The Warmest Romance

Chapter 1065

Chapter 1065

Chapter 1065

Yu Yimo should also know about An'an's car accident. He never said it, just to protect ye Wan'er.

Suddenly, Ruan's heart cooled down. She looked at the man in front of her and was filled with disappointment.

Finally, she shook her head, "Yu Yimo, let's do this. From now on, don't meet again."

With that, she turned and left.

As soon as Yu Yimo's eyes sank, his face flashed a little anxious. He immediately stepped forward and said in a cold voice, "Ruan Shishi, we signed the contract. If you say no, no, it doesn't make sense."

Ruan Shishi inhaled deeply, "I'll pay you the penalty."

Yu Yimo walked to her in three or two steps and said in a cold voice, "I don't want liquidated damages."

Ruan Shishi clenched her fist and gritted her teeth angrily, "what do you want to do?"

Looking at the woman's bright eyes like little orange lanterns, Yu Yimo's throat tightened and said, "I want you to stay."

Five years ago, he experienced a loss, and he was familiar with that feeling. Now, he doesn't want to experience it again.

Ruan Shishi was slightly stunned. Two seconds later, he couldn't help sneering, "Yu Yimo, are you brain sick! You want me to stay? In what capacity? Have you forgotten that you have a family and a lover? "

Yu Yimo inhaled deeply. With a tight heart, he blurted out, "ye Wan'er and I have only the name of husband and wife, but not the reality of husband and wife."

At that moment, Ruan's mind was blank.

A few seconds later, she slowly recovered.

How is that possible?

She and song yean are indeed nominal couples, but how can Yu Yimo and ye Waner be the same? What's more, how could he be so protective of Ye Wan'er

Suddenly, as her shoulder warms, Yu Yimo holds her shoulder, straightens her body and makes her look at him. "Ruan Shishi, you have me in your heart, don't you?"

A word, like a beam of electric current, made Ruan Shishi numb and speechless for a while.

A moment later, she suddenly recovered, subconsciously pushed him away, shook his head and said, "no, you think too much!"

Then she stepped back two steps and turned around to run away. But before she stepped out, she heard Yu Yimo's voice coming from the side, "what's this?"

She suddenly turned back and turned pale when she saw what he was holding.

She made the bookmark herself, which has been used in the script all the time. The embroidery on it was made by her own hands. There is a word "Mo" on it, which is the name of Yu Yimo!

In the United States, she always thought of him during the day and night when she was about to give birth. Later, when she was bored with needling, she made such a manual bookmark. The word "Mo" was embroidered at that time.

Later, the bookmark used to, she did not change, did not expect, even by Yu Yimo see!

"Where are you from?"

"I went to the production team, director Gao packed all your things in the box. I saw it by accident."

Yu Yimo came forward, slender fingers holding the bookmark, eyes fell on her, "Ruan Shishi, don't say it's not yours."

In an instant, Ruan Shishi's face turned red, and she stretched out her hand in anger, trying to get the bookmark back. josei

It was her selfishness, a secret she wanted to hide, but unexpectedly, now he found it!

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