The Warmest Romance

Chapter 1116

Chapter 1116

Chapter 1116

Smell speech, Yu Yimo, eyebrows slightly raised, eyes colder.

It seems that ye Fengpeng is prepared to come, if change before, he did not dare to have such courage to come and he is just, but now, he clearly has a backer.

Some uneasiness appeared in my heart, and Yu said in a silent voice, "how do you want to solve it?"

He brought people here to fight for his own interests.

Ye Feng Peng sneered, "these things I can not pursue, but since you and Wan'er divorced, should give her some compensation." josei

Yu Yimo asked in a deep voice, "what do you want?"

Ye Fengpeng said without hesitation, "there are two luxury houses in Jiangzhou City, and 15% shares of Yu's group."

Hearing the speech, everyone present was surprised.

This can be said to be a big opening for the lion. Let alone the two luxury apartments in the urban area, the 15% shares of Yu's group already have a heavy weight.

Now, a simple ticket can satisfy his appetite. He even holds 15% of the shares. It shows how ambitious he is.

Yu Yimo's face sank and said in a cold voice, "don't even think about it."

Yu's shares, in addition to those held by him and Yu Gubei, Yu Qingshan also has some. The rest are in the mobile phones of shareholders, large and small. Ye Fengpeng wants 15% of the shares in a single mouth. His intention is absolutely not so simple.

As soon as he refuses, ye Fengpeng's face becomes fierce. He looks at his subordinates, but before he can give orders, Yu Yimo's voice has already sounded, "Uncle Ye, even if you smash the whole Yu family, you won't give him shares. You take shares so blatantly. If it comes out, Ye's only afraid it's a joke of Jiangzhou."

This word a, leaf maple Peng face color changes to sink cold.

He suddenly regretted that he couldn't make his intention so obvious at the beginning and fell behind.

He said coldly, "I came here to fight against injustice for my daughter. Yu Yimo, I don't know how much you owe us."

With that, he stepped forward, followed by a line of thugs.

Yu Yimo stood in the same place, looking at the approaching crowd, motionless.

The atmosphere became more and more severe. He did not retreat or hide. Ye Zeyu suddenly came forward and waved his hand with a stick.

Yu Yimo raised his hand, blocked it with his elbow, then quickly grasped the other end of the stick and pushed it forward.

Ye Zeyu chest pain, pain exhaled sound, back two steps, this just found the hand of the stick to Yu Yimo's hand, he was surprised to quickly back, looking at the side of Ye Fengpeng, "Dad!"

Other thugs are also looking at ye Fengpeng, waiting for his order.

The atmosphere is terrible. Yu Yimo is a man with a stick to deal with more than ten people.

There is a big gap in the number of people. I'm afraid it's not so easy to deal with.

At this moment, a group of people appeared at the gate. There were about twenty or thirty people in the dark. Du Yue led the way and surrounded them from the gate.

Ye Fengpeng's people immediately turned around and saw the crowd around him, with a look of panic on his face.

These people also hold guys, and they are twice as many as their people. If there is a real fight, they won't get any advantage.

Ye Fengpeng's face suddenly became cold. Before he spoke, his subordinates were already flustered.

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