The Villain's Redemption

Chapter 209 Three Scenarios

Chapter 209 Three Scenarios

Chapter 209 Three Scenarios

Prince Kuzma and Gavril stared at each other for a long time before Mo Li’s laughter interrupted their silence. "I just got married." He reminded them. "If you want to die... you can stay here and say nothing. Then I can just end your lives while you watch each other." josei

"Your grace... threatening us..."

Mo Li interrupted Prince Kuzma’s words. "Oh. I’m not threatening. Even the King knew that I don’t threaten people. The King still had a lot of children who would be interested in the throne after him. Do you think he would care if you two would suddenly disappear?"

"You— "

"Then state your purpose!" Mo Li hissed, irritation flashed in his eyes. The King clearly said that he wouldn’t allow these two ants to disturb him. So... what is happening now? Why are these people here?

"We— We are here to— "Before Prince Kuzma could say anything, the attendant arrived with wine glasses full of blood. It didn’t take the attendant to leave in just a few seconds after serving the blood. "We are here to help you with the murders. We know that a few nights ago, a baron disappeared. His body was found lifeless in the forest. How could a powerful baron disappear and just die like that?" Prince Kuzma didn’t hesitate to tell Mo Li the reason why he was here. "As a responsible son of the king, I don’t just spend my time sleeping around with people. I have responsibilities to protect the Kingdom."

Lucinia almost choked from the tea that she drank. Did Prince Kuzma really say that he doesn’t sleep around with people? Lucinia’s gaze landed on Zacharia, whose face was still pale. "That is very admirable, Prince Kuzma," Lucinia uttered. "However... I believe my husband can handle everything. There’s no need for you too— "

"We volunteered to come here and helped with the investigations," Zacharia uttered before he let out a series of low cough.

"Is he sick?" Cassandra asked. "He is very pale. Perhaps... Your grace can offer, Mr. Zacharia a room to rest for a while?

Cassandra’s overly sweet voice made Lucinia frown.

[WARNING: Flower of Death detected in the blood on everyone’s wine glass.]

The robot’s voice made Lucinia frown. The flower of death which could even hard Mo Li? That flower of death? But... that sounded really impossible. How could.... Her gaze landed towards the pale Zacharia as the realization hit her. Lucinia lowered her head, hiding the emotions swirling in her eyes. "I agree... Zacharia looked like he is about to faint. Husband... why don’t you escort him towards a vacant room upstairs?" Lucinia gave Mo Li a brilliant smile. "Let me take the wine glass ..." Without waiting for Mo Li to say anything, she already grabbed the glass away from him.

To her surprise, Mo Li didn’t hesitate nor did he tried to argue with her. He only looked at her briefly, as if he already knew what was on her mind before he leaned towards her and captured her lips for a quick kiss. Then he stood and looked at Zacharia. "Follow me."

The Duke’s actions were quick that the three other people were really surprised to see him just listen to Lucinia’s words like that. How could a Duke like him— A Duke that even the king feared— just let a small girl like Lucinia order him around?

The thing is... Lucinia doesn’t care about what they thought. She looked at Zacharia as he hesitated for a few seconds before he followed Mo Li towards the second floor. After making sure that they already disappeared, Lucinia stared at Cassandra and Prince Gavril. "Please leave. The Duke and I still have a lot of things to take care of."

As expected, Prince Gavril immediately turned irritated. After all, they already spent a lot of time coming in here why would she ask them to leave? "Lucinia..."

"I can kill you without using a poison." She suddenly said. "Though... trying to poison you would have been really fun. But I am not that dumb."

Prince Kuzma squinted. "What are you talking about?���

"The blood is poisoned with Flower of Death. You will have some damages in your organs once you finish that glass and— "

"What?" Prince Kuzma immediately put the glass back on the table. "A poison? You— You wanted to poison us?"

"Stupid. I clearly said someone is trying to frame me." She said, calmly. "Someone knew that I am immune to poisons and even to the Flower of Death. And someone wanted to use that to their advantage to frame me."

"You are saying that this blood had poison so they could blame you?"

Lucinia only chuckled. She stood and straightened her back. "Yes. But that wasn’t really the goal, right.... Miss Cassandra?"

"Lucinia do not involve my wife in this!" Prince Gavril said.

"Stupid." Lucinia rolled her eyes in response. She had three scenarios inside her brain. First is the arrival of someone just as the other vampires would become weak because of the flower that was mixed on their drinks. This person could easily be a person of authority. This would be enough to turn him into a witness of attempted murder.

Lucinia could already imagine the news that would arrive in the palace. Lucinia tried to murder her own husband and the other royals around her. The first scenario would make her end up in the dungeons waiting for her sentencing for trying to kill the first and second prince.

The second scenario was... the arrival of witches. People who knew that she was the daughter of her mother. People who hated her mother and, by extension her. Of course, seeing her in action would instantly make them angry and try to capture her. This scenario would end up in absolute chaos.

And the third scenario involved humans and witches... storming in this place to try and kill them. But they will fail— on purpose. But these people would leave enough evidence that would tie them back to Lucinia— framing her in the process.

Either way, all endings would be bad for her.

So, Lucinia chose to stop the dance before the music could even start.

Now... isn’t this the perfect time to see if her assumptions and the voices in her head were actually reliable?

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