The Warmest Romance

Chapter 1062

Chapter 1062

Chapter 1062

Sure enough, this is the worst result.

Without waiting for the doctor to say anything more, she suddenly got up, turned around and walked out of the office, a few steps away. Then she could not help covering her face with her hands and sobbing.

She and song Yunan have known each other for a long time. She has regarded her as a relative for a long time. Now when she hears the result, she really can't accept it.

There was a sound of walking behind her. Then, as soon as her shoulder warmed, song yean turned around slowly. Through her tearful eyes, she looked at him, inhaled deeply and asked, "what should I do..."

She really can't help it.

"I had made the worst plan for a long time. I contacted a foreign doctor and went to Jiangzhou three days later to check the situation of An'an. If I could, he would do cell wake-up therapy."

Ruan Shishi was surprised, "really?"

Song yean nodded seriously.

Seeing this, Ruan Shishi had some hope in her mind. She subconsciously grasped song yean's arm and asked, "is it really effective?"

"It works. As long as not all brain cells die, everything will turn for the better."

Hearing the speech, Ruan Shishi was both surprised and happy. He said hurriedly, "that's great!" josei

As long as song Yunan can wake up, no matter how hard she is, she will feel it is worth it.

After talking with song yean for a while, he left first because of his work. Ruan Shishi went to the small garden and gave himself a short time to let his brain empty.

But the mind is still a blank, she thought about all the unknown things, the more flustered in the heart.

Suddenly, a face flashed in my mind. Ruan Shishi hesitated for a moment, felt out his mobile phone and found out Du Yue's contact information.

In recent days, every time Du Yue comes to see An'an while song ye'an is away, she also sees his persistence and sincerity. At least, he is serious about An'an.

Today, she learned about it from the doctor. At least she had to tell him.

Anyhow, Ann is still his girlfriend.

Ruan Shishi took a deep breath and pressed the dial key. There were several rings. Soon someone answered, "hello."

"Hello, Du Yue, do you have time? Can you come to the hospital sometime? "

Du Yue hears speech, some excitedly ask a way, "Ann, is she awake?"

Ruan Shishi clenched her fist, and it was hard to speak for a moment. After a pause, she said, "no, there is one thing I think I need to tell you."

The other side was silent for a few seconds. It seemed that he was aware of something. Then he said, "OK, I'll go right away."

Hung up the phone, Ruan Shi inexplicably feel uncomfortable.

After a while, I really met Du Yue. I'm afraid she can't bear to tell the truth.

After all, this fact is too cruel for DU.

More than half an hour later, Ruan Shishi sat in the rest area at the door of the elevator and waited. This is the only way to take the elevator to the ward of song yun'an. If Du Yin was there, he would definitely pass by.

One elevator door opened. Finally, another elevator stopped on this floor. The door opened slowly. Ruan took a deep breath and looked up. It happened that Du Yue came out of it.

What surprised her even more was that he didn't come alone. Yu Yimo followed him down the elevator.

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