The Villain's Wife

Chapter 99 - Ruined

Chapter 99 - Ruined

The Villain’s Wife Chapter 99 - Ruined


The next day, Mu Qingling arrived at Zhuo Capital in a wheelchair. She intentionally made her face appear a little pale with make-up. As a performer, Mu Qingling was quite skilled when it comes to make-up and her techniques were on par with professional make-up artists.

"Are you sure that he agreed to meet with me?" she asked her secretary the moment they entered the building of Zhuo Capital.

"Yes, Miss. Secretary Go confirmed it." Then Yanyan approached the reception counter and gave Mu Qingling’s name to the receptionist. After checking against her visitor records, she swiftly led them to the common lobby.

"Why am I not directed to the VIP elevator today?" Mu Qingling asked Yanyan. "Did you tell them that I was using the VIP elevator the last time I was here?"

"The receptionist said that the VIP elevator is only for VIP clients," Yanyan answered meekly. Given her understanding of Mu Qingling’s character, she knew she would be offended.

"Good. Very Good. This must be that woman’s doing!" Mu Qingling gritted her teeth in annoyance. She was still someone from the Mu family after all. How could Zhuo Jingren disregard her status and not treat her with the respect that was due to her? She did not deserve this.

Unlike the VIP elevator, the elevators in the common lobby do not lead them straight to the president’s office. Instead, they would have to exit at the fifteenth floor, walk through a corridor and transfer into another elevator that will then lead them to the president’s office on the highest floor. In other words, the common route to the president’s office was not very convenient.

Mu Qingling didn’t have any other choice but to swallow all her grievances for now. She had already come so far as to arrive in a wheelchair. She reminded herself of her goal which was to show Zhuo Jingren the video in her possession and reveal Lily’s true colors. She convinced herself that she needed to save Zhuo Jingren from Lily.

"Miss, we are here. Please remain calm and-"

"I know what to do!" Mu Qingling hissed at her secretary but quickly adjusted her expression when she saw Secretary Go approaching them. "Secretary Go. It’s nice to see you again," Mu Qingling said with a smile.

"Miss Mu, please follow me," Secretary Go said as he led them inside Zhuo Jingren’s office.

Mu Qingling’s eyes immediately caught sight of Zhuo Jingren’s handsome back the moment she entered his office. Zhuo Jingren was looking out of the window with his hands tucked behind him.

"President, Miss Mu is here," Secretary Go announced before leaving the room and closing the door behind him.

"Mr. Zhuo... I was actually surprised that you agreed to meet with me, especially after what happened yesterday..." Mu Qingling paused to observe Zhuo Jingren’s reaction before she continued, "I’m guessing that you want to find out what really happened yesterday right?"

After their altercation yesterday, Mu Qingling had instructed her secretary to obtain the footage from the CCTVs around the area. After obtaining the CCTV footage for that entire duration, Yanyan instructed the staff to erase the footage from the mall’s surveillance system.

If Zhuo Jingren had seen the CCTV footage, he would have already known the truth and there wouldn’t be a reason for him to agree to meet her. Hence Mu Qingling was sure that Lily didn’t manage to get her hands on the footage and claim her innocence.

"I always knew that you are rational and fair. I want to show you something," she added before taking out her tablet. She gestured for Yanyan to play the video for Zhuo Jingren. Yanyan carefully placed the tablet on Zhuo Jingren’s desk before pressing the play button.

"From this video, it is clear that Miss Lily was the one at fault. She intentionally pushed me and caused me to sustain injuries. I’m not sure what Lily told you but I demand justice." Mu Qingling’s eyes never left Zhuo Jingren’s back. Up till now, he hadn’t even turned around to look at her and she couldn’t help but feel a little disappointed.

"I thought that you came here to apologize for what you did but I guessed I was wrong," Zhuo Jingren finally spoke. His words made Mu Qingling swallow hard.

