what made Bella and Kriss wary is the fact that not only did Sword Goddess Claudine appear with a terrifying mask on her face, she also wore a similarly-styled sealed demonic black armor, which is where evil red energy was emanating from. Under the augmentation of this strange equipment, Sword Goddess Claudine’s strength at least doubled.

“Invaders! Kill!”

“We surrender! Let’s talk this…Big Sister, no need to go that far, right?”

Bella was just about to try and talk sense with Sword Goddess Claudine but the latter had already been controlled. She couldn’t stop herself from unsheathing her “Azure Light” and slashed it towards Bella. Kriss who was behind Bella flashed in front of her and raised her “Dark Requiem” to block the vertical slash from “Azure Light”. The black and blue energies clashed in a fierce collision.

When the clash happened, Kriss stood in place and did not move, but Sword Goddess Claudine took a few steps back, shaken by the energy. The difference in strength between both sides is clear. Even the fallen Sword Goddess Claudine is no match for Kriss’s unbelievable strength.

Her voice which did not carry a hint of emotion let out a voice in the same tone as a robot. “Put down the weapon, Miss Claudine, otherwise I’m going to have to fight back in self-defense. I never liked bullying girls.”

“Invaders must be dealt with!”

Sword Goddess Claudine continued attacking. She really has been completely controlled. If in her normal state, the Sword Goddess definitely would not launch another attack so recklessly after finding the disparity in their strength. Bella reached out her hands and relied on the power of the contract to borrow the powers of the Gem Dragon Princess and the Crystal Dragon, mixing them into a pair of crystal and gemstone super gloves.

Sword God Claudine’s “Azure Light” was caught by Bella with her hands and was pulled over to her with brute strength together with Sword Goddess Claudine herself. Claudine only held onto her sword mechanically and did not know to let go, allowing Bella to pull her over. Bella unleashed the power of the Gemstone Dragon and the Crystal Dragon once more to create a gemstone and crystal mix solid mask on her face.


Bella went straight for a headbutt, crashing her forehead into the strange mask on Claudine’s face. After an ear-shattering bang, the gemstone and crystal mask on Bella’s face shattered, and a small bit of the evil mask Sword Goddess Claudine was wearing was also broken off. The hardness of that mask was really beyond Bella’s expectation.

“Where the hell did you buy that mask? It’s seriously tough. But I still have…”

“Invader, who…Who are you, here.”

Bang, bang, bang, the noises rang out over and over. Bella’s mask can regenerate indefinitely but clearly not that evil mask. Bella summoned several masks in a row, savagely crashing into it with her forehead. After about a dozen bangs, she was finally able to shatter the strange mask that Sword Goddess Claudine was wearing completely.

The mask should be one of the tools used to control Sword Goddess Claudine. After it was smashed, Bella finally saw Sword Goddess Claudine’s true face. Sure enough, she was a beautiful big sister. Other than her eyes, which were dyed red, the fine features of her face were not the least bit infected or hurt. Bella was worried that attacking her face this way would ruin Sword Goddess Claudine’s beautiful face, but now it seems she was worrying over nothing.

“Who are you…Quickly leave, I’m already…”

“Senior Claudine, don’t worry. That demonic armor is controlling you, isn’t it? I’ll help you get rid of it.”

Bella pressed down on Claudine’s shoulder pads and tore them apart forcefully. Bella has enough strength to tear any S-rank Demonic Beast in half, but the demonic armor on Sword Goddess Claudine’s body was almost stuck to her, much tougher than any S-rank Demonic Beast’s body. It took practically all of Bella’s strength to be able to tear through this armor.

The evil energy emanating from the demonic armor tried many times to infect Bella, but Bella is a World Destructor, this kind of evil energy won’t be able to infect a Demon God. After ten minutes, Bella finally managed to tear off the armor completely from Claudine, but what surprised her is the fact that Claudine was completely naked underneath. She didn’t have anything covering her body other than that piece of armor.

“I feel much better now. Please seal me, I am still in a dangerous state.”

“In that case, please forgive me, Senior Claudine.”

Following the complete destruction of the demonic armor, Claudine’s beautiful eyes turned back into their usual snowy-white color, but for safety considerations, she still requested for Bella to restrict the movements of her arms and legs. After receiving her permission, Bella did not even hesitate to take out a golden chain and bound Claudine’s arms and legs firmly together. Then, picking up Claudine who was bound like a rice dumpling, she found a bush nearby and hid together with Kriss.

