The Warmest Romance

Chapter 1010

Chapter 1010

Chapter 1010

The next morning, when Ruan Shishi woke up, she found that she was the only one in the whole villa. Ms. Liu and Professor Ruan left early in the morning and left her breakfast. Sensen and Sasha were also quietly picked up by song yun'an early in the morning.

For a moment, the house was quiet, but she was not used to it.

I don't know what surprise song yean prepared for her, but he took both of them away.

Ruan Shishi thought and shook his head with a smile. He picked up the millet porridge and put it into the microwave oven to heat it.

Soon, a few minutes later, the microwave oven "Ding --" sound, she thought things out of her mind, also forgot to take a towel pad, directly reached for the bowl. josei

Who knows, just put up, fingertips came hot pain, her hand consciousness a shrink, put away the bowl.

The small porcelain bowl slipped on the edge of the table and broke to the ground With a crisp sound, the porcelain bowl fell apart, and the millet porridge inside also splashed out.

Ruan Shishi suddenly woke up, hurriedly pushed back two steps, looking at the mess on the ground, a blank brain.

After a slow pause of a few seconds, she recovered.

Why did you drop the bowl so carelessly?

At this time, her mind suddenly flashed, sounded once when she was a child, every birthday when Ms. Liu said to her, "the most taboo birthday break something, is a bad omen, so we must be careful!"

But now Is that a bad sign?

Ruan Shishi was a little nervous, and his mood was a little complicated. Looking at the mess on the ground, he took a deep breath, walked to the side, picked up the broom, quickly cleaned up the debris and liquid on the ground, and then took the mop to drag the ground again.

After all this, it was more than ten minutes later. Ruan Shishi took a deep breath and looked at the bright and clean ground. Somehow, his heart was still a little stuffy.

In the morning, this small incident suddenly happened, like throwing a stone into her peaceful heart lake, arousing layers of spray and water waves, which virtually changed something.

All of a sudden, a string of mobile phone rings, breaking her mind, she came to the side, picked up the mobile phone and saw that it was song yean.

Press the answer button, put the phone to your ear, the man's voice immediately came from that end, "Shishi, get up?"

Hearing the faint excitement in the man's voice, Ruan Shishi hooked his lips and said in a soft voice, "get up."

"Clean up. I'll send you an address later. Come here."

Ruan Shishi laughs and asks, "what are you doing? You took Sensen Shasha away early in the morning..."

"Don't worry, you'll love it." Song yean's voice is like the evening wind in May, gentle and refreshing.

"Well, I'll see what the surprise is."

The man's voice said with a smile, "then I won't go to pick you up this time, and you'll have to run by yourself."

"Well, I'll go myself."

After hanging up, she ate the rest of her breakfast and went upstairs to take a bath and change clothes.

How to say, she hasn't had her birthday in China for five years, so let's follow their wishes this time. She's looking forward to it.

Back in the room, Ruan Shishi opened the wardrobe and picked out a set of colorful purple suit with pearl earrings, curled hair and light makeup. The whole person was delicate and sweet.

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