Then Zhuo Jingren turned around and sat down at his desk. "If I tell you that Lily and I never talked about this at all, would you believe me?"

"Do you know why video isn’t trending? Or why you aren’t getting any media coverage for your video?" Zhuo Jingren scoffed. Though Lily had taken some measures of her own, it was Zhuo Jingren who made sure that the video didn’t even reach the internet. He also threatened the media not to align themselves with Mu Qingling.

"Why don’t you tell me your motives, Miss Mu? Why are you trying to ruin my wife’s reputation? Is it because you like me?" Zhuo Jingren’s bluntness made Mu Qingling speechless. "Is it not clear enough to you that there is nothing that you could do to make me reciprocate your feelings?"

Mu Qingling stared at Zhuo Jingren, her mouth agape. How could he...

Seeing Mu Qingling speechless, Zhuo Jingren continued. "You have been causing problems for my wife. That is enough reason for me to have you killed."

"Mr. Zhuo!" Mu Qingling exclaimed.

"What? Do you think your parents would care if you disappear?"

Again, Mu Qingling was not able to answer. What Zhuo Jingren said about her parents hit the spot in her heart where it hurts.

"You are ruthless!" Mu Qingling said after a few seconds. "Was messing with my sponsorships not enough? Now you are threatening to kill me?" josei

"I can kill you now and no one will ask any questions. Not your parents, not your fans and certainly not your sister. But to kill you is being too kind. And I am not the type of person to show kindness to my enemies," Zhuo Jingren spat out.

Then Zhuo Jingren rose from his seat and picked up a picture frame that was sitting on his desk. You could see the gentleness in his eyes as he stared at the picture in the frame. "You are not even fit to breathe the same air as my Lily," he added.

By this time, Mu Qingling was already trembling inside. Zhuo Jingren might look calm on the outside but anger was building inside him and threatening to explode. His cold words and his condescending tone made Mu Qingling extremely nervous.

"As we speak, videos of your illicit bedroom activities with your manager are being streamed on several pornographic websites," Zhuo Jingren casually said as he carefully placed the picture frame back on his desk. "I’m sure no one will want to hire you anymore and your parents will hate you even more."

"Mr. Zhuo... what are you talking about?" she said as she signaled her secretary to search the internet to verify Zhuo Jingren’s words. Seeing the look of shock on Yanyan’s face, Mu Qingling immediately cried out, "How could you ruin me like this?"

"Miss Mu must be joking. Who is the one who loves to spread videos online? I was just giving you a taste of your own medicine. Now you know how it feels like to be...famous. Maybe you will change your ways from now." Zhuo Jingren chuckled. "If I wanted you ruined... you wouldn’t even have the chance to speak to me right now."

"Mr. Zhuo... I..."

"I could have auctioned you off in the underworld but I didn’t, because you reminded my wife of her previous self."

"This is for you. It’s for a high-end escort service company that I own." Zhuo Jingren gave a small calling card to Mu Qingling. "May this remind you not to mess with my wife again, or else-"

Without waiting for Zhuo Jingren to finish his words, Mu Qingling rose from her wheelchair and hastily left the office. If she stayed any longer, she was sure that Zhuo Jingren would be even more ruthless towards her. Mu Qingling wiped her tears as she ran towards the elevator, her secretary following closely behind.

She was ruined.

"President, shall we stop her?" Secretary Go calmly asked after Mu Qingling was gone.

"Let her go but have someone follow her. One wrong move and she will be auctioned off. I’m sure many older businessmen would love to have someone like her as a slave."

Secretary Go involuntarily cringed at Zhuo Jingren’s words. The president’s ruthlessness was not new to him but witnessing it first-hand still gave him the chills.

Cold and deadly.

Secretary Go could only pray that Mu Qingling doesn’t make a wrong move or else she would end up like Akane and every other woman who tried to scheme their way into his bed.

Editor: Swaning

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