The Warmest Romance

Chapter 1091

Chapter 1091

Song yean's voice was as gentle as ever. Although it was a question, it was just a casual question.

Ruan Shishi's voice tightened, "I I went to the police station

"I wanted to ask Xiao Xiaolin something, but I didn't expect her to be so strict."

Song yean nodded slightly and said in a light voice, "well, I met Yu Yimo, didn't I?"

Hearing the name spit out from his mouth, Ruan Shishi was slightly surprised.

How did he know she met Yu Yimo? How did he know his whereabouts?

With a tight heart, Ruan Shishi suddenly felt cold on her back. She inhaled deeply and looked at Song yean in surprise.

See the man smile as before, don't give a person the slightest oppressive feeling, he chuckles, "I and officer Zhao know each other for several years, just listen to what he casually said."

Ruan Shishi was in a strange mood when he heard the speech. He nodded and said nothing else.

However, the strange feeling in her heart could not be dissipated. Unconsciously, she had a sense of distance from Song yean.

Since Song yean knew her whereabouts, why did he ask her where she had gone at the beginning? Is it a trial?

In the end, after dinner, she went straight back to her room.

As soon as she got back to her room, she took a bath, picked up her mobile phone and saw the message Yu Yimo sent her a few minutes ago, "go to Yunding restaurant the day after tomorrow." action

Ruan's poems were slightly stunned.

She has heard of the Yunding restaurant in Jiangzhou city. It is a newly opened luxury restaurant. On the top of the 70 building, the tallest building in Jiangzhou City, there is a large flat floor with half wrapped transparent French windows, which can get a panoramic view of Jiangzhou city.

Yunding restaurant is the most suitable restaurant for dating in Jiangzhou city. What does Yu Yimo mean when he suddenly says that he wants to take her to Yunding restaurant?

Ruan Shishi's heart was tight, and a layer of sweat came out of her palm unconsciously. Just when she didn't know how to reply, her mobile phone vibrated again.

She picked it up and saw that it was Yu Yimo. She hesitated for a moment and pressed the answer button. "The day after tomorrow, I'll find a reason to take ye Waner to dinner. You'll come too. We'll pretend to meet each other and try to test the truth."

Hearing this, Ruan Shishi was relieved. "Oh, that's what you mean..."

With these words, she suddenly realized something. Her throat tightened and her voice stopped.

The man over there was also silent for a moment. A few seconds later, a low voice came, as if with a kind of low smile, "what do you think it means?"

His words, like a piece of electricity, through the telephone signal, hit her heart, her body a tight, heart unconsciously accelerated beat up.

Although across the phone, but listening to his tone, she felt as if she had been seen through the general, palpitation and emotion nowhere to hide.

She coughed twice, trying to change the subject. "What's the detailed plan?"

It's not convenient to say on the phone that you come out

"Out? Where are you going? "

The man's voice is low, but soft, "I'm at the gate of xiqiaoyuan, you come out, I'll tell you about the plan."

I don't know why, at that moment, Ruan Shishi's heart jumped wildly, and an irrepressible impulse filled her heart, which made her want to get up immediately.

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