A short while after they hid in the bush, a large group of dark figures began searching the area. They were probably here for Claudine. Bella and the girls managed to avoid them this time by hiding in the bushes. Claudine was sitting quietly in Bella’s arms. Even after thousands of years, the soft fragrance of a lady could still be smelled from the delicate body of this beautiful Sword Goddess.

With a beautiful girl in her arms, Bella couldn’t help herself from moving her hands lower to explore her smooth back. Claudine had a surprised look on her face. To think a junior would be holding her, a Sword Goddess, and touching her all over. Even if the other party is a girl, this still felt weird. Since their pursuers have not gone far, Claudine did not dare to make any noise for fear of being revealed by other Demonic Beings.

“You…Why are you touching…As a junior, you should pay attention…”

“To what, Miss Claudine? You almost cut me in half earlier, so this is just a little punishment from me!” josei

“What punishment? Wait…St-stop!”

Sword Goddess Claudine widened her eyes at Bella. In the next instant, this inconspicuous looking girl took her lips and stole away her first kiss. Sword Goddess Claudine, who still had her limbs tied, couldn’t even struggle and was kissed to the point where she could hardly catch her breath. By the time Bella took her lips away, the disguise had already been taken away from her face, and her hair returned to its usual blonde appearance.

“Miss Claudine, your punishment isn’t over yet. I plan to bring you to my room and then punish you slowly. Right now, tell me everything you know.”

“This energy…You-You’re a Demon King!”

Bella wasn’t hiding her Demon King energy in the slightest, revealing it completely in front of Claudine. Her face went pale in an instant. She had just escaped from the clutches of that Demon King when she fell into the hands of another. Could it really be fate that she was to become the pawn of a Demon King?

“Don’t be nervous, Miss Claudine. I’m not with that guy so just be honest with me. If you won’t talk, then I can only hypnotize you or use some other magic.”

“No! I’ll tell you everything, so don’t hypnotize me! I don’t want to be a plaything anymore, please…”

Bella doesn’t actually know how to use the hypnosis abilities that some Demon Kings have, she was just trying to scare Claudine. However, Claudine quickly fell for it. She had had enough of being tortured by the hypnosis already. No longer wanting to evoke that painful memory again, Claudine soon spilled everything in Bella’s arms.

Sword Goddess Claudine accepted the request of the Hilikas family to explore the ancient tree with the first and second Sword Gods. After losing the battle with the ten-thousand-year-old giant snake, she was captured alive in order to cover the retreat of the other Hilikas Family Sword Gods. The Demon King that controlled the giant snake hypnotized all three of the Sword Gods and used them as her own subordinates.

Not long ago, the Demon King took her men to the Sanctuary of Swords in Hildes Canyon, seemingly to rendezvous with her companions, but something happened. By the time Sword Goddess Claudine regained her consciousness, she was already in this state with a set of demonic armor and mask on her body. This was done by another person, however, as that Demon King didn’t put any funny things on her at all.

After telling her everything, Claudine let Bella transfer her to the Darkness Sacred Region through the exclusive teleportation array of a Demon King. Only the Mothers of Creation resting in the Darkness Sacred Region will be able to deal with the infected energy in her body. She also managed to obtain the “Spirit of the Sea”. This flower with blue petals that were almost transparent can be used to make the wearer invisible in the water. Claudine was able to lurk around in the river for so long undetected because of the magical power in the “Spirit of the Sea”. Without the scouting abilities of a mage, it would have been difficult to discover her.

“Bella, you’re even bullying seniors! Back then, the original owner of this body really worshipped Big Sister Claudine a lot, the first Sword Goddess of the Human Race.”

“Bullying one’s idol is a wonderful feeling. Aren’t you looking a bit too excited as well, Kriss? Why don’t we give you the opportunity to take care of Big Sister Claudine after we settle this mess?”

“Uh…Hm, I didn’t say anything! Let’s keep going. We have to check on the Hilikas family right now and we don’t know what the situation is with Calman and Cahlia either.”

Using the power of a Demon King, Bella quickly created imitations of the armor and mask worn by Sword Goddess Claudine and the two of them pretended to be infected Hilikas family swordsmen and continued exploring the Sanctuary of Swords according to the route given to them by Sword Goddess Claudine. Along the way, they saw many infected Demonic Beings and human warriors with blood red eyes, surrounded by that strange red energy.

