The Villains Need to Save the World?

Book 9

Book 9: Chapter 528: The Abnormal Night that Appears in the Base Camp of the Northern Alliance Army, the Gabrideck City

Book 9: Chapter 528: The Abnormal Night that Appears in the Base Camp of the Northern Alliance Army, the Gabrideck City

The base camp of the Southern Alliance was located at the lower reaches of the Claudine River, near the Gabriels City (Sword Capital) of the Gabriel Empire. In this camp, the Southern Alliance had not only made full preparation for their defense but also mapped out their strategic attack towards their opponents. Under the command of Bella, the Southern Alliance had been prepped and was ready for battle.

As Bella was having some fun in the palace in the center of the Belizegra Fortress, she suddenly received an unexpected item from the Johnston family, one of the three major families of the empire. The patriarch of the family, the Grand Duke John, used the pigeon carrier of the Radiant Church to secretly send a letter to Bella. Since it was dispatched out using the pigeons of the Radiant Church, none of the soldiers of the Northern Alliance had checked the contents of the letter.

Even though the letter was apparently addressed to the daughter of Grand Duke John, Helena, who also happened to be a priest of the Radiant Church, but judging by the fact that Helena was currently in the hands of Bella, it was safe to assume that the letter was intended for Bella instead. As soon as Helena received the letter, she quickly passed it over to Bella. Since she was now in the hands of Bella, Bella would have other means to get it from her even if she didn’t pass it over.

“Helena, this is a letter from your father. It may contain secrets that are for your eyes only. Would it be alright for you to simply give it to me?”

“Master, I have no secrets to keep from you. Please don’t doubt my loyalty.”

When it came to Bella, all the other beautiful girls no longer had any resistance towards her. Even in this situation, Helena and her companion did not break from the shameful posture they showed to Bella. After Bella had opened up the letter, she placed it on top of the soft twin peaks on Helena’s chest, treating her as her reading table. Judging from the content, it was evident that this letter was not intended for Helena.

After witnessing the result of the Northern Alliance, the patriarch of the Johnston family, Grand Duke John, immediately decided that they should surrender to the Southern Alliance. The Ignaz family led the example, which revealed that surrendering didn’t bring them any trouble. Instead, it might be worse if they did not make this political move because there was a chance that they would all just disappear like the Renald family, which was also one of the three major families of the empire.

Along with the letter, there was also a detailed military deployment map of the Northern Alliance as well as detailed information of their army camp, the Gabrideck City. The detailed letter even marked out the specific locations of the three princes. These details were probably inserted by Grand Duke John to express his sincerity to surrender to the Southern Alliance. As such, there should be no question about the authenticity and credibility of this information.

However, Bella did not fully trust the information provided in the letter. She had specially arranged for someone to investigate and confirm the details and had sent out the “Demon Eyes” to confirm it by aerial reconnaissance. This was simply because even though their daughters were being controlled by the opponent, Bella knew that these politicians would not fuss about it too much since, in their opinion, daughters who could not inherit the titles were less important. On the contrary, if their son had fallen into the hands of the opposition, these politicians would have acted immediately.

“Master, would you spend the night here today?”

“What’s wrong? Aren’t you all out of strength? I have something to do tonight. If you are still in need, just solve it yourself.”

Calman and Cahlia had inquired about it on behalf of all the other beautiful girls. If Bella were to stay overnight, these human girls would not be able to get out of bed for the next few days. After hearing that Bella would not be staying overnight, all of the five hundred and twenty-one beautiful girls secretly let out a sigh of relief. Just as they were to relax, they saw the evil grin emerging from Bella’s lips as the expression made them feel both fearful but yet excited at the same time. Since they had already been accustomed to her constant teasing, these beautiful girls had learned to enjoy the feeling of being teased by her.

“How could you think about relaxing so soon? I have yet to leave. Let me teach you a few more new postures.”

