The Warmest Romance

Chapter 1040

Chapter 1040

I didn't expect that the person who pretended to be Luo Jiuye to attack Ruan Shishi was not someone else, but his good brother whom he had trusted for so many years. Although he had doubts at the beginning, now the truth is clear, he is still a little incompetent to accept.

He raised his hand and pressed the swollen temple. Just then, the mobile phone rang. He picked up the phone and saw that it was ye Wan'er. Suddenly, he twisted his eyebrows, turned the phone into silent mode and threw it aside.

After all this, he closed his eyes, leaned back in his chair and closed his eyes to rest.

Soon, the phone hung up, and after a while, the screen silently lit up, flashing again and again.

At the same time, ye Wan'er on the other end of the phone is in a hurry. She calls again and again, but Yu Yimo doesn't respond at all.

A servant waited for a long time, and finally said, "grandma sun, go in. The old lady is still waiting."

Hearing this, ye Wan'er forced out a reluctant smile, opened wechat and sent a message to Yu Yimo, "brother Mo, grandma suddenly asked me to go to the old house today. I thought you would come back with me, but she didn't expect to see me alone. I'm a little worried..."

After sending this paragraph, she sent several exclamation marks in succession.

She is not afraid of Yu Qingshan or he Shuping, but she is afraid of this old lady. Unexpectedly, she asked her to come to the old house alone this time!

Ye Wan'er was worried, but under the gaze of the servant, she couldn't show it. She could only hold up her smile, got up from the sofa and followed her to the second floor.

Next to the old lady's bedroom on the second floor of the old house is a Buddhist hall specially designed for her. Now the old lady is burning incense and worshiping Buddha in it.

The servant went to the door, buttoned it, pushed it open and said, "old lady, here comes grandma sun."

Inside the Buddhist hall, smoke and clouds swirled around. The old lady knelt on the futon with her back to the door. Instead of turning around, she just said, "let her in and close the door."

Hearing this, the servant respectfully stepped back and gave her a place. She said in a low voice, "grandma sun, go in."

Ye Wan'er clenched her hands tightly together, beating a drum in her heart, nodded and walked in.

The old lady slightly side head, sink a way, "come here, kneel down."

On hearing this, ye Wan'er's face turned white. She had doubts in her heart, but she didn't dare to ask more. She had to step forward obediently and knelt down on the futon beside the old lady.

After that, the old lady continued to stir the string of beads in her hands. Without any instructions, ye Wan'er knelt down there, and did not dare to move. She did not dare to ask until her knees were a little numb. Then she gritted her teeth and turned to ask, "grandma, is there anything wrong with me? You can tell me directly... "

The old lady didn't open her eyes, and said word by word, "to let you kneel is to let you reflect. Do you want me to tell you what I've done badly?"

When ye Wan'er heard the speech, her face turned white. She took a cool breath. Even though her heart's dissatisfaction had broken through the sky, she still had to swallow it and couldn't show it.

This kneeling was another half an hour. Ye Wan'er's knees were sour and numb. She changed her weight from left to right, and her heart was constantly complaining.

At this time, the old lady suddenly stood up and slowly went to the next chair to sit down, heavy eyes fell on her.action

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