The Villain's Story

Chapter 73 {73}Body As Cold As Ice.

Chapter 73 {73}Body As Cold As Ice.

[Class 1-G](A/N:This is the protagonists class)

"Huh, Usually those two are always the first ones here."

Henry said with slight surprise in his tone.

"Yeah, wonder why they're so late today."

Answering him was Elijah. They had entered class 10 minutes before class started.

Usually, Sabrina And Alan would be the first ones to be in class before anyone even entered.

They would teleport to an Area no one was and walk towards class from there.

Hence, they reached Class first.

As for what they did when they had reached class nearly 45 minutes before it started?

Read books or do homework.

Alan would do Homework, while Sabrina would do whatever she wanted to do.

She mostly read books anyway.


The door of the class opened.

Elijah and Henry both turned their heads to see who entered.

To their not-so-much surprise, Sabrina entered while sweating profusely.

She paid no attention to the others and went to sit down on her seat.

" you okay?"

Elena asked Sabrina with a tinge of worry in her tone.

She was worried for her friend who appeared to have run 50 miles to get here.

"..hah, hah, yes."

Sabrina Replied with haggard breathing.

Her 'Mode of Transport' Also known as her bodyguard was nowhere to be found.

When she closed her eyes and circulated her mana to see where the hell he was, she saw that he was in the Hospital present On Shields Campus.

The Hospital...She then checked his State to find out he was unconscious and injured.

She didn't bother trying to contact him through their Spatial Bond because he never replied if he was sleeping or unconscious.

So, She walked here from Her Dorm to The building where their class was.

"So, Wheres Alan?"

Henry asked her while she tried to get her breathing to be stable.

"In the infirmary."

There was a slight pause after they heard her answer. Their first thought collectively was that maybe he was sick. So they didn't question after that.

They silently waited for Class to begin.

And at exactly 7:00 AM, without even a second late, Douglas entered their class and began to note down their attendance.

He normally wouldn't have done this but today was special. The Students needed to be informed of their first special class.

In five days, Their First Dungeon Excursion would be held.


I woke up.

I saw an unfamiliar ceiling.

Before I could try to sit up. I heard a voice.

"Stay down."

Looking in the direction of the voice, I saw a green-haired woman Holding a bottle containing a green liquid coming toward me.

I tried to move my neck, but then realized I had a cervical collar on my neck.josei

My Arms and legs were covered with plaster, My entire body was numb from the neck down, which I didn't even realize.

And my eyes, they pain.

I looked toward the woman with green hair and was able to figure out who she was.

Vanessa Greenfield.

The teacher in charge of the Healing/Medical Elective and also the personal doctor of the top ten students.

This woman, as described in the novel, was a greedy bitch who would do a lot of shit for money.

But she wouldn't dare to do anything to an injured student she was In charge of, except heal them.

My recovery should have been completed by now if she had used a potion but...The shield itself forbid the use of potions unless the student was gravely injured with no hope of recovering naturally.

One reason was for the students not to build immunity to the effect of the potion.

If any drug was taken multiple times, you would develop an immunity to it, This is even more true for awakening.

That was why Not a lot of people used potions a lot to save their miraculous effects for life and death situations.

Everyone except Elijah that is, That guy could just tell his system to heal him up.

And the potions he could buy from the system shop were op as hell.

And also expensive as hell.

...Thinking about it. He could also buy an elven tear.

But... no one besides him...and I know about his system.

If I asked him to buy me one from the system, suspicion was all I was gonna get.


I tried to speak, but no sound came out.

"Woah there, don't try to speak."

Vanessa spoke while putting a syringe inside the bottle containing the potion.

"I don't who it was, but they sure roughed you up pretty good. If you don't take a potion, you won't be able to attend classes for a month but...."

'And? Continue without pausing woman.'

Vanessa, much to Alan's dismay, paused before saying whatever she wanted to say.

"... you have Your Dungeon Excursion in five days from now, so potion it is."

She finished her sentence while draining all of the liquid presents inside the bottle into the syringe.

And just when she was about to inject it on my exposed shoulder, knocks were heard on the door.


"Come in."

Vanessa answered for me because I couldn't speak.

The door opened and I heard five pairs of footsteps walking inside.

I couldn't see who it was but I had a pretty good idea.

And I hoped it wasn't those five, to be honest.

But much to my dismay, it was this five who had walked in.

The five Protagonists of the novel.

"Ah, Miss we've come to deliver Alan His Dungeon Notes."

I heard the voice of Elijah as he walked inside with the others.

"Leave them beside his bed in the drawer," Vanessa said without looking over to glance who it was.

"Yes."Replied Elijah.

Shit, They were going to see my condition now.

Damn Throat, why can't you speak for yourself right now?!

His footsteps got closer and closer until finally, he could see me behind the curtain around the large hospital bed.

And his eyes and mine came into contact. And the Moment they did, He dropped the folder he was holding onto

the ground.


He said nothing and only looked at me with a shocked gaze.

" Eli, What's wrong?"

Serena's Voice sounded out, She too moved closer and could see my condition now. And her reaction wasn't any different.

The rest of them all. Noticing both Elijah and Serena pause, moved closer and they too had the same shocked expressions on their faces.

'Fucking hell, why must all of you come to give me a single folder?!'

Do you not understand my desperate efforts to avoid you?!

"..Miss, what happened to him?"

The one who asked was Sabrina, who regained her composure the quickest out of them all.

She had expected him to be a little bruised...but what the hell was this?!

Nearly his entire body had been bandaged up and was covered in plaster.

His status said he was just hurt...not near fucking death!

Vanessa, who had injected Alan with a syringe, answered her question in a calm voice.

"What do you think? He got his ass handed to him."

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