When Bella finally left the room, those beautiful girls lying on the big bed were all left limp as if their bodies had been hollowed out. Bella had teased them until they had all reached their limit, even before nighttime. These girls would not be able to get out of bed until at least the next night. Even after she had enjoyed herself and had regained her spirit, Bella did not leave hastily as she still had one more thing to deal with.

Right after Bella left the girls whom she had previously teased, the demon that pried from the sky, the “Demon Eyes,” had come back to confirm the authenticity of the map as well as the detailed markings of the military coordination in the letter by Grand Duke John. The accuracy of the detailed content would help ease the special beheading operation that Bella had set up. In fact, Bella had plans to deal with the three princes on this very night.

But before that, Bella walked over to the secret hidden door, and upon opening it, she entered the small room hidden behind it. Aside from the group of beautiful girls that was in the bedroom with her just now, this place housed other beautiful girls. In fact, Bella had multiple areas in her base camp dedicated to the imprisonment of the beautiful girls whom she had captured. Those whom she had taken in from the Darkness Church were also placed in a separate location. This little hidden chamber that Bella had currently stepped in was used to hold the beautiful Fire Mage Wendy as well as the Sword Goddess Claudine.

The two beautiful maidens’ faces were flushed with blush as they lingered in this secret place. This room was secretly designed so that they could hear each and every sound that had happened in the adjacent room that Bella had just left to come over here. Even if they could not personally see it, these girls could clearly hear all the strange sounds that were made when Bella was making out with the group of girls. Since Claudine and Wendy’s bodies had been subjected to Bella’s constant teasing, their bodies had become very sensitive that they could get excited simply by hearing the sensual sounds.

When Bella came in, the snow-white bodies of these two fair maidens were lying seductively on the clean white bed sheets. Their legs were subconsciously clamped together like they were secretly holding back their urges that were about to burst out. As Bella stepped in, she saw panic in their eyes as if she had walked in on them doing something shameful.

Both Wendy and Claudine had their hands in between their legs. Being a super “dirty girl,” Bella could instantly guess the naughty things that the two girls were doing. With a smug smile on her face, Bella did not stop them, and instead, she walked towards Wendy and smoothly parted the thighs of the beautiful red hair maiden with her hands.

Since Wendy was just a mere fire mage, her strength could not be compared to the Demon King Bella. Her thighs were easily parted, and the full view of her beautifully glistening moist region was presented to Bella. Even though she had been countlessly teased and bullied by Bella, she was still very bashful when she was observed so closely, so she proceeded to cover her face with her hand.

Normally, Bella would have left after heavily teasing the beautiful girls in the other bedroom. As such, they did not expect Bella to be unsatisfied and enter their room for additional enjoyment. While Bella had her fun with Wendy, Claudine could only watch and could not be of any help to Wendy. She knew that her strength as a Sword Goddess was no match against the Demon King. After Bella was done with Wendy, there was a big possibility that she would become the next victim. If that were to happen, she would not be able to protect own self either.

“What? You wanted it but didn’t care to help each other out. How could you think of solving it by yourself? It’s not healthy that way. Let me take good care of you!”

“Bella, don’t… don’t lick it. Not there. Help…”

Bella pressed on her and buried her face on the most sensitive part of Wendy’s body. Her soft, fluttering kisses made the fire mage crumble to her desire. Claudine was forced to watch as Bella brought Wendy to her limit, and when Bella had made Wendy exhausted from her constant teases, Bella pulled on Claudine by her hands, leading her slender body to the Demon King.

“Claudine, don’t be nervous. Why are you closing your eyes? I’m just here to talk business with you. I won’t tease you.”

When Bella saw Claudine closing her eyes, Bella tapped her head down to gently kiss Claudine on her eyelashes. Surprised by Bella’s new teasing, she immediately opened her eyes to look at Bella. Seeing how she was finally looking back at her, Bella revealed her true purpose for visiting her. It turned out that according to the secret letter by the Grand Duke John, the base camp of the Northern Alliance was being guarded by a large number of members of the Hilikas family, who were the guardians of the Gabriel Empire. These swordsmen were all of the levels of a Sword Sage.

