The Warmest Romance

Chapter 1056

Chapter 1056


When she heard Yu Yimo's voice, she slowly recovered.

She raised her eyes in a panic. "What?"

Yu Yimo frowns slightly, stares at her and asks, "what's the matter with you?"

"I'm fine." She shook her head and forced a smile. "I'll go to the bathroom."

With that, she stepped forward and turned away from the noisy scene.

To the bathroom, she turned on the tap, quickly washed her hands, cold liquid flowing through the sweaty palm, let her suddenly awake a bit. action

She inadvertently looked up, suddenly saw the figure in the mirror, the body suddenly shook, scared scream, "ah!"

Ruan Shishi put her hands around her chest and leaned against the doorframe of the bathroom. Her face was expressionless and her eyes were staring at her coldly.

Ye Wan'er's face faded. She suddenly turned around and looked at Ruan Shishi at the door. She leaned her back on the washing table and was surprised and annoyed. "Why don't you walk quietly! Like a ghost, I'm scared to death! "

Ruan Shishi hooked the corner of his lips, but his eyes were cold. "If you don't do something bad, you're not afraid of ghosts knocking on the door. Miss Ye is afraid of this. Is it hard to come true? Like the woman said just now, what kind of cruel things have you done?"

Her light words suddenly made ye Wan'er's face more ugly, "what are you talking about?"

Her eyes dodged, and she immediately turned on the tap and washed her hands to hide her panic.

Ruan Shishi stepped forward, went directly to her side, and then said in a cold voice, "what are you so nervous about, Miss ye? You see, you've spent all your sweat makeup."

Hearing this, ye Wan'er immediately looked up into the mirror. Unexpectedly, it was just opposite to Ruan's unpredictable eyes in the mirror. She was shocked and inhaled deeply, pretending to be calm. "Ruan, don't play tricks here, I don't want to eat your trick!"

With that, she suddenly thought of something. She suddenly turned to Ruan Shishi and asked, "by the way, the ribbon cutting ceremony didn't invite you at all. How did you come?"

Ruan Shishi sneered, "I was not invited to the ribbon cutting ceremony of Ye's family, but song's family was invited. Yean was busy with her work. She should have come instead of yean, but she can't come now."

Referring to song yun'an, ye Wan'er's face was flustered. She took a paper towel to wipe her hands and held it tightly. Half a second later, she asked, "why can't she come?"

Looking at ye Wan'er's appearance, a sense of nausea rose from the bottom of Ruan's heart and poured into his throat, which was almost hard to suppress.

She can pretend, can always pretend, but her eyes, her micro expression can't cheat others! Her subconscious cover up flustered little action, dodgy eyes, are enough to show that she and the accident is related!

Ruan Shishi clenched her teeth and looked at the woman in front of her. She wanted to rush up and tear her! This woman, repeatedly provoked her, repeatedly hurt her, repeatedly calculated her, and this time, she really stepped on her minefield!

But at this moment, there is no conclusive evidence that can be submitted to the court, she can not act impulsively, otherwise not only can not get back justice, but will be self defeating.

Ye Wan'er didn't speak for a long time when she saw Ruan Shishi. She threw the paper ball in her hand into the garbage can and laughed contemptuously, "Ruan Shishi, I don't have time to play with you. Since you want to come to our Ye's ribbon cutting ceremony, I'm sure. Let's go first."

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