The Villain's Story

Chapter 94 {94}The Golden Generation.[3]

Chapter 94 {94}The Golden Generation.[3]

An Anaconda 98 feet long and as wide as a tree was facing another team of Students.

It crept up along a tree and launched itself at the student who seemed to be the leader of the group.

The student, however, instead of being afraid of the giant snake that could strangle him without even trying stared at the giant monstrosity approaching him with great speed with not even an ounce of fear in his eyes.

His teammates were spread out across the entire area of this forest and were busy attacking the anaconda earlier with their ranged attacks.


Their eyes conveyed this message to the boy who was going to be swallowed alive soon.

Yet his eyes were calm, and with his calm demeanor, He pulled back the string of his bow, and in an instant, an arrow made up of wind materialized and he released the small tornado that was in his bow.


His Ashen gray hair was swept back due to the wind generated by his arrow.

His arrow made its way toward the snake, who had opened its mouth wide with the intent to swallow the ashen-haired boy in front of it.

Yet what it swallowed was not flesh, but a tornado made of mana directly into its throat.


The sound produced by the tornado was similar to that of a chainsaw as it went through the flesh itself, and In a gory and bloody mess, the head of the monstrous snake exploded into bits and pieces.

The body of the snake wriggled on the ground despite its head being severed for a few seconds until finally going limp, and disintegrating into a blue light that was absorbed into the muddy ground below.

'Run? Why do I need to run from that?'

These were the thoughts of Henry Fornum as he looked at the surprised gazes of his teammates and continued to walk ahead nonchalantly. Completely uncaring of the fact that he had just taken down a monster that would require at least 8 normal students to take down easily and with one shot.

Despite his goofy personality and Playboy nature, One must never make the mistake that he...

Was still the rival of the protagonist of The Ultimate Sin.

When Elijah and Henry were together, They were complete idiots.

But Alone?

They were completely different.

He was still the only one who could keep up with Elijah's Monstrous growth along with Sabrina in the Original novel.

Henry Fornum, much like his brother Ezra Fornum was never one to be underestimated.

Doing so would only lead to the death of the unfortunate idiot that had done so.

A very gruesome death just like the poor monster that had done so.



'Fucking hell, of all things it had to be in the swamp huh'

I thought to myself as I walked toward the muddy ground of this damned forest floor.

Thank God this swamp was along the way to the exit of this damned forest, otherwise, I would never have managed to convince my team to come here together with me.

They, just like me were struggling here, especially Sabrina and Amy who looked like they wanted to die, along with Alex who was fidgeting while walking in here.

The reason for him fidgeting was that Kyle, who was cursing all the time was there.

"Damn it! Fuck! Why can't we just take a fucking detour?!"

It was fairly obvious that he was the most irritated one to the other teammates.

Alex was probably scared because it looked like Kyle was going to blow.

He looked to be the one who was most irritated by the ground.

,m Little did they know it was me, who was the one who was most frustrated here.

On top of feeling an odd sense of dissatisfaction whenever we encountered a monster. I also hated the fact that my feet were getting dirty here.

Even though the suit probably kept the mud away from my feet, one must also remember that my suit was currently torn a little.

So I had to be extra careful so that the mud doesn't get into one of those holes.

'Just a little further...just a little further.'

I consoled myself in my mind.

No matter what, I didn't want to get very dirty.

Even when facing those monsters when I was a little out of myself, somehow I was able to make it so that not a drop of blood landed on me, except for the one time when my arm was hit by the poison of those lizards.

While walking around, I kept checking the trees for the mushroom I was looking for.

The Clammitta Mushroom, a mushroom that looked like an ordinary white mushroom with the sole difference that It had a blue dot on its head.

It was a mushroom that calmed one down.

I was originally planning to somehow make Alex eat it so that he would become calm and fight...but now I might need some for myself so that I could also fight properly.

And lo and behold, Growing right on the trunk of a specific tree, I saw 8 Clammitta mushrooms growing vertically.

From my angle, It looked like the tree had 8 white pimples with blue dots.

Quite Comical.

Without any further ado, I moved towards the tree.

*Splosh, *Splossh*

The sound of my feet striking the mud was disgusting, but I persevered and finally reached the Mushrooms and then plucked them off one by one, Eating one in the process and storing the rest in my bag.

The entire mushroom was safe to eat, that was the reason I ate it fully.


And upon returning to the group, I tossed one towards Alex.


He fidgeted because he wasn't expecting it but ultimately caught it in his hands.

He looked toward me in confusion and I said.

"Eat it, it'll help you calm down."


"It'll help you calm down, you've been fidgeting all this time, it's time for you to be useful."

"...are you sure this thing is safe to eat?"

He questioned to which I replied while eating another one.

"Yesh it ish."

He didn't look convinced in the slightest even though I reassured him.

Cruel bastard, do you not trust me even the slightest even though I ate it right in front of you?

What about the friendship we built as a result of getting our asses kicked daily huh?

Have you forgotten the times when I sometimes saved you from the Sword Saint's attack?

Cruel son of a b*itch.

Alas, I wasn't stupid to say these thoughts out loud.

I was honestly being foolish when I cursed him inside my mouth.

Who would eat a mushroom that looked somewhat poisonous, and he might have trusted me if this mushroom's effects were known, The Guide we had been given had info on every plant as well as a monster on the first five floors of the labyrinth.

'Oh well, I'll just sneak some into his rations. Or if worse come to worse I'll shove it inside his mouth forcefully.'

If plan A Failed, plan B would be put into action.

But only if it failed, He was still the only one who knew the pain of training along with me.

He was a comrade of sorts.

"...this looks to be poisonous, hey are you sure you should be eating this?What if you get a stomachache, there aren't any proper toilets in the labyrinth you know."

His voice resounded in my ears,I was going to respond when he spoke again.

"It's going to be stinky if you can't hold it in during the assignment."

I changed my mind, Plan B it is.

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