After the disappearance of the family leader, these Sword Sages had turned to support Prince Angus and Prince Daniel. Bella had every intention to launch an attack on the Northern Alliance tonight, but she must first find a way to deal with these few swordsmen, or else they might hinder her plans.

If possible, Bella would want to solve the problem with these Sword Sages without killing them off. She had no plans to annihilate the Hilikas family because she wanted the two elder twin daughters of the family, Calman and Cahlia, to take over the Hilikas family in the future. As such, it’d be a bad idea for her to wipe out all the strong fighters from the Hilikas family.

Bella’s plan was for the Sword Goddess Claudine to help persuade these Sword Sages of the Hilikas family to stand aside and not interfere with Bella’s forces when they’d attack the Northern Alliance camp that night. Bella was afraid that the fighting with them might alarm the three princes of the empire, and they would flee in advance before Bella’s forces could conquer them. This might cause the “Civil War” to be dragged on for much longer.

“Bella, I don’t think I can successfully persuade the members of the Hilikas family. I’m not… Ngh, please don’t pinch.”

“Sister Claudine. I know you can do it. Don’t hesitate. Or do you want to see me wipe out all of the members from the Hilikas family?”

“It’s not like that… I just can’t…”

“The decision is in your hands, my dear Claudine. You know that my patience is thin and it’s the same in all aspects. It’s best that you give me your answer now.”

The dominant Bella pressed her body against Sword Goddess Claudine as her hands moved to pinch the pair of ripe red cherries on the soft peaks of the chest that was under her. Claudine was kneaded and teased until she no longer had the strength to deny Bella. Even after experiencing it countless times, Claudine still could not resist Bella’s special punishment that she integrated into her interrogation methods. Claudine finally succumbed and obediently followed Bella’s command.

Sword Goddess Claudine couldn’t hold out for long before succumbing to Bella’s coercion and temptation. She finally agreed to help Bella to persuade the members of the Hilikas family to surrender. By using her own identity as a Sword Goddess as well as her friendship with the Hilikas family, it was not hard for her to persuade them. She was only resisting previously out of her own moral value as she did not want to be a tool used by the Demon king.

Nighttime arrived sooner than normal days at the Marz Plain. By the time they were eating dinner at late noon, the sky was already inexplicably dimmed. Moreover, the phenomenon was extra strange because even though there was a crescent-shaped moon in the sky, no stars were visible from below. Along with the early night, it brought along a strange fog that coated the Marz Plain. This mysterious fog covered both the Northern and Southern Alliance base camp.

When they were first faced with this unusual occurrence at the Gabrideck City, the atmosphere at the base camp at the Northern Alliance was tense for a while. They were on high alert for some time, but after they had confirmed that nothing else was abnormal around the camp, they had lifted the state of alertness and went back to their regular routine. They assumed that this was just one of those weird astronomical phenomena that occasionally occurred, and there was nothing to be nervous about.

In theory, such an unexplainable phenomenon should not appear in this southern part of the human continent where the weather was generally summer-like all year round. This early nightfall was actually caused by the act of the demons. The illusion was created with the joint effort of the Moon Demon King Gonias and the Lost Demon King Hailey Layman under the order of Bella. From the horizon of the Marz Plain, one could see a distinct black line that separated the sky of this plain, as if a huge semi-sphere dome-shaped lid had been placed over the entire Marz Plain.

Outside of this dome-like lid, the sky was usual as per the normal setting of every day late noon, where even though the sun had set, there was still plenty of light instead of being pitch dark. Below the dome-like lid, it was a completely different world even though they were basically in the same location. The moon and the dark night were summoned out by the Moon Demon King Gonias, while the fog covering the area was the work of the Lost Demon King Hailey Layman.

Under the guise of the fog in the night, a large scale of aircraft units was set off from the base camp of the Southern Alliance as it quietly entered the area above the Northern Alliance base camp, the Gabrideck City. Since the area was cloaked by the fogs, the soldiers on duty at the outpost could not detect these strange fleets of invaders.

