The Warmest Romance

Chapter 1129

Chapter 1129

"Wow All of a sudden, a bunch of photos were thrown in front of him.

Then, Yu Gubei's voice rang out again, "the woman you've been thinking about, doesn't she finally leave you? Her plane this morning, with her children, left with song yean. "

His words, like a thunderbolt, burst out in Yu Yimo's ear.

He frowned and looked down at the photos scattered at his feet. His face was heavier and his brow was deeper.

The woman in the photo is really Ruan Shishi. She is with Sensen Shasha at the gate of the airport. There is time watermark in the lower right corner of the photo. It's the morning of that day!

Yu Yimo clenched his teeth unconsciously, and his heart sank down.

He still remembers that he once told her to stay, she promised well, but in the twinkling of an eye, she still left!

An inexplicable complex emotion rose in his heart. Yu Yimo felt that his chest was stuffy, breathless and oppressive.

At this moment, Yu Yimo is hit hard on the back, and a sharp pain directly hits his back. Before he responds, he is kicked to the ground.

Then, he hit him in the back of the head with another bang He felt numb at the back of his head, and there was a blank in his brain.

The intense pain made him clench his fist. A moment later, he clenched his teeth and lifted his head. action

At this time, he saw a big man next to him waving a stick to attack him again. He took a deep breath, raised his arm, and directly blocked the stick.

He got up, endured the pain, hit back quickly, and kicked the key of the big man. There were several thugs nearby. He beat back all the people by himself.

Yu Gubei is sitting in a wheelchair with a smile, just like watching a game.

When he didn't speak, the thugs next to him went up wave after wave, which means that he was silent and struggling.

Even if he can fight resistance, it's not iron after all. In the face of wave after wave of attacks, he is exhausted and his whole body is full of color.

At this time, Yu Gubei suddenly raised his hand, "OK."

As soon as he spoke, the thugs all backed away.

Yu Yimo gasps and looks at Yu Gubei with red eyes. The bottom of his eyes turns angry.

Yu Gubei was still smiling, clapping hands and clapping hands, and said in a soft voice, "I didn't expect that big brother is still so powerful, one to many, and he hasn't been beaten down. You really make me the envy of this half disabled man."

With that, he drove the wheelchair, approached him slowly, and said with a smile, "brother, do you remember how my legs were damaged?"

Yu Yimo is silent, his cold eyes are staring at the man in the wheelchair.

"Say, my legs, but because of your disability!"

Yu Gubei said, the smile on his face disappeared and replaced by endless cold, "do you remember when I was 16 years old and you were 20 years old, I just entered Yu's house. Your attitude towards me made me feel like I was in hell! I take the initiative to find you again and again, and I want to get close to you again and again. I really take you as my big brother, but you

His voice was suddenly gloomy, and the expression on his face became sad and indignant. His eyes were fixed on Yu Yimo, and did not move. "Yu Yimo, I became disabled when I was 16, and you did it!"

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