The Warmest Romance

Chapter 1075

Chapter 1075

Chapter 1075

I don't know how long later, the other side gave the order, "almost, now it's time to solve it by our own way."

Small six smell speech, immediately understand, promise down, "is."

A few hours later, that night, ye Wan'er was kidnapped.

In the dark and damp basement, there is a musty and damp smell. When ye Wan'er opens her eyes, she sees a completely strange scene.

She was in a rough room, the ground was wet, and there were all kinds of waste things beside her.

She frowned, a little flustered, and struggled anxiously for a few times, only to find that she was tied to a chair and couldn't move at all.

What's going on!

She panicked, but her mouth was sealed with tape, and the pain was burning.

Is she being kidnapped!

A sense of fear came from the bottom of her heart, and she tried to recall what had happened before her coma.

She went shopping with her mother, and then went to the restaurant for dinner. Halfway through the meal, she went to the bathroom Then I woke up here!

All of a sudden, the iron door creaked, and then several men came in.

The leader is song yean!

Ye Wan'er stares at him in a moment and looks at him in surprise.

Unexpectedly, song yean is the one who tied her here! He is a well-known Pianpian son in Jiangzhou business district. He has never touched the dirty door, but now, she has been kidnapped by him!

All of a sudden, she was so nervous that she thought of something

Song yean's eyes lightly fall on ye Wan'er, and the next little six comes forward immediately to tear off the tape that ye Wan'er seals on her mouth. josei

"Brush!" Ye Wan'er gasped bitterly. She was angry and annoyed. She looked up at Song yean and said, "Song yean, what do you want to do! Why bind me

Song yean looks gloomy, "why is Miss ye not clear?"

Needless to say, ye Wan'er knows that he is song yun'an's brother. Now he tied her up, most likely because of that, but she can't admit it!

She gritted her teeth and said bravely, "I don't know!"

She said so, let song ye'an face instantly cold down, he stepped forward a few steps, "it seems, Miss Ye is not going to admit?"

"I haven't done anything! What do you admit? " Ye Wan'er said angrily, "song ye'an, I think you just mean badly. If Yimo knows that you have tied me up, he won't let you go easily!"

"Is it?" Song yean asked coldly, "if he knows you are the murderer, do you think he will cover you up?"

Ye Wan'er gritted her teeth, "don't scare me with these! I advise you to let me go as soon as possible! Otherwise, it's not just you, I'll make the whole song family feel like they're going to have a hard time! "

This time, without waiting for song yean to open his mouth, Xiao Liu next to him suddenly said, "I'm afraid the most anxious thing about your kidnapping is not Yu Yimo, but huochuan, your loyal man, right?"

Mention Huo Chuan, ye Wan'er's complexion suddenly gloomy, she Leng Leng, for a long time did not say a word.

Unexpectedly, they knew huochuan!

Small six leisurely continue to say, "Miss Ye don't worry, we won't touch you a hair, as long as catch huochuan, we can let you go."

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