Bella purposely timed it so that they would reach in time for the soldiers of the Northern Alliance to change shifts for their dinner time. During this period, the defense of the camp had become laxer. Bella and the Sword Goddess Claudine, who was completely under Bella’s control, were in one of the aircraft headed towards Gabrideck City. With the help of the detailed information sent by the Johnston family, Bella’s fleet of aircraft quickly found a suitable landing site.

Bella did not bring her regular teams of human soldiers tonight but instead bought her army of demons. This was because none of the soldiers of the Southern Alliance, including those whom she had specially trained in the Sarnia Duchy, had undergone the course for parachuting. She decided that it was best to let her army of demons participate in this special battle. In fact, if this mission were to fail, she would just shift the blame to the demons.

At this time in the Northern Alliance base camp, the soldiers on duty were not as vigilant because they probably thought that no assassins would be so bold to attack a place where millions of troops were stationed. Moreover, it was dinner time as the aroma of food permeated the air through the entire Gabrideck City. Luckily, Bella and the Sword Goddess Claudine had eaten prior to this and were not tempted by the scent of food.

Bella and her companions landed in the city square that was guarded by the soldiers of the Johnston family. The Grand Duke John had deliberately asked all the soldiers on guard to dine together under the guise that the food would taste better if they were to dine together. This act alone had left the square void of any guard on patrol, and as such, this empty square had become the defenseless area in the Gabrideck City.

There were no passing patrol guards even after Bella and her companion had safely landed in the Northern Alliance base camp. Her army of demons that had landed from the air quickly took full control of this empty square. Bella opened her map to confirm the four main targeted locations: the residence of the Hilikas family and the residence of the three princes of the empire, which included the temporary residences of Prince Brad, Prince Angus, and Prince Frauer.

The military defense of the Gabrideck City was placed in the hands of Prince Angus. He had roughly studied Bella’s previous attack strategy and had the food supplies for the regiment to be distributed and stored in multiple heavily guarded warehouses. This was done to avoid the losses if Bella would secretly attack them and burn down all their supplies.

However, since the opponents’ tactics would keep changing and improving, Bella had also changed her ways to suit the situation. This time around, instead of charging towards their food supplies, she would directly hit the residence of the three princes. At this very moment, the three princes had just ended a very quarrelsome meeting, and since there was very little trust between them, all of them had left to return to their respective temporary residences. The situation came as an opportunity for Bella to capture them separately.

“Bella, I hope you will hold true to your words. It would be the best if we could minimize the death rate.”

“Sister Claudine, I would not lie to you. Didn’t we already discuss this on the bed before? How can you not believe me?”

“Alright, I understand. Could we not talk about that time? Bella, what are you going to do now?”

“I am definitely going to guide you. You have a very deep bond of friendship with the Hilikas family, and you might go weak against them. When you do, I’ll be there to guide you.”

Upon Bella’s words, Claudine looked a little embarrassed that she couldn’t hide her thoughts from Bella. She did intend to take advantage of this opportunity and let the Hilikas’s family members escape from here and inform the Radiant Church of Bella’s identity as the Demon King. Ever since Claudine had learned of Bella’s real identity, her first thought was to inform the Radiant Church.josei

However, the higher level of the Radiant Church had long been severely infiltrated by the female Demon King Bella, and almost all of the females from the higher level were now on Bella’s side. If Claudine were to report it, she would probably seek President Maria, one of the four Holy Maidens. The result was doomed from the start.

“Sister Claudine, just do as I say and don’t think of any other tricks. Otherwise, I will keep you locked up in that little dark room forever!”

“Bella, what are you saying? I… I have no idea. I will definitely help you.”

Bella stepped forward and gently held on to Claudine’s hands while she casually looked into her eyes. After a period of silence, the doubt in the eyes of the Sword Goddess Claudine slowly faded away as she resigned to her fate.

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