The Warmest Romance

Chapter 1045

Chapter 1045

Chapter 1045

Over there, the two gangsters beat each other two to one, but they are still not the opponents of the bodyguards. Seeing that they are defeated, song yun'an pulls Sensen and Shasha to run farther and farther. Ye Wan'er bites her teeth and steps on the accelerator directly.

At this time, if she doesn't go out again, I'm afraid she won't have a chance!

At the entrance of the museum is a square with wide terrain. Ye Wan'er's car stops on the side of the road. As soon as she steps on the accelerator, the car rushes out directly.

She clenched the steering wheel, faster and faster, closer and closer.

Today, even if she did it herself, she must not let the two wild species go back safely!

Over there, song yun'an turned his head and looked at the gangster who was subdued by the bodyguards in the distance. He was relieved. Unconsciously, he slowed down and gasped, "Sensen Shasha, you..."

Before she finished her words, Yu Guang came to the dark shadow rushing towards them. As soon as he looked up, he saw a car crashing towards them.

Sensen Shasha also saw it and was completely shocked. Song Yunan was surprised and immediately reached out to push the two little guys out. She also hurried to hide.

But unexpectedly, before she could escape, the car seemed to have been hit by a headless fly.

"Bang!" A loud bang, her body directly hit by the pop two meters away, and "bang" a deep fall.

At that moment, the world in Song yun'an's eyes was like pressing the slow key.

Sitting in the car, ye Wan'er didn't expect to bump into song yun'an. She saw the woman lying on the cold concrete floor with blood spreading slowly under her body. At that moment, her mind was cold.

In an instant, reason rebounded, but her brain was blank. When she saw a passer-by in the distance approaching this time, she suddenly reacted.

She clenched the steering wheel, frantically stepped on the accelerator and sped away.

Over there, on the concrete floor, song yun'an only felt that her body was numb, as if she was hollowed out, and her consciousness around her body became weaker and weaker. In a trance, she saw Sen Sen and Sha Sha lying beside her, crying and shouting, "little aunt Little aunt

Next to passers-by gathered, Sen Sen stood up crying, "uncle and aunt, quickly hit 120!"

Someone called, someone began to call, all around a noisy, song yun'an in front of a black, nothing to see.

Private restaurant.

"This bottle of red wine has been treasured by the owner for many years. Try it."

With that, Jennifer poured two glasses and sent them to Ruan Shishi and song yean.

Ruan Shishi politely thanks and reaches for the cup. Unexpectedly, as soon as her hand slips, the cup falls off from her hand and falls on the table, spilling liquid all over the floor.


Ruan Shishi quickly stood up the cup, picked up the square towel and wiped it. He was inexplicably flustered. josei

Just then, her cell phone beside her suddenly rang.

Seeing a string of strange numbers displayed above, Ruan Shishi hesitated for a moment. Before reaching out to pick them up, song yean had already taken the kerchief in her hand, wiped the table for her, and quietly reminded her, "your phone."

Ruan Shishi picked up her cell phone and pressed the answer button. As soon as she put it in her ear, a voice came from there: "Mom, come to the hospital quickly..."

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