The Warmest Romance

Chapter 113

Chapter 113

Chapter 113

Ruan Shishi was stunned, a little strange. At this time, the colleagues in the Department were almost gone, and the headlights outside were turned off. How could there be footsteps.

That footstep sound is very steady, and indeed is to her side close, Ruan Shishi clenched the mouse, unconsciously nervous.

It is absolutely impossible for her to stay in such a large office area without fear.

Suddenly, the footsteps stopped at the door. After a few seconds of silence, they were suddenly pushed away.

Ruan Shishi's eyes widened. When he saw the man standing at the door clearly, he was suddenly relieved.

"You Why are you here? "

Yu Yimo sees a woman's appearance of seeing a ghost and slightly raises her eyebrows. "Can't I come here?"

"I don't mean that." Ruan Shishi breathed a sigh of relief, and her original fear disappeared. "I thought you had gone home."

Yu Yimo walks towards her with long legs and goes to her desk. Then she stops and glances at the pile of documents on the desk. Her eyes suddenly sink.

With one hand on the table, he looked down at Ruan Shishi, as if he was a little displeased. "Why didn't I know you loved your work so much?"

Ruan Shishi didn't know whether his words were commendatory or derogatory. He blushed and said, "the work was not finished on time, which hindered the progress of the Department."

Yu Yimo, after a pause, put his paper bag on the table and said, "eat first."

As soon as Ruan Shishi looked up and saw the packed porridge and vegetables, his eyes flashed.

Just now, she was so hungry that she had to work overtime.

Ruan Shishi's heart warmed and looked at Yu Yimo excitedly, "have you eaten yet?"

Yu Yimo nodded slightly and gave the order, "well, this is what I brought for you. Finish it."

Without saying a word, Ruan Shishi immediately started, while Yu Yimo sat aside and picked up a document to read.

After dinner, Ruan Shishi continued to work, accompanied by Yu Yimo. She was inexplicably relieved, and her work efficiency improved a lot. After more than an hour, she finished all the summary work. josei

On the way home, Ruan Shishi turned to look at the man who was driving. The corners of her mouth rose unconsciously. After a long pause, she finally said, "thank you for working overtime with me today."

It happened that the car arrived at the intersection and was waiting for the green light. Yu Yimo turned his head and looked at Ruan Shishi solemnly, "Shishi, you and I don't have to say thank you."

Ruan Shishi's heart warmed and nodded with a smile.

Soon, the car arrived at the other yard, and Ruan Shishi followed Yu Yimo into the door. As soon as she changed her shoes, aunt Rong met her, "young master, young grandmother, just now Dutt helped me and sent me two invitation cards."

Yu Yimo took the invitation from Aunt Rong and glanced, "I know."

It was a jewelry exhibition on Saturday. People from business and entertainment circles in Jiangzhou were invited to attend the event. It was mainly about the release and display of some new jewelry products. For Yu Yimo, it was just a cocktail party to look for business opportunities and socialize.

He put the invitation on the cabinet at the entrance. As soon as he turned his head, he saw that Ruan Shishi was staring at the invitation, with a look of concentration and curiosity.

After a pause, he asked, "do you want to go?"

Ruan Shishi didn't expect that his careful thinking was discovered by him. He was embarrassed and laughed, "it seems to be fun..."

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