The Warmest Romance

Chapter 1103

Chapter 1103

Ye Wan'er nodded wildly, "remember, I remember..."

Yu Yimo took a deep breath and asked, "do you remember why I said that?"

Hearing the speech, ye Wan'er hesitated for a moment and nodded.

When she was 18 years old, she once got drunk and woke up in Yu Yimo's bed. That day, Yu Yimo told her that she would marry her in the future.

The reason is self-evident, because he is responsible for her.

Two people look at each other, eyes meet, this moment, the room is very quiet.

Yu Yimo's eyes are dark and look at each other. There is a deep whirlpool in his dark eyes, as if he can suck people in.

His lips, which were tightly pressed into a line, moved and gently spat out a sentence, "that night, the man you were with was not me."

In the middle of the night, he found her in the box of the nightclub. At that time, her clothes were not neat. After he took her home, he never touched her again.

The reason why he conceals it is because he is afraid that ye Wan'er will not be able to accept the fact, so he chooses to keep it secret because he takes care of her, even is willing to be responsible for her, and promises to marry her.

But now it seems that he made a mistake in this step, so he went wrong step by step.

Because of her pity and love, she gradually lost, gradually became selfish, and gradually became a woman with only jealousy in her eyes.

Ye Wan'er was stunned. After a moment, she took a deep breath and said, "brother Mo, what are you talking about?"

How could it not be him? Although she was drunk, she did wake up in his bedroom the next day.

Yu Yimo said in a slow voice, "I was afraid that you would not accept me if I concealed you before. My promise to you has been fulfilled, Wan'er."

At the beginning, he promised to marry her, and he did it. For the three years of marriage, he gave her all she wanted except the reality of husband and wife. Now, it's time to end it.

He stretched out his hand, slowly pulled her hand away and said, "Wan'er, I'm wrong. I made the wrong decision from the beginning. You can talk to my lawyer about what you want."

With that, he straightened up and walked away.

Ye Wan'er was shocked and shivered, "brother Mo, you lied to me! I don't believe it! I don't want a divorce! "

She got up in a hurry. When Yu Yimo walked out of the door of the room, she hugged him from behind, clasped her hands tightly around his waist and refused to let go.

"Brother Mo, I don't want property, I don't want divorce, I just want you!"

Yu Yimo inhales deeply, but his words rush to his throat.

The room is full of Ye Wan'er's low sobs. Yu Yimo twists her eyebrows and slowly waits for her to cry.

With her voice slowly down, he pulled her hand, turned and looked at her, "I give you two choices."

Ye Wan'er nodded with a cry, "OK, OK! As long as I don't get divorced, I can do anything! "

Yu Yimo said in a deep voice, "first, if you don't get divorced, you go to the police station and turn yourself in and tell the truth about what you have done. 2、 We are divorced and we have nothing to do with each other from now on. "

As the voice fell, ye Wan'er's face turned white.

What's the difference between such a choice and no choice?

"Brother Mo, I..."

"One of two, I'll give you time to tell me."


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