The Sanctuary of Swords was originally a peaceful and tranquil paradise and was the place where the Hilikas family secluded themselves. The scenery here was unmatched with lush greenery everywhere, filled with vibrant life. After the infection began, this place turned into a terrifying place with patrolling demons to be seen everywhere and a strong smell of blood. The originally lush greenery had all been dyed red with blood.

God Chosen Knight Scott and God Chosen Sword Akmans were not the only crusade teams who had come to explore, and their luck wasn’t as good as the two of them. Without transmigrated Saviors in their ranks, the Demon King crusade squads were quickly wiped out. Many of them became infected and were reduced to pawns of the mastermind behind this.

God Chosen Knight Scott and the few core members of his squad were not here. It seems they were able to escape successfully. These transmigrated Saviors didn’t even save the members of their own harem. They really aren’t qualified for their professions. The huge pavilion in the center of the Sanctuary of Swords is the Hilikas Family’s Sword Tower. Currently, the Sword Tower is being wrapped around by a huge plant, and this demonic plant is the gigantic Datura Flower that attacked Bella and Kriss previously.

Strange plants littered the entire Sanctuary of Swords and they were all Demonic Beings, many among them species that Bella has never even seen before. Most of the shapes of these Demonic Beings are similar to the carnivorous plants on Earth, such as the flycatcher, or giant versions of the rafflesia. Bella and Kriss’s means of disguise wasn’t the most high-tech. They were using the most primitive way of playing dead to avoid the detection of the plant-based Demonic Beings.

Both Bella and Kriss are existences that have two different forms and in truth, their surrogate bodies have already died once, so they don’t need to breathe nor do their hearts need to beat. These plant-based Demonic Beings all rely on one’s breaths and heartbeats to seek out living beings. If Bella and Kriss stop their breathing and their heartbeats purposefully, then these Demonic Beings won’t be able to catch their whereabouts.

The Hilikas family’s Sword Tower has dozens of floors and was originally built to collect famous swords. But right now, some mysterious forces have changed it into a terrifying biochemical experimental site. They are actually doing all sorts of synthesis experiments here on Demonic Beings, humans, and plant-based Demonic Beings. Kriss subconsciously clenched her hand tight on Bella’s hand, feeling slightly nervous. From the cold sweat lining her palm, Bella could tell she was scared.

The swords have long disappeared from the Sword Tower, and in their place, a variety of strange mystical experimental experiments as well as a variety of strange plant species can be found. The people from the missing adventurer teams are all here, and these beautiful warriors were kept frozen in a pillar of ice to preserve them. Their bodies are in a completely naked state and at first glance, Bella recognized the beautiful Fire Mage Wendy among them.

Their faces were filled with horror and they were restricted only in action, but not spirit. There are the dark demonic armor and masks placed right in front of the ice pillars that they will be forced to put on later. After that is complete, they will become evil puppets who only know how to kill just like Claudine before.

The male adventurers have already been used up as experimental subjects, each of them turning into strange demonic chimeras. During the evil experiments, human males are better materials compared to females, which is something that Bella learned from Poison Origin Betty. Wendy and the girls are not the best experiment material, so they were fortunate enough to have lasted until Bella’s arrival.

Bella wasn’t in a hurry to save them, however, for she and Kriss saw the mastermind behind the curtains. Without even meeting the Demon King from before, they got to meet the Creator behind this. At first, Bella thought it was a Father of Creation who cooked up this mess, but after she got to see the true appearance of the one behind the scenes, she was stunned. The Dimensional Creator behind this is not only a girl, but a flat-chested twintails loli.

There are only a few Mothers of Creation, and though this loli is beautiful, she didn’t seem to be a Mother of Creation. That smell from her body should only exist on the Creator of this dimension. The loli wasn’t good at dressing up and had only put on a white lab coat just like a researcher.

Bella remembered clearly that the Dimensional Creator of this dimension is a Father of Creation, no doubt about it, which this world’s God of Creation personally confirmed. So, as for where this loli Creator came from, could it be that everyone was wrong from the beginning? For some reason, Bella didn’t really find this loli all that scary, but rather felt an inexplicable sense of affection towards her.

The loli was holding a notebook in her hands and seems to be the person in charge of these horrible experiments. She was wearing a monocle and looked like a scholar. As for Bella’s arrival, she was quickly able to sense it, and after seeing her, a rare smile appeared on the usually slack face of the loli.

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