The Warmest Romance

Chapter 1050

Chapter 1050

Even if there is a great anger in his heart, at this time, he still has to take on the responsibility of a man, and this time, he will not forget it so easily.

After Ruan Shishi's mood calms down, song yean comes out of the ward, and his face cools down instantly. He turns around and orders his subordinates, "let Xiao Liu check from ye Wan'er, contact the police and cooperate with the investigation."

This time, regardless of the face, he will find out the real murderer, never forgive!

In a flash of time, two days passed.

These two days, Ruan Shishi sent sensensenshasha back to Xiqiao garden, and sent a bodyguard to watch over them. She asked Professor Ruan Liu to take care of the two little guys, while she stood by song Yunan day and night.

Song yun'an was still lying on the bed in the intensive care unit, pale and wearing an oxygen mask. He didn't wake up for 48 hours.

Ruan Shishi finally couldn't sit still. She appeared at the door of the attending doctor's office again and again, waiting for a result.

This is not a good sign, even if it is serious, now coma for two days and two nights, Ann should also be a little bit of movement.

"Doctor, my friend, she..."

The nth time I asked the doctor this sentence, the doctor also had a headache, "Miss Ruan, I have answered your question two hours ago, now the patient's indicators are normal, I have sent someone to give her a comprehensive examination, and I will get the film soon."

Ruan Shishi took a cool breath and nodded. He was still worried. "When can I get the film?"

The doctor raised his hand and looked at his watch. After a pause, he sighed and said, "come with me."

Go to the laboratory, the doctor asked the doctor there to take out song Yunan's film in advance, and then went to the office.

He took out the brain CT and looked at it. His face was a bit serious. Then he put the film on the light board and pointed to a place for Ruan Shishi to see, "see, this part is the blood stasis of the accident, and because her head was injured and her brain cells were damaged during the accident, the patient would be in a coma, but if it is not serious If the patient is unconscious, he will wake up by himself. "

Ruan Shishi's heart "clattered" and asked, "if it's serious, what will happen?"

The doctor pause, "brain cell extensive damage, serious words, will become a vegetable."

The doctor's words were like thunder, which burst in Ruan Shishi's ear. She was inexplicably uneasy. After a while, she asked, "my friend..."

The doctor said objectively, "we are not sure when we will wake up, so we have to wait now."

When he came out of the doctor's office, there were only four words left in his mind: "just wait."

Unconsciously, she goes to the door of the intensive care unit. Through the transparent glass, she looks at Song yun'an lying on the bed, feeling depressed.

Before, she always felt that song yun'an was too noisy. Sometimes she thought she was noisy. But now, she just wanted to see her stand up and talk in her ear. action

A sour nose, tears can not help falling down.

Before long, she was about to leave, suddenly came a rush of footsteps, followed by a tall figure.

As soon as she turned her head and saw the man's face clearly, she was slightly shocked, "Du Yue..."

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