The Warmest Romance

Chapter 1081

Chapter 1081

Yu Yimo said word by word, "I'll deal with Wan'er's affairs, but I'll let her go first."

His tone was firm and irrefutable.

"Yimo, you!" Ye Fu's hand trembled slightly. "You helped an outsider! If I don't let go, what else can you do to me? "

Yu Yimo's lips were tightly pressed into a line and said coldly, "if you don't want to let people go, I'll have to fight hard."

When Mrs. ye heard this, she was even more angry. "How dare you..."

Before she finished speaking, Yu Yimo gave a look, and the men behind him immediately spread out and surrounded Mrs. ye and the car behind them.

It's not like talking. Obviously, it's serious.

Ruan Shishi stood in the same place, but he didn't expect that Yu Yimo would tear his face for himself and Mrs. Ye.

Yu Yimo thin lips light open, throw out a words with no emotion, "mother-in-law, offended."

Yef's whole body trembled with anger.

Although she took a few people with her, she knew that these people under her command were definitely not Yu Yimo's opponents. It would be better to take a step back than to quarrel with him.

She took a deep breath and stared at Yu Yimo for a long time. Finally, she let go

Her subordinates were a little surprised. They looked and looked, and finally pushed Ruan forward.

Ruan Shishi falters at her feet and almost falls to the ground. Yu Yimo reaches out her arm and holds her firmly.

Ruan Shishi took a deep breath and looked up at him without saying anything.

Yu Yimo took back his hand, looked at Mrs. ye, leaned slightly at her, and said word by word, "mother-in-law, let me know about Wan'er. Tomorrow, I will send her home. Don't worry."

Ye Fu's face turned blue, but she didn't say anything. She clenched her teeth and finally gave Ruan Shishi a hard glance. She got into the car and left.

Ruan Shishi stood by and watched the car leave. His nervousness eased a little.

Now, she has been put in prison and unable to defend herself.

Ye Wan'er, Mrs. ye, and the strange organization that she did not understand, even Yu Yimo, are all very easy to destroy as long as they want to destroy her.

Suddenly, a man's low voice came from his ear, "what I'm afraid of is this situation."

Ruan Shishi looked back and turned her head to the man's dark eyes. She took a deep breath and found that her palms were wet.

Yu Yimo said in a low voice, "I'll take you back."

"No Seeing the man's hand extending towards her, Ruan Shishi could not avoid it, and quickly opened the distance between them.

For a moment, Yu Yimo's hand was hanging in the air, slightly embarrassed.

Without waiting for him to say anything more, Ruan Shishi had already quickly stepped to the side of the road, stopped a taxi and quickly got on.

Looking at the figure of the woman who refuses to leave, Yu Yimo's heart is tight, and an indescribable sadness emerges.

Since when has it become like this between him and Ruan Shi? It was clear that all he did was for her, but she didn't understand him at all.

At this time, Ruan Shishi was sitting in a taxi, cold all over.

Now, she feels more and more how dangerous it is to stay by Yu Yimo's side. Unknown people and events, unexpected accidents, all of which make her feel panic and fear.


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