The Warmest Romance

Chapter 1072

Chapter 1072

Soon, song yean put away his cell phone, looked a little surprised and turned to see her, "the police said that the perpetrator of the collision went to the police station to surrender."

Ruan Shishi was also surprised. They left the hospital and rushed to the police station immediately.

As soon as she arrived at the gate of the police station, Ruan Shishi saw officer Zhao standing outside. They were led to the police station by him. Officer Zhao explained the situation as he walked. "The name of the perpetrator is Xiao Xiaolin, 28 years old. She had a previous record of stealing. This morning, she came to the police station to surrender herself, and later identified the hiding place of the abandoned vehicle. Then our police officers picked up the car Got her DNA. "

When Ruan Shishi listened, she felt as if she was listening to a stranger. Until she was led to the police station, she saw a sallow woman through the gray iron railing.

She had long hair, low head, shabby clothes and timid eyes.

Officer Zhao motioned to them, "she is Xiao Xiaolin."

Ruan Shishi inhales deeply, but she can't accept it for a moment. In her mind, the suspect she identified is ye Wan'er, not the strange woman she has never met before.

One side of song yean also don't want to believe, he frowned, rigorous asked, "didn't you check the DNA from the car before?"

Not only did the police check it before, but he also sent Xiao Liu to check it once. It was the same result. The car was clean, as if it had been cleaned up, leaving no evidence.

Officer Zhao nodded, "it was before, but she told me that she accidentally scratched her hand while driving that day. We sent someone to check it carefully again. We collected some residual blood inside the steering wheel and tested the DNA." action

Ruan Shishi stood aside and looked at the woman in the detention room. She still didn't believe it. She took a deep breath and asked, "then why did she bump people? We don't know her at all

Police officer Zhao said in a straight line, "she said that the car was stolen by her. She wanted to sell money. Later, she accidentally hit someone because she was not skilled in driving and mistakenly used the accelerator as the brake. Later, she ran away because she was afraid. Later, the more she thought about it, the more afraid she was. It came from the head."

Ruan Shiwen denied subconsciously, "impossible!"

All the evidence chain is complete and reasonable, but she doesn't believe that this incident is just an accident!

In her opinion, the accident was a conspiracy, a premeditation, and even more a murder! And this strange woman who suddenly appeared could not be the murderer.

So, there is only one possibility left, that is, this woman is the scapegoat pushed by the murderer to cover up the crime!

Ruan Shishi clenched her teeth and strode to the door of the detention room. Looking at the woman inside, she said in a loud voice, "Xiao Xiaolin, have you been instructed? Or threatened! "

Xiao Xiaolin shook her head when she heard the speech. "No, it's me, or I hit someone! I don't mean it! Not really

She shook her head, her eyes clearly flashed a bit of fear, "the net of heaven is wide, careless, I'm afraid, so I came to surrender, I hit that woman, but I really didn't mean it!"

Seeing this, Ruan's fists could not help clenching the railings, but his heart felt powerless.

Now, some people give themselves up, the evidence is solid, so this case, also means to the end, but her heart, always echoed a voice, Xiao Xiaolin is not the real murderer!

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